Thursday, May 27, 2010

How To Delete Someone On Nasza Klasa

The plan is actually

May 27, 2010
spreading lies about a merciless battle against organized crime, the government is passing a series of measures which undermine the rule of law

Luigi De Magistris

With Law on tapping the government and the servile majority that supports it approved yet another measure that aims, consciously, to strengthen the middle class mafia which are objective referents and guarantors. One of the greatest lies in state in recent months - also pumped to the art of propaganda scheme Minzolini & Co. - is that related to the fact that this government is the best in the fight against organized crime.

The objective fact is diametrically opposite sign. This government, with the lintels central Berlusconi and the Lega, which is more than any other is strengthening a system steeped in corruption and mafia. How? Through the adoption of laws that do not allow the judiciary and the police to exercise judicial review and deprives the press of the faculty to fulfill the right and duty to chronicle.

The list of measures is very long, so that the plan Propaganda2 Licio Gelli seems like a puzzle by amateurs. Here are some more desired by Berlusconi and the strong powers and occult offshoot of which is guaranteed and that are endorsed by the League and now that has become backbone of our party system. The law on tax shelter introducing recycling has been practiced by fraudsters, gangsters, corrupt, crooks. The money for the cracks that come back clean from abroad by the government. The Parliament has become an international laundry of dirty money.

The law provides for the auctioning of goods confiscated from the mafia, allowing the mafia to return - through dummy - in the availability about properties that have a high symbolic value in terms of dominance of the territory. The law on short basket that thousands of criminal cases against white collar. A general immunity for the premier and the cracks that they see in him the savior from the relentless hammer of justice. The law on legitimate ground, serving as the Prime Minister to get away, like a thief, from the courtroom in defiance of art. 3 of the Constitution which stipulates that all citizens are equal before the law. The wiretapping law that prevents judges to use a means of gathering evidence essential in the fight against crime. A measure prohibiting also the media publish and tell the facts of the conversations.

With this law would not have known anything about the gang of Anemone & Co, in which Berlusconi was plotting to censor Annozero of D'Addario, Calciopoli, pedophiles, of Marrazzo, the wide boys of the neighborhood, the horrors of the clinics. Nothing at all. A country standard in ignorance of the facts. The corrupt and mafia to climb higher and higher institutions. The law that deprives the public prosecutor the power to investigate on its own initiative, forcing him to be bound by the information initiative of the police and therefore the government. Takes place, thus the dependence of pm the executive. The law amending the law on so-called repentant providing evidence that the statements of an employee shall not be ye say to other employees. Not only that. It states that if one party, even infinitesimal, explanations are not found, it all falls. A probatio diabolical.

With this law all the Mafia maxi-trials would never have been able to celebrate. Farewell investigations on the relationship between mafia and politics, mafia and economics, between the mafia and institutions. Moreover, all natural, as he said Benigni in the film Johnny Toothpick, stating that in Sicily the problem is traffic.

From the daily source of 27 May


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