Restoring Mayberry
Holywood has enormous power over the world perception by the public - Gandhi is one of my heroes, but when I picture comes to mind Ben Kingsley. Instead, we want the public to reflect and be prepared for a difficult future. So we should pay attention to the productions Holywoodiane talking about how it could be tomorrow.
Unfortunately the image that Hollywood gives us the future is usually pretty sad, almost all stores have a section of film called "horror-science fiction", to demonstrate that the future of that show is pretty scary. Only in recent years have been shot films such as The Book of Eli, The Road, 2012, I Am Legend, Children of Men, 28 Weeks Later, Resident Evil, Terminator movies and TV shows, and even Wall-E, the first film children's post-apocalyptic setting.
None of these productions is very realistic, though some are good stories (Wall-E), others are not (Resident Evil). Last winter, with The Road and 2012, we had an example of both.
The Road manages to be both a great film that a respectable adaptation of a book almost impossible to transpose to the movies. Unfortunately it seems that the trailer has misled many people, who went to the movies with wrong expectations.
The trailer begins with a montage composed of grainy footage of archival footage of various disasters, lightning, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanoes, forest fires, and rows of policemen running towards an accident. Like many previews that are proposed in these days, I just put together a little 'things in a case that will be in the film, none of these natural disasters in the film, is apparently put there to exploit the wake of blockbuster success of 2012.
Even worse, about the time setting of the film, in one of these trailers is said with titles in black and white and the background of a splash in surround, "10 years". The events of the book and the movie takes place several years after the end of the world but it's a scenario that an abstract style Nostradamus prophecy. It 's more than a fault of the studios who produced the film, but diminishes the impact of the film and comes at a time when we do not need the darkest fantasies.
The film tells us of a terrible future, without going into the territories of the fantastic. All that is human is not extinct, it is implied a nuclear winter, though never named, and there are no plants, no animals, no life. The sky is "like a cold glaucoma making the fuzzy world", the land is covered by a thick layer of ash forests are stretches of blackened trees that break and fall one after another.
Humans have become cannibals and the remaining few who remain are almost all survived tough battles. What characterizes the main characters, simply called Man and The Boy-is that not resort to this even when it meant their survival. It 's the moral line that refuses to pass as you wander through a hostile nameless travelers filled landscape with little dialogue.
not seem to be a very interesting story, but millions of people have thought that the prose of the author, Pulitzer Prize winner, is so well refined that it seems very light, so that pushes the reader to continue along the winding plot.

The producers have done an excellent job in bringing this world on the screen: familiar faces such as Viggo Mortensen, Robert Duvall and Guy Pearce are unrecognizable beneath the encrustations of dirt, and the soundtrack is appropriately thin. There is adherence to the reverential dry and episodic plot, which eschews the usual action moralizing Hollywood and complacent or easy solutions. Rather, they took the opposite direction, omitting the most shocking scene in the book, perhaps careful to stay away from too flashy style of the little film slasher.
However, the world depicted in the film is probably impossible: no one has had the opportunity to experience a real nuclear winter, but also under a sky constantly covered probably could grow some plants-vegetation also exists in the undergrowth of the jungle almost dark, and in the most dark cave. Not even the cold would have the capability to prevent the growth of plants some grass and some trees survive in the polar regions where almost every day of the year the temperature is below zero and there is darkness for six months, then the freezing rain in the book could not eliminate all life on earth. Not even the radiation could do: as noted by Alain Weisman in his book "The World Without Us", the area around Chernobyl radiation has become a lush natural park. The most of our sudden disappearance would have an abundance of life that we are currently removing.
Even if they die all the plants of the earth would still fungi and insects, as the writer noted Ran Prieur-fungi are mentioned once in the book, insects ever.
I have dwelt on these details to emphasize the fact that this world is only the fruit of the imagination of Cormac McCartthy, as the extreme consequence of his dig through gloomy scenarios. The Science-Fiction was confronted with those situations in creative writing: what if they lose all memory? What if one generation had been born blind and deaf? What would happen if all the trees gone? If
The Road tries to be a personal story in a purely fictional scenario, 2012 is the opposite: $ 200 million of steaming nonsense distilled claim to be prophecies, peppered with a budget so high that it would be sufficient to give feed a number of starving children in third world Parin five times that of the people of Chicago. The result is a sleek package that calls for a romantic get excited when it conducts a fireball, to cheer the puppy saved at the last minute, breathe a sigh of relief when the characters "ugly and unpleasant" die quietly staying out of the screen.
The story begins with two scientists who explain in a hoarse voice that "in another particle neutrinos have changed!" To which everyone is wondering what can this mean, however seemingly "is hitting the center of the earth as microwaves" . Later, a video-witness tells us that some things vaguely defined mean that the earth's crust change every 640,000 years, we see an animated T-Rex that says "Another time, No!" The narrative then relates that the geologist Charles Hapgood believed in this idea, which Einstein argued that the Maya were the first to discover , and that Christians have called the Ecstasy.
You can write a book with all the inconsistencies contained in these few lines, but only a few examples:
If life on earth is cleared every 640,000 years, then they are saying that life begins again to each cycle? That hominids have to evolve again from scratch? They are saying that one of these cycles has extinguished the dinosaurs 65 million years ago but never before, or who died 640 thousand years ago, or what?
It 'really existed a Charles Hapgood, whose theory was supported by Einstein Einstein-mentioned probably because it is the only scientist who knows the people. From what I know, however, Hapgood has never said anything about the year 2012 ol'Estasi-his theory of the disaster was trying to explain why it seems that the continents were different in the past, before scientists prove that move slowly . Einstein, for his part, was a physicist, not a mystical prophet.
According to every archaeologist who speaks Maya I've read, the Mayans never predicted the world would end in 2012, according to some, in fact, had no conception of the end of the world as we've got it. Even if they had had it, why believe in something because they did them? Should we begin to sacrifice to the gods wrathful slaves?
The film suggests that the name Ecstasy is one of the fundamental points of Christian doctrine, and introducing it into the script that nell'insensibile written on the posters "will be left behind?" The Ecstasy but, contrary to popular belief, is not the ' traditional Christian idea of \u200b\u200bthe end of the world is an eschatology specific invented in the 19th century by the head of a sect called John Darby English, made popular among the hippies in the years 70 by Hal Lindsay's book "The Late Great Planet Earth" and then made popular by the series "Left Behind" in the 90s. It is not anywhere near what they believe or where they believed the majority of Christian churches and New Age is just an idea like that of 2012.
I could mention many other nonsense about the disasters shown in the film-solar eruptions, bubbling wells, by tsunami waves over the Himalayas (!), And a large part of Nevada that sinks into a ... um ... a huge vortex that seems to start from within the earth. You can still get an idea of \u200b\u200bthis in the paragraphs above, I paid more attention to review the ideas of those who made the film or the ideas that were supposed to have viewers of the film.
If history were only obvious fiction, what I said did not really matter-the people would take it as a whim to escape reality, and we know that producers need to do business. But like the Left Behind series, in 2012 the attitude is that of someone who predicts something terrible will happen soon in the real world. The only difference is that in the television series, the authors seem to truly believe in something ridiculous, and here the producers seem to speculate on people's fears to make money. Can be justified by saying that the film is only a fiction, but have not put together another ridiculous movie like The Core and Volcano: rather have ridden a wave of real paranoia spread among people worried.
I have devoted space to this subject because, as I said above, Hollywood influences how we see things willy-nilly. We deserve stories that have something to do with what families really have to face in the years to come, and we give comforting picture of what life could be. If you think this can not be done should be in Hollywood to say.
So what sort of futuristic stories I suggest? I'll say more next week.
Original title: "Video review: The Road and 2012"
Source: http://restoringmayberry.blogspot.com
Translation for www.comedonchisciotte.org by Temujin
read on: www.comedonchisciotte.org
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