The crisis is over - There will be new sacrifices - Someone paid my apartment without my knowledge - to the wage soprt village I took care of the herniated disc.
They lied and lied again. They lied when they declared that the Euro would have protected the purchasing power, and reduced it by 40% opposed. It was so safe and convenient - they said - not only that a referendum was unnecessary, but rather the way people had to pay additional taxes to deserve the privilege of entering the Euro, the single currency.
lied about the amount of taxes to be paid to enter the Euro: the first were 5,000 billion lire, then 10,000, then 20,000. At one point we were told that we were finally in the Euro, the single currency. But here again lying. And now we're seeing it: the Euro is not a single currency. It 's a very different thing: it is a set of fixed parity of exchange between different currencies involved. It 's like the old European Monetary System, jumped in the early '90s, just introduced euro notes and coins municipalities to support the illusion that a single currency.
Not a single currency because the Euro is produced by the ECB and "sold" to the country against government securities in each country. Each country produces and sells its own securities. Every country, every public debt, has its credit rating and pay the percentage rate of interest over his accounts are reliable, less pay. And the differences can be large. In addition, rating agencies can play, and played in the Eurozone By lowering artificially divide the rating of this or that country in financial difficulty. You can get to a situation where the ECB has declared that the titles of a given country eurozone are not used to buy euros.
For most countries make a common currency, common need to issue securities of the common debt, namely that unify their respective debts. They pay a single interest rate. That obviously has not happened and can not be done: unify Germany and France do not why their public debt with those of Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece.
What has happened and that was predictable and inevitable, and was desired by some, is that forcing inefficient economic systems to use the same currency of the economic efficiency with which they had reports of competition and / or trade, caused the decline and the dismantling of inefficient economic systems: Greece, Southern Italy, Portugal ... All the more so at the same time, the attack came competitive in the new EU countries in eastern Europe and China, India, Pakistan, Morocco ... Among areas with economic efficiency and debt levels very far apart, there can be a common currency. But it can not survive an equal joint without killing the weak areas. Unless they do not take political power on and do not exploit the strong colonialist. So skip the Euro, one way or another.
Meanwhile the bankers carry on their policy and their business. Remember when the banks, the ECB will provide loans and minimum rates easy? And then, when families and businesses were in debt, tightened the cords with Basel I and Basel II, sending the economy falling apart? A flood of defaults? And when the financial costs more products from this credit crunch, that is, monetary, and insolvent, yet it produced, which is translated into a general rise in prices, inflation monetary shouted and shook even more cords of liquidity, and raised interest rates repeatedly, to obtain the collapse of financial markets and the real economy in 2008? Do you remember, then, say in late July, overnight, blatantly contradicting himself, "discovered" that there was a dramatic need for cash, and threw the rates to zero? And governments used to refinance banks and the like with public money, ie public debt, removing money to the real economy and incomes and public spending? And have you noticed how, with that refinancing, the banks have tacked together a frantic exchange of financial stocks to go up artificially markets, prompting investors and pension fund investment to put their money to make up for the loss of 2007-2008? And as reported bonuses of their CEOs at higher levels the stock market crash?
Now it is repeated: a new lot of income and savings to transfer wealth to the banking system, rather than to charge the perpetrators and beneficiaries of bank fraud and destructive speculation.
inflation raises its head and ensure that the ECB will not tolerate this happen. That promises and pregiustifica rate hikes. But he knows very well that, today as before 2008, there is no monetary inflation, precisely because, contrary to what takes (in obvious bad faith), the ECB, the real economy is dying for lack of money available. That falsely presented as inflation is excess money in fact is the increase of financial costs (and consequently the prices of goods and services) due precisely to the credit crunch of Basel I, II and III, the systematic practice of usury by bank credit with the tacit consent of the central banks, increase in unit costs due to diseconomies of industrial scale (in turn due to lower production and competition from Chinese). But the fact that bankers and governments have hijacked the monetary resources by consumption, by income, investments to support banking and financial speculation, demonetized the productive economy in favor of speculative and widespread insolvencies, bankruptcies, layoffs.
Now, with the operations of adjustment of the accounts, with new taxes, with further cuts in income and spending, and together with rising interest rates, it is clear that deliberately aim to produce a first-rate economic depression and long- duration (a maneuver that I understand it, in my recent Oligarchy for surplus population, as intended to save the Earth civil and industrial pollution, the exhaustion of raw materials, overpopulation). There are precedents: as evidenced by prof. Richard Werner in his essays The Pricnes of the Yen and the New Paradigm in Macroeconomics, something similar to the international banking system has already been done in 1991 to Japan, to cut the legs to its economy through a sharp tightening of monetary and economic terms, which blocked the 'industrial and commercial expansion of that country, and still keeps in stagnation. And in so doing allowed the rise of the star of China, designated to buy the ongoing issue of U.S. T-bonds - U.S. who were at the beginning of a long and costly series of military campaigns.
Whatever the real aim of the operation in the West Bank to send economic depression, the reality of this maneuver is tangible evidence. And politicians, governments, parliaments design accommodates such depression. If you really want to fight it, governments could easily do with covert operations against big business and its credit rating agencies, such as those that lead to terrorism is not financial.
In Italy and other countries we are surprised that the ruling class (politicians, big commissions), steal, or eat, or arraffino, but are not accidental, not isolated, but systemic. But what else could be done, if not that, a ruling class that, in the actual system of power, is subject to financial strength, which is the executive arm of the dirty and the mask of these interests, and in this role and pillage the people who boycotted the paper and should be administer? It 's inevitable grabbing his own, as well as plunder for them. In Italy, with a tangentopoli, are diverting public opinion from the great evil with evil but little more acceptable to public opinion, which is then conditioned to see the problem as a widely corrupt ruling class: a problem to be solved with investigations and sanctions, and more references to ethical values.
The people, the masses are not, because many, able to learn, to understand, to avoid. They act according to emotions, habits, imitation. Otherwise would not have fallen into the trap of easy loans, nor in that of the crisis behind. And I'm not even able to coordinate, otherwise we would have already had a violent revolution in the U.S. to Greece, Italy etc. Against these parliaments and governments that they prey on their people on behalf of the bankers, lying and deceiving systematically on economic . But this revolution would be entirely useless, because there is no alternative, in our times, to govern the people through the instrument money and banking, and more specifically to instruments manipulators. So whether or not the outbreak of the revolution, we lose nothing, except the bloody spectacle of the people who vents his anger on the streets, making pieces Ministers, ladies and senators, boyars and all other state from which he believes to have been reduced misery.
Marco Della Luna
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