Sometimes life really offers combinations incredible. Think about it: while those who do not believe the official version of September 11 are convinced that the "character" of Osama bin Laden has been created by the CIA at the table, the CIA itself has admitted that he falsified a video of Osama bin Laden.
The news passes, almost unnoticed, between the lines of a recent Washington Post article, which contains the revelations of two former CIA agents about the background of the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.
When planning the invasion of Iraq in 2003 - the article says - the group CIA operative in Iraq has launched a number of ideas to discredit Saddam Hussein in the eyes of his people. One idea was to create a video in which the dictator engage in sexual relations with a boy, according to one of two former CIA agents who were aware of this project. Must have seemed to have been filmed by a hidden camera, very grainy, as if the secret recording of an erotic encounter. The idea was to flood Iraq with these videos, according to ex-agent. Another idea was to break the Iraqi with a fake television news special. An actor who played Hussein announced that he would abdicate in favor of this (especially hated) son Uday. "I'm sure you give all your support to His Excellency Uday," he said fake Hussein. In fact, the agency has made a video showing Osama bin Laden and his cronies sit around a fire, which swallowed bottles of alcohol and boasted of their conquests homosexuals. "The actors - said one of the ex-agents, grinning at the memory - were taken from among those of us who have darker skin than others."
Of course we know that this kind of ideas is by no means new in the corridors CIA. Indeed, it is so outdated and stale ideas ...
... by having circulated for those corridors - apparently without much success - for over 50 years. For example, a project to overthrow Fidel Castro, which dates back to 1960, proposed to gradually devirilizzare the person of the dictator, the introduction of female hormones in his food, which would have dropped the beard, giving him a voice increasingly acute.
idea is to smile think that these gentlemen to give the same "negative connotations" to any enemy in the world, without any regard to its geographical location and culture in which he lives: while it may be assumed that an effeminate Fidel Castro would lose much of its appeal, in world "macho" Latin America, a Saddam Hussein or bin Laden, who made merry with the kids would not have even raised an eyebrow among the Afghans or Iraqis.
But the most curious thing - beyond the content - is that the people of Langley have made a fake video of Osama bin Laden, when half the world has long suspected that bin Laden's videos are just of fake products by the CIA. Which of course is so lucky to be able to see them often on her own. (E 'the literal application of the concept of "home-movie": you write it and you sing it, all by himself). The most striking example was that of the video called "Speaking of beards," accidentally found by the CIA in an abandoned nest of Taliban, who later served as an indictment against the sheik main rebel attacks of September 11. Of course I do
attacks and forget to prepare the claim is from the mentally retarded. By us at least the "flyers of BR" were ready in the trash when of the attacks, there appeared three months later, found "accidentally" by the same agents of Digos.
wonder if the fun in the meantime as the poor fellow, in the afterlife, seeing this ongoing havoc done to his person by a gang of microcephalic whose only advantage is to address an audience whose vision is even more restricted in them.
As is well known in the land of the blind who is one-eyed man is king.
Massimo Mazzucco
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