May 29, 2010
Luca Telese
Phenomenology of a dangerous fascination between the premier and dictator. Long 15 years
What we need to think of berlu-Mussolini? The association between the two words - unfortunately for Silvio Berlusconi - is not the result of some exasperated opponent, but an evocation of work (and association), that the premier, at regular intervals, has taken steps to cement (and perhaps even encourage) the collective imagination.
The last pearl. Yesterday, of course, the news has gone around the world. Berlusconi, citing the diaries of Mussolini and powerless compared to the dictator, Benito Silva as a victim of his own men: "They say I have power, it is not true. Maybe we have the leaders, but do not know. I only know that I can order the horse to move right or move left, and this - explained the premier - I can be happy. " And what about the story of Marcello Dell'Utri pleased to Radio24? Worse than a claim in a phone booth: "Yes, it's true, I gave those logs: I made a photocopy. A question: what would happen in Germany if Angela Merkel had said Adolf Hitler? Since it is technically impossible (Merkel is a serious statesman) is not given to know. But there is, however, now a vast literature citations berlu-Mussolini, which places a question on the use made by the premier, during the years of the 'other' Italian bulkiest of our history. It 's a political and ideological task (ie, subtraction of the electorate nostalgic hated Dino Grandi, Gianfranco Fini?). A marketing operation on behalf of his friend Marcello (sell the rights to the diaries-fake)? Or a business in its operation? (For the Mondadori publishing the loot, after having advertised all over the world)? Knowing the man, everything is possible. But perhaps the true explanation is another.
Natali anti-fascists. Meanwhile, it is necessary to retrace the history of this fascination. The curious thing is that Berlusconi's early in its self-narration, are "anti-fascists." Of course, an anomalous anti-fascism, all of Lombardy, a bit 'to Mike Bongiorno (who was in jail at the side of General Della Rovere, even immortalized in the masterpiece of Indro Montanelli). Berlusconi has repeatedly said that family background: "My father was clubbed by the fascists. Rheumatism when he was struck by sleeping under bridges in the Navigli ...". Reconstruction ex post? Lexicon dusted ad hoc family to silence the controversy?
Anniversary deserted. One thing certain: until 2009 Silvio Berlusconi has never celebrated April 25. Perhaps mindful of the fact that the largest event was antiberlusconiana organized in 1994 (the anniversary of the liberation) from the manifest. For Berlusconi, especially in the early years of the "descent into the field," anti-fascism was a slippery topic. Even in 1995, Umberto Bossi shouted: "Never, never, never, to power BerluscĂ z and fascist pig."
A dad with the Bucks. He remained in the annals of the curtain at Porta a Porta, 2000 when Berlusconi made a great blunder in response to an incredulous Fausto Bertinotti: "I'll be happy to know that Dad Deer goes all my admiration ...." And Bertinotti, softly: ".. . Cervi Dad unfortunately he died ... he can not know more .... " Useless, undaunted Berlusconi insisted: "So, if you keep the invitation, I will be happy to come with her to pay tribute to this noble figure who suffered ...." Bertinotti: "Mr Berlusconi! Cervi Pope is dead! He died a long time .... " Customs clearance
progressive. As with anti-fascism was Malino, Berlusconi began the gradual clearance of twenty years and its protagonist. "Mussolini - said in 1996 - was a leading figure of twenty years' of history for good or particularly bad. Prodi is rather a pop, you can not even begin to imagine a comparison between the two men. " Even if Instead, it was a first public tribute. But the real clearance was to interview the Spetctator 2003: "Mussolini never killed anyone, Mussolini sent people to go on holiday to internal exile." Memorable (and not retractable). It started the competition with An on his land. Then came the clearance sarcastic, but in hindsight - for the first time - autocomparativo: "Mussolini had the nuclei of black shirts, I, according to the newspapers that are left of our underlays abroad, would the cores of tissue. Thank God, I feel a bit 'better ...". In September 2008, the Prime Minister came to the party Atreju, the young people of An, in black shirt, reading sull'anticomunismo tracks. A response to the passage of Fini (the day before) to anti. Today, however, the element of fascination is the largest climate from "24 July" (copyright Giuliano Ferrara): the comparison with fascism tragic. A Berlusconi perhaps, would rewrite the ending of Piazzale Loreto, explain to Italians that the only "man in charge" of the country's history can be him. Want to see the crap-Dell'Utri diaries were written in Arcore?
From the daily of May 29
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