Mark Cedolin
now the 90s we started to get a feeling for which proclamations by lever on the feeling of national unity, imposed sacrifices, hard but necessary, pull Belt painful but not Procrastination, great little "flowers" to be made today need to feel better tomorrow.
Before it was a "punishment" in order to repay the extravagance and debauchery that occurred during the years of Tangentopoli. Then a tax to pay for the construction of a greater Europe that would allow us to play the lion's share of the economy turned upside down by globalization. Then again an investment in the future, aimed at the creation of the euro, the currency and ultimately magical able to make us meet the challenges of the new millennium. Then more blood and tears needed to do to regain our country and its industrial system lost competitiveness. Finally, what Giulio Tremonti very grandly calls a "turn in the story," needed to save the euro and the ECB, or if you prefer to respond to prevailing market demands.
The bend of the story by Tremonti feared nothing but the last episode (or rather its trailer) of a race of shrimp twenty years, during which more and more extensive resources of the community have been alienated in favor of the financial system economy and robbery related to it.
gradually creating unemployment, reduced purchasing power of wages and pensions, destruction of rights, elimination of any hope for future generations.
The bend of the story through which Tremonti, loyal to the directives of Brussels even more than those of the party where the fear creeps over the loss of consensus, it will attempt to recover 24 billion €, knowing that eventually must be at least sixty billion, not to scare the measures provided for in the maneuver. Measures largely confusing, cobbled together, without any vision in perspective and totally inadequate to achieve the results projected.
Nor scared by the fact that the maneuver, while hiding behind a facade populist rants that cut the salaries of the political class and the great manager, hit as always the usual suspects, actually increasing the tax burden and reducing employment prospects and the purchasing power of households.
The bend of the scary stories, as yet another "blow" (of which the maneuver is only the first tranche) will affect a country already deep in a state of catatonia, very far from recovering that Italy not later a year ago was "told" the newspapers and on TV.
A country where, despite the ridiculous figures provided by ISTAT, One in two people of working age do not have a job worthy of the name. Where the list of companies that close their doors each month (most of them to relocate production abroad) resembles in size to that of the phone. Where large firms that remain standing or resist the temptations of relocation can survive only thanks to the support of the layoffs.
Where millions of unemployed young people will be forced to live indefinitely in the family, hoping that the salary of the parents or the layoff could last a long time. Where the small business has long since been destroyed by supermarkets that now is going to attack the street.
Where the small business, strangled by the markets and banks, is a category of endangered. Where the amount of foreclosures for insolvency is not broken, because it alone would be enough to undermine any resurgence of optimism.
Behind the hairpin will not find much to welcome us to the precipice and would probably exercise too naive to hope to be able to brake in time, regaining some form of monetary sovereignty, stop the bleeding of relocating, trying to create employment opportunities in new areas perhaps related to industrial restructuring, transferring to a family's wealth unlawfully forfeited by the great financial powers. But it may still be an attempt based on logic and with some prospect of success. In the race
Shrimp proposed by Tremonti does not manifest any willingness to curb, street at full speed towards the cliff, probably will enter in history, but as always the wrong door.
Marco Cedolin
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