The last two laws ad personam era Berlusconi - Marco Travaglio
May 31, 2010
The first concerns the 20 million handed out to broadband. A pocket money in order not to risk the monopoly of Mediaset. The second is the so-called save-Mondadori
The brown tide that floods Italy for 16 years shows no signs of stopping: failed even the latest attempts to block the hole in the Palazzo Chigi, which comes out smelling the sewage pumped from the company PDL, in the last days there were two other puzzolentissime ad personam "laws, the thirty-ninth and fortieth Berlusconi Era. But, confused in the vast dark stain, passed virtually unnoticed by everyone, except for a few specialists who have noticed, however, ignored. The first (in fact, the thirty-ninth), reported yesterday by John Valentine on the Republic, is the pocket money of 20 million bestowed by the government of the three I (Business, Education and the Internet) to young Internet users for development (so to speak) of band large or very large. The Prodi government had allocated 900 million and was mocked by the center because they were too few for the development of broadband or overwhelming need at least 3 billion.
Money thrown into a crisis? No, a strategic investment to overcome the crisis: according to the president Agcom Corrado Calabro, the development of broadband "can increase GDP by 1 .5 to 2 percent," making a flywheel - Valentini explains - "the production, employment, trade, consumption, a the whole economy and particularly to the south. " Pay a box office 100. Why then did the government save on broadband? The development of television over the Internet threatens the monopoly of that over the air, of which Mediaset is almost 50 percent in terms of plays and over 60 in terms of advertising. "At the same time - known Valentini - Italian state waiver to collect more than 3 billion euro, excluding auction competitive among the operators of TLC on the new digital terrestrial frequencies, as it did for example in Germany, to give national and local television broadcasters, including the prime minister, "who" pay a usage fee equal to 1 derisory % of turnover. " Luckily, B. again, about the sacrifices imposed by the operation of 25 billion, that "we are all in this together" (the new yacht Pier Silvio).
The second law ad personam last week (the fortieth in 16 years made by B. and B.) is the save-Mondadori. We had already tried to end the financial year and then with Milleproroghe decree, but had not had time. Now he made in the decree put Incentives 40/2010 (comically titled "Urgent tax and financial law enforcement to tax fraud), the petitioner, Alessandro Pagano of the PDL, which on its website described it as" mini-amnesty ". Mini ass. It provides that, in the case of two favorable reviews in a row, "the tax disputes pending before the Supreme Court can be settled by payment of an amount equal to 5% of the value of the dispute ... and contextual to waive any claim to equitable relief. " What's behind it? Simple. Mondadori, snatched in 1990 by B. De Benedetti bought thanks to a ruling, we have seen by the challenge Revenue and income tax evasion Ilori € 200 million on 1991.
After the first two sets of proceedings, won by Mondadori, the cause lies in the Supreme Court for ten years (the famous short process) and the end of 2009, when the president of tax Enrico Altieri, feared by fraudsters for his rigor, was to decide if the transfer is seen snatch and the sections together. Thus, pending the ruling, came the sneaky: if convicted, the Mondadori publishing house would pay 10 million instead of 200 (unless the Court of Luxembourg does not accept the action for breach of free competition announced by the court in other cases Altieri). All of a decree signed by the Chairman of Republic and those of the Council, the owner (also illegal) of Mondadori. From producer to consumer. Indeed, the end user.
From the daily source of 30 May
Monday, May 31, 2010
What Cleats Does Micheal Vick Wear
Jesus rests in India (?)
To the north of the Indian peninsula, in Kashmir, there is a shrine which houses two tombs, one of which would be that of Jesus
Jesus died like a man lying in a common grave in Srinagar, capital of the Indian state of Kashmir.
looks like the script of a novel by Dan Brown, and instead is Lonely Planet, the famous series of guidebooks, which shows the description of the "tomb of Jesus' burial site in the Roza Bal, whose meaning comes from the Kashmiri Rauza-Bal, the tomb of the prophet." A nothing has served to distance published in the latest edition of the guide on India: the grave has become a pilgrimage destination by foreigners curious and conspiracy theorists.
The debate has gone on for decades and it seems that the tomb contains two grave sites: one is that of a Muslim saint of the medieval period, Syed Naseerudin, the other is a charismatic preacher arrived in Kashmir by Israel in 30 AD, Yuz Asaf, also known as Issa.
All movement that revolves around the story and tourists that fill the holy site, are not welcome by the local Muslim population, for which the tomb contains the remains of the Sufi saint, the most recent tenant of Roza Bal, whose life is well documented, and has attracted himself all the religious attention in recent times. Of
Yuz Asaf, however, is said to have arrived with his mother Mary, and his name in the language of Kashmir means "healer" or "shepherd."
stories about spurious or alternative versions of the New Testament, including the possibility that Jesus survived the crucifixion and has traveled to Kashmir with his mother or his wife, are very ancient, but in last hundred years have begun to arouse more interest.
the tomb of Roza Bal will have testimonies from 112 AD, before the advent of Islam, but Muslims and Christians both agree that this whole story is blasphemous: both religions Jesus Christ has been taken in heaven from God, and some sects believe in His second coming.
The warden of the small shrine that stands firmly in Srinagar says that both are Muslim burials, but supporters of the thesis that in the temple of Roza Bal there is the tomb of Christ take several arguments in favor of their theories: among them there ' Olsson is Suzanne, a researcher who lives in New York, author of "Jesus in India, The Lost Tomb. " The Olsson says he is the 59th descendant of Christ and has an ambitious project entitled: "The DNA of God," who wants to study seven burial sites in Pakistan, Kashmir and Tibet, hoping that DNA testing to produce the Rosa Bal conclusive proof of his lineage. Also claims that in what is now Pakistan, where he would pass on his journey, find the tomb of Mary, in a site known as the Murree.
books on the subject. On the subject, as well as that of Olsson, several books have been written since the last century, a French lawyer who first proposed the idea that Jesus had spent time in India in a book of 1869, The Bible in India. There is a Russian author, Nicolas Notovich, who in 1890 wrote The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ. More recently we find a number of books published by an Indian sect, the Ahmadiyya sect, and a local journalist, Aziz Kashmiri, in 1973, is co-author of another book on the subject by Professor Fida Hassnain, former director of the archaeological section of the Museums in Jammu and Kashmir. In addition to books of investigations, and essays, novels are also well documented, such as the thriller The Rozabal line, Ashwin Sanghi, 2007.
theses. The main argument, reported in several publications who want to experience the presence of Christ in Roza Bal, starting from the consideration of so-called missing years in the life of Jesus, those between 12 and 30 years, of which there is no trace of the New Testament. The nineteenth century Russian author, Notovich, talks about some scrolls found in a Buddhist monastery in the Ladakh region, which tells of Jesus' presence in India in those years, engaged in the study of Buddhism. The Kashmiri journalist then, together with prof. Hassnain, expounds the thesis that Jesus died in India at the age of 120 years. A historical link would tie Jesus and the geographical area of \u200b\u200bKashmir: the origin of Kashmiri and Afghan Pashtun dates back to the ten lost tribes of Israel, the people settled in new countries after it went out of Israel during the Babylonian exile, in about 720 BC, is for this reason that Jesus would return to his people. The
Olsson notes instead of the sarcophagus in the Roza Bal is positioned from east to west, as dictated by Jewish tradition, unlike the Muslim, who follows the north-south, and was then covered with a stone directed from north south to give the place, according to his account, Muslim identity. Furthermore feet Yuz Asaf, carved in stone, showing signs of injury are very similar to those inflicted by a nail through them when they are one above the other during the crucifixion, and in Asia there is no tradition or track history of the crucifixion. Other burials then, in addition to to Murree, testify to the links between Kashmir and the Jewish tradition: the tomb of Moses and his brother Aaron, who would become Bandipora and Harwan, also in east-west line.
One thing is certain, if all these claims can prove that the tomb of Roza Bal array is Jewish, is quite another thing to prove that it is the tomb of Jesus of Nazareth. However, the main problem for Suzanne Olsson and his project is another: the idea of \u200b\u200bDNA testing is seen as a desecration of the shrine by the people of Srinagar. Things are better in Pakistan where the tomb of Mary, and the government has already given its support to the project, including making military technology available to carry out surveys. In Kashmir, however difficult things to go the same way, since such a pronouncement from the government would unleash tremendous outrage by those who have already defined the crazy American researcher, and the sanctuary was closed in April following an attempt Olsson's introdurvisi and testing.
After two decades of separatist war, the state of Jammu and Kashmir is experiencing a period of relative peace, and the Indian government does not want to disrupt the fragile calm that has been created by allowing actions that can make upsurge religious violence.
Alessandro Micci
To the north of the Indian peninsula, in Kashmir, there is a shrine which houses two tombs, one of which would be that of Jesus
Jesus died like a man lying in a common grave in Srinagar, capital of the Indian state of Kashmir.
looks like the script of a novel by Dan Brown, and instead is Lonely Planet, the famous series of guidebooks, which shows the description of the "tomb of Jesus' burial site in the Roza Bal, whose meaning comes from the Kashmiri Rauza-Bal, the tomb of the prophet." A nothing has served to distance published in the latest edition of the guide on India: the grave has become a pilgrimage destination by foreigners curious and conspiracy theorists.
The debate has gone on for decades and it seems that the tomb contains two grave sites: one is that of a Muslim saint of the medieval period, Syed Naseerudin, the other is a charismatic preacher arrived in Kashmir by Israel in 30 AD, Yuz Asaf, also known as Issa.
All movement that revolves around the story and tourists that fill the holy site, are not welcome by the local Muslim population, for which the tomb contains the remains of the Sufi saint, the most recent tenant of Roza Bal, whose life is well documented, and has attracted himself all the religious attention in recent times. Of
Yuz Asaf, however, is said to have arrived with his mother Mary, and his name in the language of Kashmir means "healer" or "shepherd."
stories about spurious or alternative versions of the New Testament, including the possibility that Jesus survived the crucifixion and has traveled to Kashmir with his mother or his wife, are very ancient, but in last hundred years have begun to arouse more interest.
the tomb of Roza Bal will have testimonies from 112 AD, before the advent of Islam, but Muslims and Christians both agree that this whole story is blasphemous: both religions Jesus Christ has been taken in heaven from God, and some sects believe in His second coming.
The warden of the small shrine that stands firmly in Srinagar says that both are Muslim burials, but supporters of the thesis that in the temple of Roza Bal there is the tomb of Christ take several arguments in favor of their theories: among them there ' Olsson is Suzanne, a researcher who lives in New York, author of "Jesus in India, The Lost Tomb. " The Olsson says he is the 59th descendant of Christ and has an ambitious project entitled: "The DNA of God," who wants to study seven burial sites in Pakistan, Kashmir and Tibet, hoping that DNA testing to produce the Rosa Bal conclusive proof of his lineage. Also claims that in what is now Pakistan, where he would pass on his journey, find the tomb of Mary, in a site known as the Murree.
books on the subject. On the subject, as well as that of Olsson, several books have been written since the last century, a French lawyer who first proposed the idea that Jesus had spent time in India in a book of 1869, The Bible in India. There is a Russian author, Nicolas Notovich, who in 1890 wrote The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ. More recently we find a number of books published by an Indian sect, the Ahmadiyya sect, and a local journalist, Aziz Kashmiri, in 1973, is co-author of another book on the subject by Professor Fida Hassnain, former director of the archaeological section of the Museums in Jammu and Kashmir. In addition to books of investigations, and essays, novels are also well documented, such as the thriller The Rozabal line, Ashwin Sanghi, 2007.
theses. The main argument, reported in several publications who want to experience the presence of Christ in Roza Bal, starting from the consideration of so-called missing years in the life of Jesus, those between 12 and 30 years, of which there is no trace of the New Testament. The nineteenth century Russian author, Notovich, talks about some scrolls found in a Buddhist monastery in the Ladakh region, which tells of Jesus' presence in India in those years, engaged in the study of Buddhism. The Kashmiri journalist then, together with prof. Hassnain, expounds the thesis that Jesus died in India at the age of 120 years. A historical link would tie Jesus and the geographical area of \u200b\u200bKashmir: the origin of Kashmiri and Afghan Pashtun dates back to the ten lost tribes of Israel, the people settled in new countries after it went out of Israel during the Babylonian exile, in about 720 BC, is for this reason that Jesus would return to his people. The
Olsson notes instead of the sarcophagus in the Roza Bal is positioned from east to west, as dictated by Jewish tradition, unlike the Muslim, who follows the north-south, and was then covered with a stone directed from north south to give the place, according to his account, Muslim identity. Furthermore feet Yuz Asaf, carved in stone, showing signs of injury are very similar to those inflicted by a nail through them when they are one above the other during the crucifixion, and in Asia there is no tradition or track history of the crucifixion. Other burials then, in addition to to Murree, testify to the links between Kashmir and the Jewish tradition: the tomb of Moses and his brother Aaron, who would become Bandipora and Harwan, also in east-west line.
One thing is certain, if all these claims can prove that the tomb of Roza Bal array is Jewish, is quite another thing to prove that it is the tomb of Jesus of Nazareth. However, the main problem for Suzanne Olsson and his project is another: the idea of \u200b\u200bDNA testing is seen as a desecration of the shrine by the people of Srinagar. Things are better in Pakistan where the tomb of Mary, and the government has already given its support to the project, including making military technology available to carry out surveys. In Kashmir, however difficult things to go the same way, since such a pronouncement from the government would unleash tremendous outrage by those who have already defined the crazy American researcher, and the sanctuary was closed in April following an attempt Olsson's introdurvisi and testing.
After two decades of separatist war, the state of Jammu and Kashmir is experiencing a period of relative peace, and the Indian government does not want to disrupt the fragile calm that has been created by allowing actions that can make upsurge religious violence.
Alessandro Micci
What Do You Put On Wedding Bubbles
Israel attacked Freedonm Flottille. There are deaths and injuries, but the figures are still unclear
Israel attacked Freedonm Flottille. There are deaths and injuries, but the figures are still unclear
The attack occurred in international waters, against the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara. According to a television privataisraeliana the dead are fifteen, thirty wounded, one seriously. But the number of victims is still unclear. The government and the Israeli army did not comment. Turkish media released a sound when you hear gun shots and images that we see at least thirty injured on board a ship of the fleet.
The ships are diverted to the port of Haifa.
The fleet was composed of numerous vessels who wanted to bring 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid to Gaza, where they would be due to arrive the same day. On the night of the attack.
Israeli radio reported that turkish government in Ankara was summoned in emergency session and that the Israeli ambassador was summoned to the Foreign Ministry for a protest. According to the broadcaster NTV
Minister esteridi Israeli ambassador to Ankara would transfer the vibrant protest government urco and would define as 'unacceptable' attack this morning.
Some ships of the fleet flying the Turkish flag and Turkish NGOs would be one of the main organizers of the entire operation of sending a flotilla of aid to Gaza under siege. Israel, who denies that is taking place in Gaza a humanitarian crisis, has repeatedly warned that prevented the fleet to arrive in Gaza but had offered to send aid to the destination, after inspection, through a land border crossings. International agencies fighting the first reazone of an Israeli minister. "The images are certainly not pleasant. I can only express regret for all victims," \u200b\u200bsaid the Israeli minister for Trade and Industry, Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, Army Radio.
Israel attacked Freedonm Flottille. There are deaths and injuries, but the figures are still unclear
The attack occurred in international waters, against the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara. According to a television privataisraeliana the dead are fifteen, thirty wounded, one seriously. But the number of victims is still unclear. The government and the Israeli army did not comment. Turkish media released a sound when you hear gun shots and images that we see at least thirty injured on board a ship of the fleet.
The ships are diverted to the port of Haifa.
The fleet was composed of numerous vessels who wanted to bring 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid to Gaza, where they would be due to arrive the same day. On the night of the attack.
Israeli radio reported that turkish government in Ankara was summoned in emergency session and that the Israeli ambassador was summoned to the Foreign Ministry for a protest. According to the broadcaster NTV
Minister esteridi Israeli ambassador to Ankara would transfer the vibrant protest government urco and would define as 'unacceptable' attack this morning.
Some ships of the fleet flying the Turkish flag and Turkish NGOs would be one of the main organizers of the entire operation of sending a flotilla of aid to Gaza under siege. Israel, who denies that is taking place in Gaza a humanitarian crisis, has repeatedly warned that prevented the fleet to arrive in Gaza but had offered to send aid to the destination, after inspection, through a land border crossings. International agencies fighting the first reazone of an Israeli minister. "The images are certainly not pleasant. I can only express regret for all victims," \u200b\u200bsaid the Israeli minister for Trade and Industry, Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, Army Radio.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Bald Spot On Nose Maltese
The crisis is over - There will be new sacrifices - Someone paid my apartment without my knowledge - to the wage soprt village I took care of the herniated disc.
They lied and lied again. They lied when they declared that the Euro would have protected the purchasing power, and reduced it by 40% opposed. It was so safe and convenient - they said - not only that a referendum was unnecessary, but rather the way people had to pay additional taxes to deserve the privilege of entering the Euro, the single currency.
lied about the amount of taxes to be paid to enter the Euro: the first were 5,000 billion lire, then 10,000, then 20,000. At one point we were told that we were finally in the Euro, the single currency. But here again lying. And now we're seeing it: the Euro is not a single currency. It 's a very different thing: it is a set of fixed parity of exchange between different currencies involved. It 's like the old European Monetary System, jumped in the early '90s, just introduced euro notes and coins municipalities to support the illusion that a single currency.
Not a single currency because the Euro is produced by the ECB and "sold" to the country against government securities in each country. Each country produces and sells its own securities. Every country, every public debt, has its credit rating and pay the percentage rate of interest over his accounts are reliable, less pay. And the differences can be large. In addition, rating agencies can play, and played in the Eurozone By lowering artificially divide the rating of this or that country in financial difficulty. You can get to a situation where the ECB has declared that the titles of a given country eurozone are not used to buy euros.
For most countries make a common currency, common need to issue securities of the common debt, namely that unify their respective debts. They pay a single interest rate. That obviously has not happened and can not be done: unify Germany and France do not why their public debt with those of Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece.
What has happened and that was predictable and inevitable, and was desired by some, is that forcing inefficient economic systems to use the same currency of the economic efficiency with which they had reports of competition and / or trade, caused the decline and the dismantling of inefficient economic systems: Greece, Southern Italy, Portugal ... All the more so at the same time, the attack came competitive in the new EU countries in eastern Europe and China, India, Pakistan, Morocco ... Among areas with economic efficiency and debt levels very far apart, there can be a common currency. But it can not survive an equal joint without killing the weak areas. Unless they do not take political power on and do not exploit the strong colonialist. So skip the Euro, one way or another.
Meanwhile the bankers carry on their policy and their business. Remember when the banks, the ECB will provide loans and minimum rates easy? And then, when families and businesses were in debt, tightened the cords with Basel I and Basel II, sending the economy falling apart? A flood of defaults? And when the financial costs more products from this credit crunch, that is, monetary, and insolvent, yet it produced, which is translated into a general rise in prices, inflation monetary shouted and shook even more cords of liquidity, and raised interest rates repeatedly, to obtain the collapse of financial markets and the real economy in 2008? Do you remember, then, say in late July, overnight, blatantly contradicting himself, "discovered" that there was a dramatic need for cash, and threw the rates to zero? And governments used to refinance banks and the like with public money, ie public debt, removing money to the real economy and incomes and public spending? And have you noticed how, with that refinancing, the banks have tacked together a frantic exchange of financial stocks to go up artificially markets, prompting investors and pension fund investment to put their money to make up for the loss of 2007-2008? And as reported bonuses of their CEOs at higher levels the stock market crash?
Now it is repeated: a new lot of income and savings to transfer wealth to the banking system, rather than to charge the perpetrators and beneficiaries of bank fraud and destructive speculation.
inflation raises its head and ensure that the ECB will not tolerate this happen. That promises and pregiustifica rate hikes. But he knows very well that, today as before 2008, there is no monetary inflation, precisely because, contrary to what takes (in obvious bad faith), the ECB, the real economy is dying for lack of money available. That falsely presented as inflation is excess money in fact is the increase of financial costs (and consequently the prices of goods and services) due precisely to the credit crunch of Basel I, II and III, the systematic practice of usury by bank credit with the tacit consent of the central banks, increase in unit costs due to diseconomies of industrial scale (in turn due to lower production and competition from Chinese). But the fact that bankers and governments have hijacked the monetary resources by consumption, by income, investments to support banking and financial speculation, demonetized the productive economy in favor of speculative and widespread insolvencies, bankruptcies, layoffs.
Now, with the operations of adjustment of the accounts, with new taxes, with further cuts in income and spending, and together with rising interest rates, it is clear that deliberately aim to produce a first-rate economic depression and long- duration (a maneuver that I understand it, in my recent Oligarchy for surplus population, as intended to save the Earth civil and industrial pollution, the exhaustion of raw materials, overpopulation). There are precedents: as evidenced by prof. Richard Werner in his essays The Pricnes of the Yen and the New Paradigm in Macroeconomics, something similar to the international banking system has already been done in 1991 to Japan, to cut the legs to its economy through a sharp tightening of monetary and economic terms, which blocked the 'industrial and commercial expansion of that country, and still keeps in stagnation. And in so doing allowed the rise of the star of China, designated to buy the ongoing issue of U.S. T-bonds - U.S. who were at the beginning of a long and costly series of military campaigns.
Whatever the real aim of the operation in the West Bank to send economic depression, the reality of this maneuver is tangible evidence. And politicians, governments, parliaments design accommodates such depression. If you really want to fight it, governments could easily do with covert operations against big business and its credit rating agencies, such as those that lead to terrorism is not financial.
In Italy and other countries we are surprised that the ruling class (politicians, big commissions), steal, or eat, or arraffino, but are not accidental, not isolated, but systemic. But what else could be done, if not that, a ruling class that, in the actual system of power, is subject to financial strength, which is the executive arm of the dirty and the mask of these interests, and in this role and pillage the people who boycotted the paper and should be administer? It 's inevitable grabbing his own, as well as plunder for them. In Italy, with a tangentopoli, are diverting public opinion from the great evil with evil but little more acceptable to public opinion, which is then conditioned to see the problem as a widely corrupt ruling class: a problem to be solved with investigations and sanctions, and more references to ethical values.
The people, the masses are not, because many, able to learn, to understand, to avoid. They act according to emotions, habits, imitation. Otherwise would not have fallen into the trap of easy loans, nor in that of the crisis behind. And I'm not even able to coordinate, otherwise we would have already had a violent revolution in the U.S. to Greece, Italy etc. Against these parliaments and governments that they prey on their people on behalf of the bankers, lying and deceiving systematically on economic . But this revolution would be entirely useless, because there is no alternative, in our times, to govern the people through the instrument money and banking, and more specifically to instruments manipulators. So whether or not the outbreak of the revolution, we lose nothing, except the bloody spectacle of the people who vents his anger on the streets, making pieces Ministers, ladies and senators, boyars and all other state from which he believes to have been reduced misery.
Marco Della Luna
read on:
The crisis is over - There will be new sacrifices - Someone paid my apartment without my knowledge - to the wage soprt village I took care of the herniated disc.
They lied and lied again. They lied when they declared that the Euro would have protected the purchasing power, and reduced it by 40% opposed. It was so safe and convenient - they said - not only that a referendum was unnecessary, but rather the way people had to pay additional taxes to deserve the privilege of entering the Euro, the single currency.
lied about the amount of taxes to be paid to enter the Euro: the first were 5,000 billion lire, then 10,000, then 20,000. At one point we were told that we were finally in the Euro, the single currency. But here again lying. And now we're seeing it: the Euro is not a single currency. It 's a very different thing: it is a set of fixed parity of exchange between different currencies involved. It 's like the old European Monetary System, jumped in the early '90s, just introduced euro notes and coins municipalities to support the illusion that a single currency.
Not a single currency because the Euro is produced by the ECB and "sold" to the country against government securities in each country. Each country produces and sells its own securities. Every country, every public debt, has its credit rating and pay the percentage rate of interest over his accounts are reliable, less pay. And the differences can be large. In addition, rating agencies can play, and played in the Eurozone By lowering artificially divide the rating of this or that country in financial difficulty. You can get to a situation where the ECB has declared that the titles of a given country eurozone are not used to buy euros.
For most countries make a common currency, common need to issue securities of the common debt, namely that unify their respective debts. They pay a single interest rate. That obviously has not happened and can not be done: unify Germany and France do not why their public debt with those of Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece.
What has happened and that was predictable and inevitable, and was desired by some, is that forcing inefficient economic systems to use the same currency of the economic efficiency with which they had reports of competition and / or trade, caused the decline and the dismantling of inefficient economic systems: Greece, Southern Italy, Portugal ... All the more so at the same time, the attack came competitive in the new EU countries in eastern Europe and China, India, Pakistan, Morocco ... Among areas with economic efficiency and debt levels very far apart, there can be a common currency. But it can not survive an equal joint without killing the weak areas. Unless they do not take political power on and do not exploit the strong colonialist. So skip the Euro, one way or another.
Meanwhile the bankers carry on their policy and their business. Remember when the banks, the ECB will provide loans and minimum rates easy? And then, when families and businesses were in debt, tightened the cords with Basel I and Basel II, sending the economy falling apart? A flood of defaults? And when the financial costs more products from this credit crunch, that is, monetary, and insolvent, yet it produced, which is translated into a general rise in prices, inflation monetary shouted and shook even more cords of liquidity, and raised interest rates repeatedly, to obtain the collapse of financial markets and the real economy in 2008? Do you remember, then, say in late July, overnight, blatantly contradicting himself, "discovered" that there was a dramatic need for cash, and threw the rates to zero? And governments used to refinance banks and the like with public money, ie public debt, removing money to the real economy and incomes and public spending? And have you noticed how, with that refinancing, the banks have tacked together a frantic exchange of financial stocks to go up artificially markets, prompting investors and pension fund investment to put their money to make up for the loss of 2007-2008? And as reported bonuses of their CEOs at higher levels the stock market crash?
Now it is repeated: a new lot of income and savings to transfer wealth to the banking system, rather than to charge the perpetrators and beneficiaries of bank fraud and destructive speculation.
inflation raises its head and ensure that the ECB will not tolerate this happen. That promises and pregiustifica rate hikes. But he knows very well that, today as before 2008, there is no monetary inflation, precisely because, contrary to what takes (in obvious bad faith), the ECB, the real economy is dying for lack of money available. That falsely presented as inflation is excess money in fact is the increase of financial costs (and consequently the prices of goods and services) due precisely to the credit crunch of Basel I, II and III, the systematic practice of usury by bank credit with the tacit consent of the central banks, increase in unit costs due to diseconomies of industrial scale (in turn due to lower production and competition from Chinese). But the fact that bankers and governments have hijacked the monetary resources by consumption, by income, investments to support banking and financial speculation, demonetized the productive economy in favor of speculative and widespread insolvencies, bankruptcies, layoffs.
Now, with the operations of adjustment of the accounts, with new taxes, with further cuts in income and spending, and together with rising interest rates, it is clear that deliberately aim to produce a first-rate economic depression and long- duration (a maneuver that I understand it, in my recent Oligarchy for surplus population, as intended to save the Earth civil and industrial pollution, the exhaustion of raw materials, overpopulation). There are precedents: as evidenced by prof. Richard Werner in his essays The Pricnes of the Yen and the New Paradigm in Macroeconomics, something similar to the international banking system has already been done in 1991 to Japan, to cut the legs to its economy through a sharp tightening of monetary and economic terms, which blocked the 'industrial and commercial expansion of that country, and still keeps in stagnation. And in so doing allowed the rise of the star of China, designated to buy the ongoing issue of U.S. T-bonds - U.S. who were at the beginning of a long and costly series of military campaigns.
Whatever the real aim of the operation in the West Bank to send economic depression, the reality of this maneuver is tangible evidence. And politicians, governments, parliaments design accommodates such depression. If you really want to fight it, governments could easily do with covert operations against big business and its credit rating agencies, such as those that lead to terrorism is not financial.
In Italy and other countries we are surprised that the ruling class (politicians, big commissions), steal, or eat, or arraffino, but are not accidental, not isolated, but systemic. But what else could be done, if not that, a ruling class that, in the actual system of power, is subject to financial strength, which is the executive arm of the dirty and the mask of these interests, and in this role and pillage the people who boycotted the paper and should be administer? It 's inevitable grabbing his own, as well as plunder for them. In Italy, with a tangentopoli, are diverting public opinion from the great evil with evil but little more acceptable to public opinion, which is then conditioned to see the problem as a widely corrupt ruling class: a problem to be solved with investigations and sanctions, and more references to ethical values.
The people, the masses are not, because many, able to learn, to understand, to avoid. They act according to emotions, habits, imitation. Otherwise would not have fallen into the trap of easy loans, nor in that of the crisis behind. And I'm not even able to coordinate, otherwise we would have already had a violent revolution in the U.S. to Greece, Italy etc. Against these parliaments and governments that they prey on their people on behalf of the bankers, lying and deceiving systematically on economic . But this revolution would be entirely useless, because there is no alternative, in our times, to govern the people through the instrument money and banking, and more specifically to instruments manipulators. So whether or not the outbreak of the revolution, we lose nothing, except the bloody spectacle of the people who vents his anger on the streets, making pieces Ministers, ladies and senators, boyars and all other state from which he believes to have been reduced misery.
Marco Della Luna
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Faint With Eyes Open?
September 11: The CIA admits to having falsified a video of bin Laden
Sometimes life really offers combinations incredible. Think about it: while those who do not believe the official version of September 11 are convinced that the "character" of Osama bin Laden has been created by the CIA at the table, the CIA itself has admitted that he falsified a video of Osama bin Laden.
The news passes, almost unnoticed, between the lines of a recent Washington Post article, which contains the revelations of two former CIA agents about the background of the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.
When planning the invasion of Iraq in 2003 - the article says - the group CIA operative in Iraq has launched a number of ideas to discredit Saddam Hussein in the eyes of his people. One idea was to create a video in which the dictator engage in sexual relations with a boy, according to one of two former CIA agents who were aware of this project. Must have seemed to have been filmed by a hidden camera, very grainy, as if the secret recording of an erotic encounter. The idea was to flood Iraq with these videos, according to ex-agent. Another idea was to break the Iraqi with a fake television news special. An actor who played Hussein announced that he would abdicate in favor of this (especially hated) son Uday. "I'm sure you give all your support to His Excellency Uday," he said fake Hussein. In fact, the agency has made a video showing Osama bin Laden and his cronies sit around a fire, which swallowed bottles of alcohol and boasted of their conquests homosexuals. "The actors - said one of the ex-agents, grinning at the memory - were taken from among those of us who have darker skin than others."
Of course we know that this kind of ideas is by no means new in the corridors CIA. Indeed, it is so outdated and stale ideas ...
... by having circulated for those corridors - apparently without much success - for over 50 years. For example, a project to overthrow Fidel Castro, which dates back to 1960, proposed to gradually devirilizzare the person of the dictator, the introduction of female hormones in his food, which would have dropped the beard, giving him a voice increasingly acute.
idea is to smile think that these gentlemen to give the same "negative connotations" to any enemy in the world, without any regard to its geographical location and culture in which he lives: while it may be assumed that an effeminate Fidel Castro would lose much of its appeal, in world "macho" Latin America, a Saddam Hussein or bin Laden, who made merry with the kids would not have even raised an eyebrow among the Afghans or Iraqis.
But the most curious thing - beyond the content - is that the people of Langley have made a fake video of Osama bin Laden, when half the world has long suspected that bin Laden's videos are just of fake products by the CIA. Which of course is so lucky to be able to see them often on her own. (E 'the literal application of the concept of "home-movie": you write it and you sing it, all by himself). The most striking example was that of the video called "Speaking of beards," accidentally found by the CIA in an abandoned nest of Taliban, who later served as an indictment against the sheik main rebel attacks of September 11. Of course I do
attacks and forget to prepare the claim is from the mentally retarded. By us at least the "flyers of BR" were ready in the trash when of the attacks, there appeared three months later, found "accidentally" by the same agents of Digos.
wonder if the fun in the meantime as the poor fellow, in the afterlife, seeing this ongoing havoc done to his person by a gang of microcephalic whose only advantage is to address an audience whose vision is even more restricted in them.
As is well known in the land of the blind who is one-eyed man is king.
Massimo Mazzucco
Sometimes life really offers combinations incredible. Think about it: while those who do not believe the official version of September 11 are convinced that the "character" of Osama bin Laden has been created by the CIA at the table, the CIA itself has admitted that he falsified a video of Osama bin Laden.
The news passes, almost unnoticed, between the lines of a recent Washington Post article, which contains the revelations of two former CIA agents about the background of the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.
When planning the invasion of Iraq in 2003 - the article says - the group CIA operative in Iraq has launched a number of ideas to discredit Saddam Hussein in the eyes of his people. One idea was to create a video in which the dictator engage in sexual relations with a boy, according to one of two former CIA agents who were aware of this project. Must have seemed to have been filmed by a hidden camera, very grainy, as if the secret recording of an erotic encounter. The idea was to flood Iraq with these videos, according to ex-agent. Another idea was to break the Iraqi with a fake television news special. An actor who played Hussein announced that he would abdicate in favor of this (especially hated) son Uday. "I'm sure you give all your support to His Excellency Uday," he said fake Hussein. In fact, the agency has made a video showing Osama bin Laden and his cronies sit around a fire, which swallowed bottles of alcohol and boasted of their conquests homosexuals. "The actors - said one of the ex-agents, grinning at the memory - were taken from among those of us who have darker skin than others."
Of course we know that this kind of ideas is by no means new in the corridors CIA. Indeed, it is so outdated and stale ideas ...
... by having circulated for those corridors - apparently without much success - for over 50 years. For example, a project to overthrow Fidel Castro, which dates back to 1960, proposed to gradually devirilizzare the person of the dictator, the introduction of female hormones in his food, which would have dropped the beard, giving him a voice increasingly acute.
idea is to smile think that these gentlemen to give the same "negative connotations" to any enemy in the world, without any regard to its geographical location and culture in which he lives: while it may be assumed that an effeminate Fidel Castro would lose much of its appeal, in world "macho" Latin America, a Saddam Hussein or bin Laden, who made merry with the kids would not have even raised an eyebrow among the Afghans or Iraqis.
But the most curious thing - beyond the content - is that the people of Langley have made a fake video of Osama bin Laden, when half the world has long suspected that bin Laden's videos are just of fake products by the CIA. Which of course is so lucky to be able to see them often on her own. (E 'the literal application of the concept of "home-movie": you write it and you sing it, all by himself). The most striking example was that of the video called "Speaking of beards," accidentally found by the CIA in an abandoned nest of Taliban, who later served as an indictment against the sheik main rebel attacks of September 11. Of course I do
attacks and forget to prepare the claim is from the mentally retarded. By us at least the "flyers of BR" were ready in the trash when of the attacks, there appeared three months later, found "accidentally" by the same agents of Digos.
wonder if the fun in the meantime as the poor fellow, in the afterlife, seeing this ongoing havoc done to his person by a gang of microcephalic whose only advantage is to address an audience whose vision is even more restricted in them.
As is well known in the land of the blind who is one-eyed man is king.
Massimo Mazzucco
How Long Is Metronidazole Good For
Mystery Round, but it has done in recent years?
May 29, 2010
In 2009 his ministry has produced a document, he turned half of Italy.
"I was with Berlusconi when he lost, I'm with him now that he has won. Hope that realizing it. " Round overjoyed to Telelombardia, April 3, 2008, with the languid eye. And Berlusconi saw it, and how. "Now what's this do?" Must have thought. Then he remembered a ministry mignon and dubious: the Ministry for the Implementation of the Program. So it was that one month after Gianfranco Rotondi, founder of yet another duplicate of the DC, the DC for autonomy, merged in the PDL, became minister without portfolio, at least (or no-budget independent). However a nice piggy bank if the Round had brought from home: inside there are two salaries, one from Mr (10,000 € gross per month, excluding benefits and per diem) plus one, reduced by the dual role, as a minister (5,000 €).
Before the creation of a ministry for implementing the plan the country is not at all he felt the need. And even now wonders whether to implement a program is not enough the whole structure of government. Berlusconi had invented in 2001, and was maintained by the Prodi government. A ministry with just 15 employees, according to the occult. It will also be smaller and save seats, but only in 2008 had an impact on the state budget of 8 million €. For 2009 the only public document is a document produced. Is a summary of the government: on the left The program, to the right of such measures. A simple report without any supervisory action. And much like the prime minister. As the minister has used this year and a half of work, remains a mystery. One thing for sure has done: a small tour in Italy. Because rather than watch on government, better promote it.
A few months of taking office, has a stroke of genius invents Governincontra. Shouted: "Burn the useless brochure," launching a campaign of meetings with citizens, town by town, to recount the exploits of the government. "It's a big operation that reverses the traditional communication - declaims 27 July 2008 - Tap hundred cities. It is a revolution. " A phantasmagorical stuff. After a year and a half meetings, instead of 100, were 11, all rather tepid in terms of citizen participation. Except the last, that of December 15, at Salerno, where Rotondi risked being lynched by an angry group of temporary school. A great opportunity to make propaganda anyway (government?): The five cities he visited at the beginning of January to May 2009 were, incidentally, all in the odor of local and European elections (6-7 June). Because of this feverish activity, in addition to using the 15 officials, 10 internal to the Presidency of the Council and 5 of direct appointment, and a Committee of four members chaired dall'inossidabile Paolo Cirino Pomicino for 2009 has hired 20 consultants for a total expenditure of € 210,000 (more than it spent in 2008 to advise the Ministry of University and Research, a department far more complex and active) . In addition to his press office, Rotondi wanted four experts in communication with him.
Round rises dell'anticasta champion: "I do not use the autoblu" he says. True: from home to work, a few hundred meters on foot. And he says he is ready to take the lead in operations in times of tears and blood, to give honor to three months. Some of his employees, insurance, employment, free. Maybe. He, however, does not give up his two salaries. The Ministry say they do not very often seen three to four times a week, morning (from ten to one) or afternoon. The rest of the day to glimpse the Parliament. If you are lucky: he participated in 13% of votes, 75% of the missions, and not otherwise received. So when's the fact noted in the past month there has never been to Rome, to attend his aunt Maria Avellino on the verge of death, he ignites so much with "the reporter hostile" (Fact) that responds to the paper with a theorem political enlightening: the importance, misunderstood by the left, to have an aunt Mary, who "will a cornerstone of the anthropological division of Italian politics. " Yet - just scroll agencies - Round last month, perhaps even at the bedside of her aunt, she never stopped talking.
statements about statements: on the economic measures, on federalism, with praise for Bondi. It is clear that the time to talk to reporters, the minister found him. Paradox of paradoxes, then, just that he should make the government popular among the least popular of all. In a survey of citizens on the consent of Ministers, is at the bottom. Too bad, because it is the preferred Berlusconi, that he appreciates the innate gift of jokes. The Prime Minister himself would have revealed that when it is in a bad mood, called Round. "Come on, Franchino, shoot one of yours." And down laughing. To measure the effect is also known by the general public. One of the most surprising statement is that on lunch break: "Damage to the job." So much so that even dedicated two groups on Facebook: "Remove your lunch break? One can see that it never worked "and" The Committee for the Repeal of the largest political nerd. "
Done by The Daily of May 29, 2010
May 29, 2010
In 2009 his ministry has produced a document, he turned half of Italy.
"I was with Berlusconi when he lost, I'm with him now that he has won. Hope that realizing it. " Round overjoyed to Telelombardia, April 3, 2008, with the languid eye. And Berlusconi saw it, and how. "Now what's this do?" Must have thought. Then he remembered a ministry mignon and dubious: the Ministry for the Implementation of the Program. So it was that one month after Gianfranco Rotondi, founder of yet another duplicate of the DC, the DC for autonomy, merged in the PDL, became minister without portfolio, at least (or no-budget independent). However a nice piggy bank if the Round had brought from home: inside there are two salaries, one from Mr (10,000 € gross per month, excluding benefits and per diem) plus one, reduced by the dual role, as a minister (5,000 €).
Before the creation of a ministry for implementing the plan the country is not at all he felt the need. And even now wonders whether to implement a program is not enough the whole structure of government. Berlusconi had invented in 2001, and was maintained by the Prodi government. A ministry with just 15 employees, according to the occult. It will also be smaller and save seats, but only in 2008 had an impact on the state budget of 8 million €. For 2009 the only public document is a document produced. Is a summary of the government: on the left The program, to the right of such measures. A simple report without any supervisory action. And much like the prime minister. As the minister has used this year and a half of work, remains a mystery. One thing for sure has done: a small tour in Italy. Because rather than watch on government, better promote it.
A few months of taking office, has a stroke of genius invents Governincontra. Shouted: "Burn the useless brochure," launching a campaign of meetings with citizens, town by town, to recount the exploits of the government. "It's a big operation that reverses the traditional communication - declaims 27 July 2008 - Tap hundred cities. It is a revolution. " A phantasmagorical stuff. After a year and a half meetings, instead of 100, were 11, all rather tepid in terms of citizen participation. Except the last, that of December 15, at Salerno, where Rotondi risked being lynched by an angry group of temporary school. A great opportunity to make propaganda anyway (government?): The five cities he visited at the beginning of January to May 2009 were, incidentally, all in the odor of local and European elections (6-7 June). Because of this feverish activity, in addition to using the 15 officials, 10 internal to the Presidency of the Council and 5 of direct appointment, and a Committee of four members chaired dall'inossidabile Paolo Cirino Pomicino for 2009 has hired 20 consultants for a total expenditure of € 210,000 (more than it spent in 2008 to advise the Ministry of University and Research, a department far more complex and active) . In addition to his press office, Rotondi wanted four experts in communication with him.
Round rises dell'anticasta champion: "I do not use the autoblu" he says. True: from home to work, a few hundred meters on foot. And he says he is ready to take the lead in operations in times of tears and blood, to give honor to three months. Some of his employees, insurance, employment, free. Maybe. He, however, does not give up his two salaries. The Ministry say they do not very often seen three to four times a week, morning (from ten to one) or afternoon. The rest of the day to glimpse the Parliament. If you are lucky: he participated in 13% of votes, 75% of the missions, and not otherwise received. So when's the fact noted in the past month there has never been to Rome, to attend his aunt Maria Avellino on the verge of death, he ignites so much with "the reporter hostile" (Fact) that responds to the paper with a theorem political enlightening: the importance, misunderstood by the left, to have an aunt Mary, who "will a cornerstone of the anthropological division of Italian politics. " Yet - just scroll agencies - Round last month, perhaps even at the bedside of her aunt, she never stopped talking.
statements about statements: on the economic measures, on federalism, with praise for Bondi. It is clear that the time to talk to reporters, the minister found him. Paradox of paradoxes, then, just that he should make the government popular among the least popular of all. In a survey of citizens on the consent of Ministers, is at the bottom. Too bad, because it is the preferred Berlusconi, that he appreciates the innate gift of jokes. The Prime Minister himself would have revealed that when it is in a bad mood, called Round. "Come on, Franchino, shoot one of yours." And down laughing. To measure the effect is also known by the general public. One of the most surprising statement is that on lunch break: "Damage to the job." So much so that even dedicated two groups on Facebook: "Remove your lunch break? One can see that it never worked "and" The Committee for the Repeal of the largest political nerd. "
Done by The Daily of May 29, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
How Do You Get Brush Burn On Your Dick
Berlu-Mussolini Luca Telese
May 29, 2010
Luca Telese
Phenomenology of a dangerous fascination between the premier and dictator. Long 15 years
What we need to think of berlu-Mussolini? The association between the two words - unfortunately for Silvio Berlusconi - is not the result of some exasperated opponent, but an evocation of work (and association), that the premier, at regular intervals, has taken steps to cement (and perhaps even encourage) the collective imagination.
The last pearl. Yesterday, of course, the news has gone around the world. Berlusconi, citing the diaries of Mussolini and powerless compared to the dictator, Benito Silva as a victim of his own men: "They say I have power, it is not true. Maybe we have the leaders, but do not know. I only know that I can order the horse to move right or move left, and this - explained the premier - I can be happy. " And what about the story of Marcello Dell'Utri pleased to Radio24? Worse than a claim in a phone booth: "Yes, it's true, I gave those logs: I made a photocopy. A question: what would happen in Germany if Angela Merkel had said Adolf Hitler? Since it is technically impossible (Merkel is a serious statesman) is not given to know. But there is, however, now a vast literature citations berlu-Mussolini, which places a question on the use made by the premier, during the years of the 'other' Italian bulkiest of our history. It 's a political and ideological task (ie, subtraction of the electorate nostalgic hated Dino Grandi, Gianfranco Fini?). A marketing operation on behalf of his friend Marcello (sell the rights to the diaries-fake)? Or a business in its operation? (For the Mondadori publishing the loot, after having advertised all over the world)? Knowing the man, everything is possible. But perhaps the true explanation is another.
Natali anti-fascists. Meanwhile, it is necessary to retrace the history of this fascination. The curious thing is that Berlusconi's early in its self-narration, are "anti-fascists." Of course, an anomalous anti-fascism, all of Lombardy, a bit 'to Mike Bongiorno (who was in jail at the side of General Della Rovere, even immortalized in the masterpiece of Indro Montanelli). Berlusconi has repeatedly said that family background: "My father was clubbed by the fascists. Rheumatism when he was struck by sleeping under bridges in the Navigli ...". Reconstruction ex post? Lexicon dusted ad hoc family to silence the controversy?
Anniversary deserted. One thing certain: until 2009 Silvio Berlusconi has never celebrated April 25. Perhaps mindful of the fact that the largest event was antiberlusconiana organized in 1994 (the anniversary of the liberation) from the manifest. For Berlusconi, especially in the early years of the "descent into the field," anti-fascism was a slippery topic. Even in 1995, Umberto Bossi shouted: "Never, never, never, to power Berluscà z and fascist pig."
A dad with the Bucks. He remained in the annals of the curtain at Porta a Porta, 2000 when Berlusconi made a great blunder in response to an incredulous Fausto Bertinotti: "I'll be happy to know that Dad Deer goes all my admiration ...." And Bertinotti, softly: ".. . Cervi Dad unfortunately he died ... he can not know more .... " Useless, undaunted Berlusconi insisted: "So, if you keep the invitation, I will be happy to come with her to pay tribute to this noble figure who suffered ...." Bertinotti: "Mr Berlusconi! Cervi Pope is dead! He died a long time .... " Customs clearance
progressive. As with anti-fascism was Malino, Berlusconi began the gradual clearance of twenty years and its protagonist. "Mussolini - said in 1996 - was a leading figure of twenty years' of history for good or particularly bad. Prodi is rather a pop, you can not even begin to imagine a comparison between the two men. " Even if Instead, it was a first public tribute. But the real clearance was to interview the Spetctator 2003: "Mussolini never killed anyone, Mussolini sent people to go on holiday to internal exile." Memorable (and not retractable). It started the competition with An on his land. Then came the clearance sarcastic, but in hindsight - for the first time - autocomparativo: "Mussolini had the nuclei of black shirts, I, according to the newspapers that are left of our underlays abroad, would the cores of tissue. Thank God, I feel a bit 'better ...". In September 2008, the Prime Minister came to the party Atreju, the young people of An, in black shirt, reading sull'anticomunismo tracks. A response to the passage of Fini (the day before) to anti. Today, however, the element of fascination is the largest climate from "24 July" (copyright Giuliano Ferrara): the comparison with fascism tragic. A Berlusconi perhaps, would rewrite the ending of Piazzale Loreto, explain to Italians that the only "man in charge" of the country's history can be him. Want to see the crap-Dell'Utri diaries were written in Arcore?
From the daily of May 29
May 29, 2010
Luca Telese
Phenomenology of a dangerous fascination between the premier and dictator. Long 15 years
What we need to think of berlu-Mussolini? The association between the two words - unfortunately for Silvio Berlusconi - is not the result of some exasperated opponent, but an evocation of work (and association), that the premier, at regular intervals, has taken steps to cement (and perhaps even encourage) the collective imagination.
The last pearl. Yesterday, of course, the news has gone around the world. Berlusconi, citing the diaries of Mussolini and powerless compared to the dictator, Benito Silva as a victim of his own men: "They say I have power, it is not true. Maybe we have the leaders, but do not know. I only know that I can order the horse to move right or move left, and this - explained the premier - I can be happy. " And what about the story of Marcello Dell'Utri pleased to Radio24? Worse than a claim in a phone booth: "Yes, it's true, I gave those logs: I made a photocopy. A question: what would happen in Germany if Angela Merkel had said Adolf Hitler? Since it is technically impossible (Merkel is a serious statesman) is not given to know. But there is, however, now a vast literature citations berlu-Mussolini, which places a question on the use made by the premier, during the years of the 'other' Italian bulkiest of our history. It 's a political and ideological task (ie, subtraction of the electorate nostalgic hated Dino Grandi, Gianfranco Fini?). A marketing operation on behalf of his friend Marcello (sell the rights to the diaries-fake)? Or a business in its operation? (For the Mondadori publishing the loot, after having advertised all over the world)? Knowing the man, everything is possible. But perhaps the true explanation is another.
Natali anti-fascists. Meanwhile, it is necessary to retrace the history of this fascination. The curious thing is that Berlusconi's early in its self-narration, are "anti-fascists." Of course, an anomalous anti-fascism, all of Lombardy, a bit 'to Mike Bongiorno (who was in jail at the side of General Della Rovere, even immortalized in the masterpiece of Indro Montanelli). Berlusconi has repeatedly said that family background: "My father was clubbed by the fascists. Rheumatism when he was struck by sleeping under bridges in the Navigli ...". Reconstruction ex post? Lexicon dusted ad hoc family to silence the controversy?
Anniversary deserted. One thing certain: until 2009 Silvio Berlusconi has never celebrated April 25. Perhaps mindful of the fact that the largest event was antiberlusconiana organized in 1994 (the anniversary of the liberation) from the manifest. For Berlusconi, especially in the early years of the "descent into the field," anti-fascism was a slippery topic. Even in 1995, Umberto Bossi shouted: "Never, never, never, to power Berluscà z and fascist pig."
A dad with the Bucks. He remained in the annals of the curtain at Porta a Porta, 2000 when Berlusconi made a great blunder in response to an incredulous Fausto Bertinotti: "I'll be happy to know that Dad Deer goes all my admiration ...." And Bertinotti, softly: ".. . Cervi Dad unfortunately he died ... he can not know more .... " Useless, undaunted Berlusconi insisted: "So, if you keep the invitation, I will be happy to come with her to pay tribute to this noble figure who suffered ...." Bertinotti: "Mr Berlusconi! Cervi Pope is dead! He died a long time .... " Customs clearance
progressive. As with anti-fascism was Malino, Berlusconi began the gradual clearance of twenty years and its protagonist. "Mussolini - said in 1996 - was a leading figure of twenty years' of history for good or particularly bad. Prodi is rather a pop, you can not even begin to imagine a comparison between the two men. " Even if Instead, it was a first public tribute. But the real clearance was to interview the Spetctator 2003: "Mussolini never killed anyone, Mussolini sent people to go on holiday to internal exile." Memorable (and not retractable). It started the competition with An on his land. Then came the clearance sarcastic, but in hindsight - for the first time - autocomparativo: "Mussolini had the nuclei of black shirts, I, according to the newspapers that are left of our underlays abroad, would the cores of tissue. Thank God, I feel a bit 'better ...". In September 2008, the Prime Minister came to the party Atreju, the young people of An, in black shirt, reading sull'anticomunismo tracks. A response to the passage of Fini (the day before) to anti. Today, however, the element of fascination is the largest climate from "24 July" (copyright Giuliano Ferrara): the comparison with fascism tragic. A Berlusconi perhaps, would rewrite the ending of Piazzale Loreto, explain to Italians that the only "man in charge" of the country's history can be him. Want to see the crap-Dell'Utri diaries were written in Arcore?
From the daily of May 29
Gas Start Fireplace Parts
There is a crisis but as the Senate signed
May 29, 2010
Charles Tecce
Ties, shirts, shoes and tights from 1.2 million (for five years)
The real is the privilege of parliamentary immunity. Woe to tap public money for political parties, woe to cancel a contract for wedding dinners. The scissor kick on the compensation policies for the last election (2008), the famous Italian € come through for voting, the more the days pass and the more you painless: "Perhaps 10 percent or maybe 5. One thing is certain: we have to compress, cut (so to speak) Short Alberto Giorgetti, Undersecretary for the Economy. The caste and costs, sometimes leaving a tip off and asks him: writing invitations extravagant (diaries, socks and printers) and try to break the maneuver Tremonti. The parties have prepared the shelf of the refrigerator are right or left to collect a portion of each pie, a bundle of 370 million euro. A comparison? The 20 per cent more of the resources devoted to safety measures of school buildings. Save 50 cents means € 185 million, 5 per cent is a scratch: about 18.5 million, a donation to the secretaries. Bearable. So just to give a signal to citizens. A light signal, if anything.
Unique showers with whirlpool
Former Minister Mariapia Garavaglia (Pd) filed an urgent question to the government that seems to be a joke cinepanettoni, but that reveals yet another privilege: "It is true that, for decoration some ministry offices, have been spending considerable numbers, even for the installation of showers with whirlpool? ". Revolve around the mystery of two neutral showers, check views from employees, witnesses and pissed off: it is normal that the ministers feel the need for a massage at the office, inspired by the Regulation very, very understanding. "When I settled in the ministry, launched a move from 5 billion for drugs - remember - the first thing they asked me if I wanted to change the decor." Senator Garavaglia, together with colleagues and Armed Pinotti, reveals a background in the question: "To practice any Secretary, Minister, Director General, furnishings and structure its offices in a manner different to the level of functions. You have to operate. "
Room with parking
to the Presidential Council of the Senate have more serious problems to be solved: it must also store two im-tender pre-shin-to-bi-li. The most extravagant: "Provision of clothing - for a period of five years-for the staff of the auxiliary." The contract details: 470 uniforms, 1,685 shirts, 570 pairs of shoes, 4,455 pairs of socks, tights 2666, 336 ties and 444 papillons. Mica stuff to market, the administration reserves the right to order "gala uniforms and off the check of 1.2 million €. Minister Renato Brunetta want to innovate, someone innovates and Senate - the lucky company that wins the contract at 10.44 million - will have to print 60 million pages of official documents for the next three years. Do the math: 0.6 € per page. They will say: hardcover, stamped and pure color. And if you try to ask questions of the "service of the board," you respond with transparency: "Call to the deputy secretary general of the second band." An unknown entity to the centers of the Senate. And the House? Austerity: "It's part of the majority, but we can not complain about the president Gianfanco Fini," explain to the Democratic Party. Perhaps to be complaining non-smokers, 48 000 € for maintenance-ghetto areas. The hundreds of thousands of blue cars will have to find a parking space? Here is the rental of exclusive places for 1.6 million. We will not know how it will be the maneuver, but Members will be aware when it arrives. Right on time: a Montecitorio spend € 24 000 to run the "park watch".
From the daily source of 29 May
May 29, 2010
Charles Tecce
Ties, shirts, shoes and tights from 1.2 million (for five years)
The real is the privilege of parliamentary immunity. Woe to tap public money for political parties, woe to cancel a contract for wedding dinners. The scissor kick on the compensation policies for the last election (2008), the famous Italian € come through for voting, the more the days pass and the more you painless: "Perhaps 10 percent or maybe 5. One thing is certain: we have to compress, cut (so to speak) Short Alberto Giorgetti, Undersecretary for the Economy. The caste and costs, sometimes leaving a tip off and asks him: writing invitations extravagant (diaries, socks and printers) and try to break the maneuver Tremonti. The parties have prepared the shelf of the refrigerator are right or left to collect a portion of each pie, a bundle of 370 million euro. A comparison? The 20 per cent more of the resources devoted to safety measures of school buildings. Save 50 cents means € 185 million, 5 per cent is a scratch: about 18.5 million, a donation to the secretaries. Bearable. So just to give a signal to citizens. A light signal, if anything.
Unique showers with whirlpool
Former Minister Mariapia Garavaglia (Pd) filed an urgent question to the government that seems to be a joke cinepanettoni, but that reveals yet another privilege: "It is true that, for decoration some ministry offices, have been spending considerable numbers, even for the installation of showers with whirlpool? ". Revolve around the mystery of two neutral showers, check views from employees, witnesses and pissed off: it is normal that the ministers feel the need for a massage at the office, inspired by the Regulation very, very understanding. "When I settled in the ministry, launched a move from 5 billion for drugs - remember - the first thing they asked me if I wanted to change the decor." Senator Garavaglia, together with colleagues and Armed Pinotti, reveals a background in the question: "To practice any Secretary, Minister, Director General, furnishings and structure its offices in a manner different to the level of functions. You have to operate. "
Room with parking
to the Presidential Council of the Senate have more serious problems to be solved: it must also store two im-tender pre-shin-to-bi-li. The most extravagant: "Provision of clothing - for a period of five years-for the staff of the auxiliary." The contract details: 470 uniforms, 1,685 shirts, 570 pairs of shoes, 4,455 pairs of socks, tights 2666, 336 ties and 444 papillons. Mica stuff to market, the administration reserves the right to order "gala uniforms and off the check of 1.2 million €. Minister Renato Brunetta want to innovate, someone innovates and Senate - the lucky company that wins the contract at 10.44 million - will have to print 60 million pages of official documents for the next three years. Do the math: 0.6 € per page. They will say: hardcover, stamped and pure color. And if you try to ask questions of the "service of the board," you respond with transparency: "Call to the deputy secretary general of the second band." An unknown entity to the centers of the Senate. And the House? Austerity: "It's part of the majority, but we can not complain about the president Gianfanco Fini," explain to the Democratic Party. Perhaps to be complaining non-smokers, 48 000 € for maintenance-ghetto areas. The hundreds of thousands of blue cars will have to find a parking space? Here is the rental of exclusive places for 1.6 million. We will not know how it will be the maneuver, but Members will be aware when it arrives. Right on time: a Montecitorio spend € 24 000 to run the "park watch".
From the daily source of 29 May
Friday, May 28, 2010
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The bend of history
Mark Cedolin
now the 90s we started to get a feeling for which proclamations by lever on the feeling of national unity, imposed sacrifices, hard but necessary, pull Belt painful but not Procrastination, great little "flowers" to be made today need to feel better tomorrow.
Before it was a "punishment" in order to repay the extravagance and debauchery that occurred during the years of Tangentopoli. Then a tax to pay for the construction of a greater Europe that would allow us to play the lion's share of the economy turned upside down by globalization. Then again an investment in the future, aimed at the creation of the euro, the currency and ultimately magical able to make us meet the challenges of the new millennium. Then more blood and tears needed to do to regain our country and its industrial system lost competitiveness. Finally, what Giulio Tremonti very grandly calls a "turn in the story," needed to save the euro and the ECB, or if you prefer to respond to prevailing market demands.
The bend of the story by Tremonti feared nothing but the last episode (or rather its trailer) of a race of shrimp twenty years, during which more and more extensive resources of the community have been alienated in favor of the financial system economy and robbery related to it.
gradually creating unemployment, reduced purchasing power of wages and pensions, destruction of rights, elimination of any hope for future generations.
The bend of the story through which Tremonti, loyal to the directives of Brussels even more than those of the party where the fear creeps over the loss of consensus, it will attempt to recover 24 billion €, knowing that eventually must be at least sixty billion, not to scare the measures provided for in the maneuver. Measures largely confusing, cobbled together, without any vision in perspective and totally inadequate to achieve the results projected.
Nor scared by the fact that the maneuver, while hiding behind a facade populist rants that cut the salaries of the political class and the great manager, hit as always the usual suspects, actually increasing the tax burden and reducing employment prospects and the purchasing power of households.
The bend of the scary stories, as yet another "blow" (of which the maneuver is only the first tranche) will affect a country already deep in a state of catatonia, very far from recovering that Italy not later a year ago was "told" the newspapers and on TV.
A country where, despite the ridiculous figures provided by ISTAT, One in two people of working age do not have a job worthy of the name. Where the list of companies that close their doors each month (most of them to relocate production abroad) resembles in size to that of the phone. Where large firms that remain standing or resist the temptations of relocation can survive only thanks to the support of the layoffs.
Where millions of unemployed young people will be forced to live indefinitely in the family, hoping that the salary of the parents or the layoff could last a long time. Where the small business has long since been destroyed by supermarkets that now is going to attack the street.
Where the small business, strangled by the markets and banks, is a category of endangered. Where the amount of foreclosures for insolvency is not broken, because it alone would be enough to undermine any resurgence of optimism.
Behind the hairpin will not find much to welcome us to the precipice and would probably exercise too naive to hope to be able to brake in time, regaining some form of monetary sovereignty, stop the bleeding of relocating, trying to create employment opportunities in new areas perhaps related to industrial restructuring, transferring to a family's wealth unlawfully forfeited by the great financial powers. But it may still be an attempt based on logic and with some prospect of success. In the race
Shrimp proposed by Tremonti does not manifest any willingness to curb, street at full speed towards the cliff, probably will enter in history, but as always the wrong door.
Marco Cedolin
read on:
Mark Cedolin
now the 90s we started to get a feeling for which proclamations by lever on the feeling of national unity, imposed sacrifices, hard but necessary, pull Belt painful but not Procrastination, great little "flowers" to be made today need to feel better tomorrow.
Before it was a "punishment" in order to repay the extravagance and debauchery that occurred during the years of Tangentopoli. Then a tax to pay for the construction of a greater Europe that would allow us to play the lion's share of the economy turned upside down by globalization. Then again an investment in the future, aimed at the creation of the euro, the currency and ultimately magical able to make us meet the challenges of the new millennium. Then more blood and tears needed to do to regain our country and its industrial system lost competitiveness. Finally, what Giulio Tremonti very grandly calls a "turn in the story," needed to save the euro and the ECB, or if you prefer to respond to prevailing market demands.
The bend of the story by Tremonti feared nothing but the last episode (or rather its trailer) of a race of shrimp twenty years, during which more and more extensive resources of the community have been alienated in favor of the financial system economy and robbery related to it.
gradually creating unemployment, reduced purchasing power of wages and pensions, destruction of rights, elimination of any hope for future generations.
The bend of the story through which Tremonti, loyal to the directives of Brussels even more than those of the party where the fear creeps over the loss of consensus, it will attempt to recover 24 billion €, knowing that eventually must be at least sixty billion, not to scare the measures provided for in the maneuver. Measures largely confusing, cobbled together, without any vision in perspective and totally inadequate to achieve the results projected.
Nor scared by the fact that the maneuver, while hiding behind a facade populist rants that cut the salaries of the political class and the great manager, hit as always the usual suspects, actually increasing the tax burden and reducing employment prospects and the purchasing power of households.
The bend of the scary stories, as yet another "blow" (of which the maneuver is only the first tranche) will affect a country already deep in a state of catatonia, very far from recovering that Italy not later a year ago was "told" the newspapers and on TV.
A country where, despite the ridiculous figures provided by ISTAT, One in two people of working age do not have a job worthy of the name. Where the list of companies that close their doors each month (most of them to relocate production abroad) resembles in size to that of the phone. Where large firms that remain standing or resist the temptations of relocation can survive only thanks to the support of the layoffs.
Where millions of unemployed young people will be forced to live indefinitely in the family, hoping that the salary of the parents or the layoff could last a long time. Where the small business has long since been destroyed by supermarkets that now is going to attack the street.
Where the small business, strangled by the markets and banks, is a category of endangered. Where the amount of foreclosures for insolvency is not broken, because it alone would be enough to undermine any resurgence of optimism.
Behind the hairpin will not find much to welcome us to the precipice and would probably exercise too naive to hope to be able to brake in time, regaining some form of monetary sovereignty, stop the bleeding of relocating, trying to create employment opportunities in new areas perhaps related to industrial restructuring, transferring to a family's wealth unlawfully forfeited by the great financial powers. But it may still be an attempt based on logic and with some prospect of success. In the race
Shrimp proposed by Tremonti does not manifest any willingness to curb, street at full speed towards the cliff, probably will enter in history, but as always the wrong door.
Marco Cedolin
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CINEMA: "THE ROAD" AND "2012" Rebirth
Restoring Mayberry
Holywood has enormous power over the world perception by the public - Gandhi is one of my heroes, but when I picture comes to mind Ben Kingsley. Instead, we want the public to reflect and be prepared for a difficult future. So we should pay attention to the productions Holywoodiane talking about how it could be tomorrow.
Unfortunately the image that Hollywood gives us the future is usually pretty sad, almost all stores have a section of film called "horror-science fiction", to demonstrate that the future of that show is pretty scary. Only in recent years have been shot films such as The Book of Eli, The Road, 2012, I Am Legend, Children of Men, 28 Weeks Later, Resident Evil, Terminator movies and TV shows, and even Wall-E, the first film children's post-apocalyptic setting.
None of these productions is very realistic, though some are good stories (Wall-E), others are not (Resident Evil). Last winter, with The Road and 2012, we had an example of both.
The Road manages to be both a great film that a respectable adaptation of a book almost impossible to transpose to the movies. Unfortunately it seems that the trailer has misled many people, who went to the movies with wrong expectations.
The trailer begins with a montage composed of grainy footage of archival footage of various disasters, lightning, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanoes, forest fires, and rows of policemen running towards an accident. Like many previews that are proposed in these days, I just put together a little 'things in a case that will be in the film, none of these natural disasters in the film, is apparently put there to exploit the wake of blockbuster success of 2012.
Even worse, about the time setting of the film, in one of these trailers is said with titles in black and white and the background of a splash in surround, "10 years". The events of the book and the movie takes place several years after the end of the world but it's a scenario that an abstract style Nostradamus prophecy. It 's more than a fault of the studios who produced the film, but diminishes the impact of the film and comes at a time when we do not need the darkest fantasies.
The film tells us of a terrible future, without going into the territories of the fantastic. All that is human is not extinct, it is implied a nuclear winter, though never named, and there are no plants, no animals, no life. The sky is "like a cold glaucoma making the fuzzy world", the land is covered by a thick layer of ash forests are stretches of blackened trees that break and fall one after another.
Humans have become cannibals and the remaining few who remain are almost all survived tough battles. What characterizes the main characters, simply called Man and The Boy-is that not resort to this even when it meant their survival. It 's the moral line that refuses to pass as you wander through a hostile nameless travelers filled landscape with little dialogue.
not seem to be a very interesting story, but millions of people have thought that the prose of the author, Pulitzer Prize winner, is so well refined that it seems very light, so that pushes the reader to continue along the winding plot.
The producers have done an excellent job in bringing this world on the screen: familiar faces such as Viggo Mortensen, Robert Duvall and Guy Pearce are unrecognizable beneath the encrustations of dirt, and the soundtrack is appropriately thin. There is adherence to the reverential dry and episodic plot, which eschews the usual action moralizing Hollywood and complacent or easy solutions. Rather, they took the opposite direction, omitting the most shocking scene in the book, perhaps careful to stay away from too flashy style of the little film slasher.
However, the world depicted in the film is probably impossible: no one has had the opportunity to experience a real nuclear winter, but also under a sky constantly covered probably could grow some plants-vegetation also exists in the undergrowth of the jungle almost dark, and in the most dark cave. Not even the cold would have the capability to prevent the growth of plants some grass and some trees survive in the polar regions where almost every day of the year the temperature is below zero and there is darkness for six months, then the freezing rain in the book could not eliminate all life on earth. Not even the radiation could do: as noted by Alain Weisman in his book "The World Without Us", the area around Chernobyl radiation has become a lush natural park. The most of our sudden disappearance would have an abundance of life that we are currently removing.
Even if they die all the plants of the earth would still fungi and insects, as the writer noted Ran Prieur-fungi are mentioned once in the book, insects ever.
I have dwelt on these details to emphasize the fact that this world is only the fruit of the imagination of Cormac McCartthy, as the extreme consequence of his dig through gloomy scenarios. The Science-Fiction was confronted with those situations in creative writing: what if they lose all memory? What if one generation had been born blind and deaf? What would happen if all the trees gone? If
The Road tries to be a personal story in a purely fictional scenario, 2012 is the opposite: $ 200 million of steaming nonsense distilled claim to be prophecies, peppered with a budget so high that it would be sufficient to give feed a number of starving children in third world Parin five times that of the people of Chicago. The result is a sleek package that calls for a romantic get excited when it conducts a fireball, to cheer the puppy saved at the last minute, breathe a sigh of relief when the characters "ugly and unpleasant" die quietly staying out of the screen.
The story begins with two scientists who explain in a hoarse voice that "in another particle neutrinos have changed!" To which everyone is wondering what can this mean, however seemingly "is hitting the center of the earth as microwaves" . Later, a video-witness tells us that some things vaguely defined mean that the earth's crust change every 640,000 years, we see an animated T-Rex that says "Another time, No!" The narrative then relates that the geologist Charles Hapgood believed in this idea, which Einstein argued that the Maya were the first to discover , and that Christians have called the Ecstasy.
You can write a book with all the inconsistencies contained in these few lines, but only a few examples:
If life on earth is cleared every 640,000 years, then they are saying that life begins again to each cycle? That hominids have to evolve again from scratch? They are saying that one of these cycles has extinguished the dinosaurs 65 million years ago but never before, or who died 640 thousand years ago, or what?
It 'really existed a Charles Hapgood, whose theory was supported by Einstein Einstein-mentioned probably because it is the only scientist who knows the people. From what I know, however, Hapgood has never said anything about the year 2012 ol'Estasi-his theory of the disaster was trying to explain why it seems that the continents were different in the past, before scientists prove that move slowly . Einstein, for his part, was a physicist, not a mystical prophet.
According to every archaeologist who speaks Maya I've read, the Mayans never predicted the world would end in 2012, according to some, in fact, had no conception of the end of the world as we've got it. Even if they had had it, why believe in something because they did them? Should we begin to sacrifice to the gods wrathful slaves?
The film suggests that the name Ecstasy is one of the fundamental points of Christian doctrine, and introducing it into the script that nell'insensibile written on the posters "will be left behind?" The Ecstasy but, contrary to popular belief, is not the ' traditional Christian idea of \u200b\u200bthe end of the world is an eschatology specific invented in the 19th century by the head of a sect called John Darby English, made popular among the hippies in the years 70 by Hal Lindsay's book "The Late Great Planet Earth" and then made popular by the series "Left Behind" in the 90s. It is not anywhere near what they believe or where they believed the majority of Christian churches and New Age is just an idea like that of 2012.
I could mention many other nonsense about the disasters shown in the film-solar eruptions, bubbling wells, by tsunami waves over the Himalayas (!), And a large part of Nevada that sinks into a ... um ... a huge vortex that seems to start from within the earth. You can still get an idea of \u200b\u200bthis in the paragraphs above, I paid more attention to review the ideas of those who made the film or the ideas that were supposed to have viewers of the film.
If history were only obvious fiction, what I said did not really matter-the people would take it as a whim to escape reality, and we know that producers need to do business. But like the Left Behind series, in 2012 the attitude is that of someone who predicts something terrible will happen soon in the real world. The only difference is that in the television series, the authors seem to truly believe in something ridiculous, and here the producers seem to speculate on people's fears to make money. Can be justified by saying that the film is only a fiction, but have not put together another ridiculous movie like The Core and Volcano: rather have ridden a wave of real paranoia spread among people worried.
I have devoted space to this subject because, as I said above, Hollywood influences how we see things willy-nilly. We deserve stories that have something to do with what families really have to face in the years to come, and we give comforting picture of what life could be. If you think this can not be done should be in Hollywood to say.
So what sort of futuristic stories I suggest? I'll say more next week.
Original title: "Video review: The Road and 2012"
Translation for by Temujin
read on:

Restoring Mayberry
Holywood has enormous power over the world perception by the public - Gandhi is one of my heroes, but when I picture comes to mind Ben Kingsley. Instead, we want the public to reflect and be prepared for a difficult future. So we should pay attention to the productions Holywoodiane talking about how it could be tomorrow.
Unfortunately the image that Hollywood gives us the future is usually pretty sad, almost all stores have a section of film called "horror-science fiction", to demonstrate that the future of that show is pretty scary. Only in recent years have been shot films such as The Book of Eli, The Road, 2012, I Am Legend, Children of Men, 28 Weeks Later, Resident Evil, Terminator movies and TV shows, and even Wall-E, the first film children's post-apocalyptic setting.
None of these productions is very realistic, though some are good stories (Wall-E), others are not (Resident Evil). Last winter, with The Road and 2012, we had an example of both.
The Road manages to be both a great film that a respectable adaptation of a book almost impossible to transpose to the movies. Unfortunately it seems that the trailer has misled many people, who went to the movies with wrong expectations.
The trailer begins with a montage composed of grainy footage of archival footage of various disasters, lightning, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanoes, forest fires, and rows of policemen running towards an accident. Like many previews that are proposed in these days, I just put together a little 'things in a case that will be in the film, none of these natural disasters in the film, is apparently put there to exploit the wake of blockbuster success of 2012.
Even worse, about the time setting of the film, in one of these trailers is said with titles in black and white and the background of a splash in surround, "10 years". The events of the book and the movie takes place several years after the end of the world but it's a scenario that an abstract style Nostradamus prophecy. It 's more than a fault of the studios who produced the film, but diminishes the impact of the film and comes at a time when we do not need the darkest fantasies.
The film tells us of a terrible future, without going into the territories of the fantastic. All that is human is not extinct, it is implied a nuclear winter, though never named, and there are no plants, no animals, no life. The sky is "like a cold glaucoma making the fuzzy world", the land is covered by a thick layer of ash forests are stretches of blackened trees that break and fall one after another.
Humans have become cannibals and the remaining few who remain are almost all survived tough battles. What characterizes the main characters, simply called Man and The Boy-is that not resort to this even when it meant their survival. It 's the moral line that refuses to pass as you wander through a hostile nameless travelers filled landscape with little dialogue.
not seem to be a very interesting story, but millions of people have thought that the prose of the author, Pulitzer Prize winner, is so well refined that it seems very light, so that pushes the reader to continue along the winding plot.

The producers have done an excellent job in bringing this world on the screen: familiar faces such as Viggo Mortensen, Robert Duvall and Guy Pearce are unrecognizable beneath the encrustations of dirt, and the soundtrack is appropriately thin. There is adherence to the reverential dry and episodic plot, which eschews the usual action moralizing Hollywood and complacent or easy solutions. Rather, they took the opposite direction, omitting the most shocking scene in the book, perhaps careful to stay away from too flashy style of the little film slasher.
However, the world depicted in the film is probably impossible: no one has had the opportunity to experience a real nuclear winter, but also under a sky constantly covered probably could grow some plants-vegetation also exists in the undergrowth of the jungle almost dark, and in the most dark cave. Not even the cold would have the capability to prevent the growth of plants some grass and some trees survive in the polar regions where almost every day of the year the temperature is below zero and there is darkness for six months, then the freezing rain in the book could not eliminate all life on earth. Not even the radiation could do: as noted by Alain Weisman in his book "The World Without Us", the area around Chernobyl radiation has become a lush natural park. The most of our sudden disappearance would have an abundance of life that we are currently removing.
Even if they die all the plants of the earth would still fungi and insects, as the writer noted Ran Prieur-fungi are mentioned once in the book, insects ever.
I have dwelt on these details to emphasize the fact that this world is only the fruit of the imagination of Cormac McCartthy, as the extreme consequence of his dig through gloomy scenarios. The Science-Fiction was confronted with those situations in creative writing: what if they lose all memory? What if one generation had been born blind and deaf? What would happen if all the trees gone? If
The Road tries to be a personal story in a purely fictional scenario, 2012 is the opposite: $ 200 million of steaming nonsense distilled claim to be prophecies, peppered with a budget so high that it would be sufficient to give feed a number of starving children in third world Parin five times that of the people of Chicago. The result is a sleek package that calls for a romantic get excited when it conducts a fireball, to cheer the puppy saved at the last minute, breathe a sigh of relief when the characters "ugly and unpleasant" die quietly staying out of the screen.
The story begins with two scientists who explain in a hoarse voice that "in another particle neutrinos have changed!" To which everyone is wondering what can this mean, however seemingly "is hitting the center of the earth as microwaves" . Later, a video-witness tells us that some things vaguely defined mean that the earth's crust change every 640,000 years, we see an animated T-Rex that says "Another time, No!" The narrative then relates that the geologist Charles Hapgood believed in this idea, which Einstein argued that the Maya were the first to discover , and that Christians have called the Ecstasy.
You can write a book with all the inconsistencies contained in these few lines, but only a few examples:
If life on earth is cleared every 640,000 years, then they are saying that life begins again to each cycle? That hominids have to evolve again from scratch? They are saying that one of these cycles has extinguished the dinosaurs 65 million years ago but never before, or who died 640 thousand years ago, or what?
It 'really existed a Charles Hapgood, whose theory was supported by Einstein Einstein-mentioned probably because it is the only scientist who knows the people. From what I know, however, Hapgood has never said anything about the year 2012 ol'Estasi-his theory of the disaster was trying to explain why it seems that the continents were different in the past, before scientists prove that move slowly . Einstein, for his part, was a physicist, not a mystical prophet.
According to every archaeologist who speaks Maya I've read, the Mayans never predicted the world would end in 2012, according to some, in fact, had no conception of the end of the world as we've got it. Even if they had had it, why believe in something because they did them? Should we begin to sacrifice to the gods wrathful slaves?
The film suggests that the name Ecstasy is one of the fundamental points of Christian doctrine, and introducing it into the script that nell'insensibile written on the posters "will be left behind?" The Ecstasy but, contrary to popular belief, is not the ' traditional Christian idea of \u200b\u200bthe end of the world is an eschatology specific invented in the 19th century by the head of a sect called John Darby English, made popular among the hippies in the years 70 by Hal Lindsay's book "The Late Great Planet Earth" and then made popular by the series "Left Behind" in the 90s. It is not anywhere near what they believe or where they believed the majority of Christian churches and New Age is just an idea like that of 2012.
I could mention many other nonsense about the disasters shown in the film-solar eruptions, bubbling wells, by tsunami waves over the Himalayas (!), And a large part of Nevada that sinks into a ... um ... a huge vortex that seems to start from within the earth. You can still get an idea of \u200b\u200bthis in the paragraphs above, I paid more attention to review the ideas of those who made the film or the ideas that were supposed to have viewers of the film.
If history were only obvious fiction, what I said did not really matter-the people would take it as a whim to escape reality, and we know that producers need to do business. But like the Left Behind series, in 2012 the attitude is that of someone who predicts something terrible will happen soon in the real world. The only difference is that in the television series, the authors seem to truly believe in something ridiculous, and here the producers seem to speculate on people's fears to make money. Can be justified by saying that the film is only a fiction, but have not put together another ridiculous movie like The Core and Volcano: rather have ridden a wave of real paranoia spread among people worried.
I have devoted space to this subject because, as I said above, Hollywood influences how we see things willy-nilly. We deserve stories that have something to do with what families really have to face in the years to come, and we give comforting picture of what life could be. If you think this can not be done should be in Hollywood to say.
So what sort of futuristic stories I suggest? I'll say more next week.
Original title: "Video review: The Road and 2012"
Translation for by Temujin
read on:
Thursday, May 27, 2010
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The plan is actually
May 27, 2010
spreading lies about a merciless battle against organized crime, the government is passing a series of measures which undermine the rule of law
Luigi De Magistris
With Law on tapping the government and the servile majority that supports it approved yet another measure that aims, consciously, to strengthen the middle class mafia which are objective referents and guarantors. One of the greatest lies in state in recent months - also pumped to the art of propaganda scheme Minzolini & Co. - is that related to the fact that this government is the best in the fight against organized crime.
The objective fact is diametrically opposite sign. This government, with the lintels central Berlusconi and the Lega, which is more than any other is strengthening a system steeped in corruption and mafia. How? Through the adoption of laws that do not allow the judiciary and the police to exercise judicial review and deprives the press of the faculty to fulfill the right and duty to chronicle.
The list of measures is very long, so that the plan Propaganda2 Licio Gelli seems like a puzzle by amateurs. Here are some more desired by Berlusconi and the strong powers and occult offshoot of which is guaranteed and that are endorsed by the League and now that has become backbone of our party system. The law on tax shelter introducing recycling has been practiced by fraudsters, gangsters, corrupt, crooks. The money for the cracks that come back clean from abroad by the government. The Parliament has become an international laundry of dirty money.
The law provides for the auctioning of goods confiscated from the mafia, allowing the mafia to return - through dummy - in the availability about properties that have a high symbolic value in terms of dominance of the territory. The law on short basket that thousands of criminal cases against white collar. A general immunity for the premier and the cracks that they see in him the savior from the relentless hammer of justice. The law on legitimate ground, serving as the Prime Minister to get away, like a thief, from the courtroom in defiance of art. 3 of the Constitution which stipulates that all citizens are equal before the law. The wiretapping law that prevents judges to use a means of gathering evidence essential in the fight against crime. A measure prohibiting also the media publish and tell the facts of the conversations.
With this law would not have known anything about the gang of Anemone & Co, in which Berlusconi was plotting to censor Annozero of D'Addario, Calciopoli, pedophiles, of Marrazzo, the wide boys of the neighborhood, the horrors of the clinics. Nothing at all. A country standard in ignorance of the facts. The corrupt and mafia to climb higher and higher institutions. The law that deprives the public prosecutor the power to investigate on its own initiative, forcing him to be bound by the information initiative of the police and therefore the government. Takes place, thus the dependence of pm the executive. The law amending the law on so-called repentant providing evidence that the statements of an employee shall not be ye say to other employees. Not only that. It states that if one party, even infinitesimal, explanations are not found, it all falls. A probatio diabolical.
With this law all the Mafia maxi-trials would never have been able to celebrate. Farewell investigations on the relationship between mafia and politics, mafia and economics, between the mafia and institutions. Moreover, all natural, as he said Benigni in the film Johnny Toothpick, stating that in Sicily the problem is traffic.
From the daily source of 27 May
May 27, 2010
spreading lies about a merciless battle against organized crime, the government is passing a series of measures which undermine the rule of law
Luigi De Magistris
With Law on tapping the government and the servile majority that supports it approved yet another measure that aims, consciously, to strengthen the middle class mafia which are objective referents and guarantors. One of the greatest lies in state in recent months - also pumped to the art of propaganda scheme Minzolini & Co. - is that related to the fact that this government is the best in the fight against organized crime.
The objective fact is diametrically opposite sign. This government, with the lintels central Berlusconi and the Lega, which is more than any other is strengthening a system steeped in corruption and mafia. How? Through the adoption of laws that do not allow the judiciary and the police to exercise judicial review and deprives the press of the faculty to fulfill the right and duty to chronicle.
The list of measures is very long, so that the plan Propaganda2 Licio Gelli seems like a puzzle by amateurs. Here are some more desired by Berlusconi and the strong powers and occult offshoot of which is guaranteed and that are endorsed by the League and now that has become backbone of our party system. The law on tax shelter introducing recycling has been practiced by fraudsters, gangsters, corrupt, crooks. The money for the cracks that come back clean from abroad by the government. The Parliament has become an international laundry of dirty money.
The law provides for the auctioning of goods confiscated from the mafia, allowing the mafia to return - through dummy - in the availability about properties that have a high symbolic value in terms of dominance of the territory. The law on short basket that thousands of criminal cases against white collar. A general immunity for the premier and the cracks that they see in him the savior from the relentless hammer of justice. The law on legitimate ground, serving as the Prime Minister to get away, like a thief, from the courtroom in defiance of art. 3 of the Constitution which stipulates that all citizens are equal before the law. The wiretapping law that prevents judges to use a means of gathering evidence essential in the fight against crime. A measure prohibiting also the media publish and tell the facts of the conversations.
With this law would not have known anything about the gang of Anemone & Co, in which Berlusconi was plotting to censor Annozero of D'Addario, Calciopoli, pedophiles, of Marrazzo, the wide boys of the neighborhood, the horrors of the clinics. Nothing at all. A country standard in ignorance of the facts. The corrupt and mafia to climb higher and higher institutions. The law that deprives the public prosecutor the power to investigate on its own initiative, forcing him to be bound by the information initiative of the police and therefore the government. Takes place, thus the dependence of pm the executive. The law amending the law on so-called repentant providing evidence that the statements of an employee shall not be ye say to other employees. Not only that. It states that if one party, even infinitesimal, explanations are not found, it all falls. A probatio diabolical.
With this law all the Mafia maxi-trials would never have been able to celebrate. Farewell investigations on the relationship between mafia and politics, mafia and economics, between the mafia and institutions. Moreover, all natural, as he said Benigni in the film Johnny Toothpick, stating that in Sicily the problem is traffic.
From the daily source of 27 May
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
State Id Templates Free
SCAJOLA proven wrong
After so much arrogance and so much crying usual media conspiracy against him, instead of explain the famous 80 checks served (€ 900,000) to "buy" his home overlooking the Colosseum, sold the end with the due resignation. It was about time!
farabuttokomunista - May 3, 2010 - Resignation.
Scajola: Witness denies the Allowances
farabuttokomunista - May 3, 2010 - Resignation.
Scajola: Witness denies the Allowances
The resignation came after it was isolated from his own political party, despite having the support of Berlusconi . I Finian and part of the PDL, and of course all the opposition had invited him to clarify in Parliament.
the same principle should resign the Prime Minister and the Secretary Cosentino much more serious charges of corruption and mafia pending against them and yet they do so shameless. But back to
Scajola. The issue is not trivial because it constitutes at least two serious crimes, especially for a politician who is the minister.
The first is to misrepresentation amounting to € 600,000 for the purchase of the home instead of € 1,700,000 as seems to emerge not only from the evidence that the nail but also by the real estate market. This is a clear evasion.
The second is more serious than "corruption" to be paid with 80 checks for a total of € 900,000 from Amenone Diego businessman now in jail for the actions of the G8. A disturbing character and corruptions to get accustomed to million dollar contract by the State, namely the Minister of Economic Development, Claudio Scajola today.
pcamone - April 29, 2010 - Claudio Scajola, Banda Bassotti.
apartment overlooking the Colosseum Minister Scajola.
the same principle should resign the Prime Minister and the Secretary Cosentino much more serious charges of corruption and mafia pending against them and yet they do so shameless. But back to
Scajola. The issue is not trivial because it constitutes at least two serious crimes, especially for a politician who is the minister.
The first is to misrepresentation amounting to € 600,000 for the purchase of the home instead of € 1,700,000 as seems to emerge not only from the evidence that the nail but also by the real estate market. This is a clear evasion.
The second is more serious than "corruption" to be paid with 80 checks for a total of € 900,000 from Amenone Diego businessman now in jail for the actions of the G8. A disturbing character and corruptions to get accustomed to million dollar contract by the State, namely the Minister of Economic Development, Claudio Scajola today.
pcamone - April 29, 2010 - Claudio Scajola, Banda Bassotti.
apartment overlooking the Colosseum Minister Scajola.
This man has accustomed us to some of his arrogant behavior, let us remember the story of labor consultant Marco Biagi was assassinated in 2002 by the Red Brigades in after his death said it was 'a pain in the ass' and therefore was forced to resign as Minister of Interior. Then a terrible gaffe speaks volumes about the character, see the following movie, in which about the defense of nuclear energy, 32 'said that' thanks to technology, investment and with the help of some human life has succeeded to build a central, perhaps the most modern in the world '. For him, human life is worth less!
RepubblicaTV - July 31, 2008 - ALL THE VIDEOS:
Minister at the inauguration of an Enel: " technology, investment, and some human life "
Scajola, the new gaffe
RepubblicaTV - July 31, 2008 - ALL THE VIDEOS:
Minister at the inauguration of an Enel: " technology, investment, and some human life "
Scajola, the new gaffe
These resignations come at a time when the government is facing a serious slump that obscures the action and the compactness of Finian see the tear in a difficult situation fails to address the economic crisis as well as all the other issues that will also bring the credibility. It is "wrapped" on many issues: the nuclear Scajola which he was the promoter and are likely to emerge a strong unpopularity and an inability on the constructions of power plants that no one wants on their territory; interception, a law that severely limits freedom information and action investigation of the magistrates against corruption and organized crime, not all of which (on right) and are convinced that the FNSI, he said, will use the European Court (the mouth for sure) if there were unfortunately promulgated.
Finally, there are subtle problem with the issues of fiscal federalism costs posed by Finian and by the opposition and the celebrations of the unification of Italy the Lega di Bossi "snubbing" by attacking the flag with so ignoble Knight's cowardly silence and with "great embarrassment" of much of the PDL (ex-AN) and its electorate as well as disappointment the same President Napolitano. We will see some good in the coming months or maybe days.
Raffaele B.
Inquiry G8 Scajola resigns
"I leave the government to defend"
May 4, 2010
ROME - Claudio Scajola resigns. Overwhelmed by story of the sale, allegedly with funds blacks, of a house at the Coliseum Minister of Economic Development announced the government should resign. "To defend myself," he told a news conference, "I can not continue to minister as I did in those two years."
Scajola had resisted to the last, but in the end his position became untenable, forcing him to anticipate the return from Tunisia and to call reporters to announce the setback. "For ten days are the victim of an unprecedented media campaign," he added. "I live a great suffering."
The former minister has reiterated that it was not, however, that the facts are disputed, and in particular have received money from businessmen involved in the investigation of the G8 on contracts for the purchase of an apartment overlooking the Colosseum: "Do not I could never live in a house bought with the money of others, "he said. Scajola also thanked Berlusconi for the PDL of esteem. "My resignation will allow the government to go forward," he said.
Before the press conference, Scajola had spoken to Berlusconi. few days ago Prime Minister had urged him to resist . Then, particularly after the news out by the prosecutor of Perugia, the climate has changed. The newspaper of Victor Felts was clear: "The answers she has given so far are not enough. If you do not have anything to say beyond what he said, should resign. In fact, resign." Available also moved on the same line: "Scajola - writes the director Maurizio Belpietro - absolutely must go out and fight from the corner to his face, trying removing one by one doubts that linger for days in the newspapers. We suggest the only stall not wait for more the 10 days before the interrogation would be too much. "
According to the secretary Pd, Pier Luigi Bersani, who spoke live on television Republic, Scajola" was right to resign, "but his step back will be a jolt for keeping the government. "We are in a scenario in between block and fall of the political situation," said Bersani.
The setback was also suggested by the leader of the PDL in the Senate Maurizio Gasparri "This story has so far defended his behavior, due to any other things we will see. I believe it should reflect the way in which his defense could be better carried out, whether with or without the post of minister "
Corriere della sera
Scajola:" I have to defend myself , I resign "
Development Minister leaves:" I'm suffering.'s government go on, "May 4, 2010
ROME -" I have to defend, to defend the minister can not do as I did in these two years. "The Economic Development Minister Claudio Scajola, under pressure from days to become involved in the investigation of procurement for large Perugia works, convened a press conference by informing reporters of his resignation. "I am exposed every day - said Scajola - a journalistic reconstructions contradictory. In this situation, which does not wish it on anyone I have to defend. And to defend myself I can not continue to minister as I did in the past two years, never spared. They are witnesses, I devoted all my energies and my time thinking about committing mistakes but to do good. " "I'm sure that my resignation will allow the government to go ahead with the work that I contributed."
BERLUSCONI - The resignation by the Government had already been offered to the Premier following the news regarding the investigation Scajola G8 but, as we learn in a majority of parliamentarians are very close to Berlusconi, even in an interview Tuesday morning, the Prime Minister would send Scajola not to leave his post. But the resignation came at the end. "I've had expressions of esteem by Berlusconi's government and by colleagues from all over the majority" Scajola said in a press conference.
GASPARRI - The position of Minister for Economic Development, Claudio Scajola had become increasingly fragile and the most pressing was not only by the center. The leader of the Senate Pdl, Maurizio Gasparri, speaking on "The Phone Call," on Channel 5 had distanced. "Scajola has always shown great professionalism in the past before a sentence is inappropriate assumed its responsibilities. This story has so far defended his behavior, due to any other things we will see. I believe it should reflect the way in which his defense could be better carried out, whether with or without the post of minister. " For Gasparri, in the event Scajola resign, "there are reshuffles. Already there are controversies daily for inappropriate statements, we only miss the ritual of the reshuffle ...». The representative then stated that the PDL on the matter Scajola "there is great freedom of the press, even the center-right newspapers are investigating this matter, I do not know if those close to the left would do the same with roles reversed. "
Finally, there are subtle problem with the issues of fiscal federalism costs posed by Finian and by the opposition and the celebrations of the unification of Italy the Lega di Bossi "snubbing" by attacking the flag with so ignoble Knight's cowardly silence and with "great embarrassment" of much of the PDL (ex-AN) and its electorate as well as disappointment the same President Napolitano. We will see some good in the coming months or maybe days.
Raffaele B.
Inquiry G8 Scajola resigns
"I leave the government to defend"
May 4, 2010
ROME - Claudio Scajola resigns. Overwhelmed by story of the sale, allegedly with funds blacks, of a house at the Coliseum Minister of Economic Development announced the government should resign. "To defend myself," he told a news conference, "I can not continue to minister as I did in those two years."
Scajola had resisted to the last, but in the end his position became untenable, forcing him to anticipate the return from Tunisia and to call reporters to announce the setback. "For ten days are the victim of an unprecedented media campaign," he added. "I live a great suffering."
The former minister has reiterated that it was not, however, that the facts are disputed, and in particular have received money from businessmen involved in the investigation of the G8 on contracts for the purchase of an apartment overlooking the Colosseum: "Do not I could never live in a house bought with the money of others, "he said. Scajola also thanked Berlusconi for the PDL of esteem. "My resignation will allow the government to go forward," he said.
Before the press conference, Scajola had spoken to Berlusconi. few days ago Prime Minister had urged him to resist . Then, particularly after the news out by the prosecutor of Perugia, the climate has changed. The newspaper of Victor Felts was clear: "The answers she has given so far are not enough. If you do not have anything to say beyond what he said, should resign. In fact, resign." Available also moved on the same line: "Scajola - writes the director Maurizio Belpietro - absolutely must go out and fight from the corner to his face, trying removing one by one doubts that linger for days in the newspapers. We suggest the only stall not wait for more the 10 days before the interrogation would be too much. "
According to the secretary Pd, Pier Luigi Bersani, who spoke live on television Republic, Scajola" was right to resign, "but his step back will be a jolt for keeping the government. "We are in a scenario in between block and fall of the political situation," said Bersani.
The setback was also suggested by the leader of the PDL in the Senate Maurizio Gasparri "This story has so far defended his behavior, due to any other things we will see. I believe it should reflect the way in which his defense could be better carried out, whether with or without the post of minister "
Corriere della sera
Scajola:" I have to defend myself , I resign "
Development Minister leaves:" I'm suffering.'s government go on, "May 4, 2010
ROME -" I have to defend, to defend the minister can not do as I did in these two years. "The Economic Development Minister Claudio Scajola, under pressure from days to become involved in the investigation of procurement for large Perugia works, convened a press conference by informing reporters of his resignation. "I am exposed every day - said Scajola - a journalistic reconstructions contradictory. In this situation, which does not wish it on anyone I have to defend. And to defend myself I can not continue to minister as I did in the past two years, never spared. They are witnesses, I devoted all my energies and my time thinking about committing mistakes but to do good. " "I'm sure that my resignation will allow the government to go ahead with the work that I contributed."
BERLUSCONI - The resignation by the Government had already been offered to the Premier following the news regarding the investigation Scajola G8 but, as we learn in a majority of parliamentarians are very close to Berlusconi, even in an interview Tuesday morning, the Prime Minister would send Scajola not to leave his post. But the resignation came at the end. "I've had expressions of esteem by Berlusconi's government and by colleagues from all over the majority" Scajola said in a press conference.
GASPARRI - The position of Minister for Economic Development, Claudio Scajola had become increasingly fragile and the most pressing was not only by the center. The leader of the Senate Pdl, Maurizio Gasparri, speaking on "The Phone Call," on Channel 5 had distanced. "Scajola has always shown great professionalism in the past before a sentence is inappropriate assumed its responsibilities. This story has so far defended his behavior, due to any other things we will see. I believe it should reflect the way in which his defense could be better carried out, whether with or without the post of minister. " For Gasparri, in the event Scajola resign, "there are reshuffles. Already there are controversies daily for inappropriate statements, we only miss the ritual of the reshuffle ...». The representative then stated that the PDL on the matter Scajola "there is great freedom of the press, even the center-right newspapers are investigating this matter, I do not know if those close to the left would do the same with roles reversed. "
NEWSPAPERS center- - Even two editorial director of Il Giornale "and" Free "Tuesday morning, the minister asked him to clarify his position with respect to the G8, in particular the sale of the now famous house in the Colosseum, or to resign. Victor Felts asked him not to wait a week but the meeting with the judges "to dispel any suspicion 'immediately' or end badly."
The Background
Scajola, too many lies for 80 checks
May 3, 2010
Minister Economic Development, after a week of revelations about his relationship with the "clique," he thinks to resign. Here is the report of the Guardia di Finanza (Pdf.4.29 Mb) that the nails.
Minister Claudio Scajola is planning to resign. However this matter is concluded, the case Scajola is becoming a good test of the relationship between politics and truth. Never as in this case and touch the distance between the first and second. Even before the evidence Italian politicians accept a truth that clashes with their personal and political affairs. Scajola maybe he will step down or perhaps will remain in place. This is not the point.
The point is that it continues to deny reality with full-page interviews without anyone remember the limits of decency. Scajola denies not only have paid one million and 700 thousand euro for an apartment overlooking the Colosseum, who declared to the tax authorities 610 000 €. But even denies that the sellers, the Pope sisters, investigators have said the opposite. In one of the many interviews given last Saturday in a desperate attempt to sustain a claim contradicted by three witnesses (the architect Angelo Zampolini Pope and sisters), Scajola argues that this would be the common price for such a gem and denies the order: 1 ) to have paid 1.7 million, 2) to have paid € 200 000 in cash as a deposit; 3) to have received 80 checks totaling € 900 000 Zampolini architect to pay for the house.
to the minister that mass of money of dubious origin monetized in cash and cashier's checks (totaling 1.1 million) would never have existed. For the investigators instead these amounts were the counterpart of the apartment along with € 600 000 paid by cashier's checks in Scajola on loan from the Banco di Napoli and the transfer of 10 000 € from the account of the minister. Each Mrs. Pope said he had received 100 000 € in cash, plus 750 000 in cashier's checks (from 450,000 accounts and Zampolini 300 000 loan from Scajola), while for the Scajola Zampolini checks and cash in this story do not exist. Someone's mind.
the newspaper asking if he had made a payment of € 200 thousand in cash, as stated by the sellers, Scajola replied: "Absolutely not. Anyway, I have not read these statements of the Pope's sisters I have only seen news reports, among other things contradictory. For example on the position of notary public, according to a newspaper that would confirm the view taken by Papa sisters, while the second one would deny the head. "
As to those who asked why the architect of Anemone Diego, Angelo Zampolini, had handed over 80 checks the minister to allow him to buy, Scajola said: "I learned of the existence of these eighty checks the newspapers these days. Before I knew nothing, and now I still do not understand why he would have received without my knowledge. I only know as I bought the flat, on what date and what price. And if something has happened, is not to my knowledge. " For Scajola, the apartment was paid "only the agreed sum at the time of the deed: € 610mila, found almost all through a loan with Banco di Napoli. This is a mezzanine in a building of the sixties, on a non optimal ".
Roman Anyone know the real estate market knows where the truth lies. But, as the minister insists on even deny that statements of Pope sisters there for the benefit of readers, we publish below the disclosure of the Guardia di Finanza in Rome, where are the contents of the statements and findings made by the Tax Police
Investigations Unit of the police Minister of the real estate (PDF, 4.29 MB)
NEWSPAPERS center- - Even two editorial director of Il Giornale "and" Free "Tuesday morning, the minister asked him to clarify his position with respect to the G8, in particular the sale of the now famous house in the Colosseum, or to resign. Victor Felts asked him not to wait a week but the meeting with the judges "to dispel any suspicion 'immediately' or end badly."
The Background
Scajola, too many lies for 80 checks
May 3, 2010
Minister Economic Development, after a week of revelations about his relationship with the "clique," he thinks to resign. Here is the report of the Guardia di Finanza (Pdf.4.29 Mb) that the nails.
Minister Claudio Scajola is planning to resign. However this matter is concluded, the case Scajola is becoming a good test of the relationship between politics and truth. Never as in this case and touch the distance between the first and second. Even before the evidence Italian politicians accept a truth that clashes with their personal and political affairs. Scajola maybe he will step down or perhaps will remain in place. This is not the point.
The point is that it continues to deny reality with full-page interviews without anyone remember the limits of decency. Scajola denies not only have paid one million and 700 thousand euro for an apartment overlooking the Colosseum, who declared to the tax authorities 610 000 €. But even denies that the sellers, the Pope sisters, investigators have said the opposite. In one of the many interviews given last Saturday in a desperate attempt to sustain a claim contradicted by three witnesses (the architect Angelo Zampolini Pope and sisters), Scajola argues that this would be the common price for such a gem and denies the order: 1 ) to have paid 1.7 million, 2) to have paid € 200 000 in cash as a deposit; 3) to have received 80 checks totaling € 900 000 Zampolini architect to pay for the house.
to the minister that mass of money of dubious origin monetized in cash and cashier's checks (totaling 1.1 million) would never have existed. For the investigators instead these amounts were the counterpart of the apartment along with € 600 000 paid by cashier's checks in Scajola on loan from the Banco di Napoli and the transfer of 10 000 € from the account of the minister. Each Mrs. Pope said he had received 100 000 € in cash, plus 750 000 in cashier's checks (from 450,000 accounts and Zampolini 300 000 loan from Scajola), while for the Scajola Zampolini checks and cash in this story do not exist. Someone's mind.
the newspaper asking if he had made a payment of € 200 thousand in cash, as stated by the sellers, Scajola replied: "Absolutely not. Anyway, I have not read these statements of the Pope's sisters I have only seen news reports, among other things contradictory. For example on the position of notary public, according to a newspaper that would confirm the view taken by Papa sisters, while the second one would deny the head. "
As to those who asked why the architect of Anemone Diego, Angelo Zampolini, had handed over 80 checks the minister to allow him to buy, Scajola said: "I learned of the existence of these eighty checks the newspapers these days. Before I knew nothing, and now I still do not understand why he would have received without my knowledge. I only know as I bought the flat, on what date and what price. And if something has happened, is not to my knowledge. " For Scajola, the apartment was paid "only the agreed sum at the time of the deed: € 610mila, found almost all through a loan with Banco di Napoli. This is a mezzanine in a building of the sixties, on a non optimal ".
Roman Anyone know the real estate market knows where the truth lies. But, as the minister insists on even deny that statements of Pope sisters there for the benefit of readers, we publish below the disclosure of the Guardia di Finanza in Rome, where are the contents of the statements and findings made by the Tax Police
Investigations Unit of the police Minister of the real estate (PDF, 4.29 MB)
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