During the Second World War, during the months of the hardest German bombing of London, King George VI in his palace in London was ostensibly to show his subjects that he shared with them the same risks. In those years, Elizabeth, future queen, then barely a teenager, served as a driver in the army of His Majesty and does not appear to have enjoyed special protection. In the Falklands War also took part in the Prince Andrew, who risked more than others because her scalp would be a tremendous propaganda coup for the Argentines.
Photo: President Giorgio Napolitano at the reception on the occasion of the Feast National Republic, June 1, 2010 there was great carelessness
Tuesday to traditional reception hosted by President of the Republic in the gardens of the Quirinale. The most carefree of all was the prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, a gag with Bersani, two with Rutelli, a curtain with Mannehimer, one with Giancarlo Giannini, a joke with Cesa, Barbara Palombelli and another with a "You are very beautiful "addressed in a loud voice to a woman of color, beyond confirming that its bad taste unerring, his broken English.
But the other guests are not joking when it comes to carefree. Which are usually bitter enemies on the screen every day sbertucciano TV people were laughing, endearment, it winked almost in disbelief that he made the shot in the Wheel of Fortune. Which incidentally is what happens every night in the beautiful Roman houses, possibly purchased with money from some generous and selfless benefactor. There was the whole national stardom in the gardens of the Quirinale: politicians, managers of dubious fame, TV personalities, journalists regime, actors, disguised by tissue paper with someone. There was the people in the gardens of the Quirinale, even in symbolic form, perhaps represented by a hundred former miners Sulcis Inglesiente years without work. Via the beggars, they would have spoiled the festive and joyful atmosphere of the reception in honor of the Democratic Republic. The people must be content to watch these new aristocracy through the keyhole, as it did when Louis XIV, the Sun King - but did not claim to be democratic - gave his party at Versailles.
The people were elsewhere. A scratching his trouble, which are many and serious. If it is true that 30% of young people (Istat statistics) are unemployed and another 70% risk of losing each day as the unemployed, overall, are two million and 220 000, 9% of the population. If it is true that our carefree premier, along with his supporters, informs us each day that Italy has been recovering, but we the citizens, unless you owned the cheerful clique guest receptions del Quirinale, we experience every day on our skin, to the contrary.
Probably the Italian people, everyone suffers, sheep shearing, donkey saddle, have looked with envious admiration the "fairy band" who met the other day festive around Berlusconi and Napolitano. But I believe that a little 'less than exhibited carefree and a bit' more than even the formal austerity (the process is often substance) would have failed in a crisis like this one on which hangs, in addition, a future even more black.
But we are not British. They are a people, we do not. And then have a ruling class that at critical moments (Churchill docet) is equal to the situation. We have what we deserve, which in the end, with his "carefree" mob, it reflects quite faithfully.
Massimo Fini Fonte: www.massimofini.it
published in "The gazette" on 04/06/2010
read on: www.comedonchisciotte.org
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