TG2 Last night at 20:30 of the interview I heard from our Minister of Economy Tremonti
TG2 of 17/06/2010, 20.30, 02 service, field
I know for some time that the propaganda has its own rules, but I did not believe that in less than a minute you could go so far. In a minute it was beating the record of deceit.
Let's see one by one.
Minister Tremonti begins like this:
"I spoke with Prime Minister Berlusconi who is in Brussels. E 'closed the European summit. He has achieved extraordinary success for our country and beyond. European policy considers the debt, but also its dynamic and, above all, its overall stability. "
Stability? But are you talking about? Our public debt is growing, but stable! In April
reached 1.8127 trillion. Level ever!
in March this year was 1.7977 trillion euro.
I repeat: Our national debt is steadily rising, and fast! What kind of stability you're talking about is not known.
Minister continued:
"This is a great award to Mr Berlusconi, the Italian government and, above all, puts Italy in the right position in Europe."
Great recognition? Right position? But if we have a public debt the highest in the world! Depending on the estimates are between 5 ° (OECD) and the 7th place (IMF) among the most indebted countries.
worse than we find only countries such as Zimbabwe, Lebanon, Sudan or Japan, however, having monetary sovereignty may yet run for cover devalued, we do not.
Our right position? Among the most indebted countries in the world, this is our right position.
But still not enough because the Minister then states:
"We inherited a huge debt
By whom? The question is legitimate given that since 2001 have almost always ruled them, except for a lapse of two years of the Prodi government (2006-2008). It would have been more correct to say: "We made a great debt."
But the best is yet to come. Here it is:
"but looking forward dynamics is slower than in other countries, then we have a wealth of families, we have little debt in the companies, we have a very stable pension system."
If there were no tears would be laughable. We see that household wealth, which debt businesses, and what the pension system. First things first: - Household Wealth: According to the latest figures from the Bank of Italy concerning the growth of household debt is increasing and, above all, the debt will continue to grow. True that the debt of Italian households in relation to disposable income is lower than other European countries, but it is also true that is growing faster, which means that the savings are over and realizing it would be enough to get out of this world privileges that our politicians are entrenched. The reality is there for all to see, just look;
- business debt: The Italian sailing in a sea of \u200b\u200bdebt. Among loans overdrafts and trade credit in the last ten years have built up an account with banks amounted to 933 billion. That for each firm is on average 176 000 596 €. More than a travel business that has been a rush to 'debt, in the last 10 years grew by 93.6% against an' inflation increased by 23 (http://ricerca.repubblica.it/repubblica/archivio/repubblica/ 2010/05/16/imprese-debiti-raddoppiati-in-10-anni.html)
- stable pension system. "The Private Pension Funds are intended to crack. By 2030, institutions will consume the assets to pay benefits, unless drastic reforms. Sounding the alarm about the fate of the management of security professionals is the Labour Minister Roberto Maroni, on the basis of the analysis of the Evaluation on social security spending, which will be officially presented at the beginning of September "(24 hours). This was in 2003. Since then, things have deteriorated so much that in ' final decree, the pension funds are substantially the police station. According to the Decree-Law 78/2010, Art. 8, paragraph 15: "The purchase and sale of property by the public and private entities that manage pension schemes Compulsory pension and insurance funds and the operations used by the institutions themselves, the sums stemming from the alienation of property or shares of real estate funds, are subject to verification compliance with the budget balances. " In other words it means that the purchase of property or the use of funds derived from the sale, including by private entities, is subject to a kind of clearance from the Ministry of Labour, in consultation with the economy. Did not use the word commissioner made of me in this question. Our pension funds are so prosperous that in recent times have taken the following measures:
a) were cut and / or frozen wages;
b) has increased the retirement age;
c) Good CD releases will be paid in installments if over € 90,000;
d) the pension funds were the police.
A perfect example of an iron health.
the end our Minister for Economic Affairs concludes:
"Overall we have a very sustainable, we would have been different if he had been penalized in this way, I repeat, the summit was closed very well, with a very important role of Prime Minister Berlusconi. We are on track and have the ticket that falls to us. "
It is true that we have just the ticket that falls to us, which made the reader decide "paper".
Solange Manfredi Source: http://paolofranceschetti.blogspot.com/
Link: http://paolofranceschetti.blogspot.com/2010/06/il-record-assoluto-delle-balle.html
seen on: http://www.comedonchisciotte.org
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