Saturday, June 12, 2010

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Just go to review a video of the Knight of last year ' understand' how they wish him and his government the issue of gender men and women, that is, on the contrary ! Women would, according to this brilliant 'logic', discriminated than men because they retire first!

blasterfox2000 - January 27, 2009
the nerve to Berlusconi
Of course, Europe now requires otherwise fines for Italy. But Europe is calling for an end the disparity between the genders and this difference can not only cover the retirement age of women (single lead) but of all the many other regulatory treatment and pay (a disadvantage) they suffer than men. Moreover, women 'bear ' most of the burden of social assistance within families which the state ' subtracts ' saving many millions of euro annually.

But this, the government does or does not 'load ' or ' spokesman ' and instead Europe upon himself the blame for raising the pension for women to 65 years, for now the civil service but this will certainly lead the way in the private sector. With this move the government ' removes' the only advantage enjoyed by women. A profound injustice because if you had to assimilate you had to do it on all matters ! If not treated is that?

IDVstaff - June 7, 2010 -
Women retire at 65 years - Belisario (IDV): "We need equal dignity"
(Video removed)
addition there is much talk about reducing the costs of pensions in Italy ' weigh' heavily on the production system and public spending, but 'hides ' welcomes the fact that most pensions are ' hunger', not worthy of a civilized country.

The data from 2008 and ISTAT Corriere della Sera they are 45.9% below the € 500 monthly, the 26% between € 500 and € 1000 per month, 13.4% between € 1000 and € 1500 . Only the remaining 14.7% of the total monthly amounts, has more than € 1,500 . If this condition will remain still for the next 10-15 years, the country sink to a level comparable to third world . the middle class will disappear and there will be millions of poor starving the state and the entire nation will not be able to provide.

Unfortunately it is a tragic and probable future for all of us and for our children if you were to start from today (yesterday in fact) to deal with a serious and sound economic policy of ' growth' of ' fairness' and' justice Social 'which does not seem to be priorities of this Government. In fact, it occupies now openly, exclusively to 'protect ' from Justice and now even the Print with the 'gag law ' interception on by now numerous cases of corruption he is involved, treated as the worst dictatorships in Asia .

What is a 'desperate ' ploy to 'sidetrack ' s information the tragic economic situation still much more serious in terms of loss of consensus ? If that were the government (dominated by Berlusconi ) is the fruit and this law will only touch the bottom and thereby accelerate its inglorious end !
Raffaele B.

public employees retire at 65 years from 2012
Claudio Tucci
June 10, 2010

go-ahead to the equalization of the age of retirement pensions between men and women in the public sector. After a guilty verdict against Italy and several reminders arrived from Brussels, the Council of Ministers approved the acceleration of growth in the retirement age of public employees, adapting well to the attractions of Europe.

Welfare Minister Maurizio Sacconi has announced that the increase will be through a "single staircase" from 2012 without "intermediate steps", but it ensured that the amendment will be included in the maneuver will take into account "the women's rights accrued up to December 31, 2011. "

the final level of 65 years will come, then, from 2012 and no longer by 2018, as currently planned. This therefore means that from next January 1, 2012, public employees will retire at 65 years, just like their male colleagues.

The arrangement will be introduced through an amendment to maneuver and cost savings thus produced, estimated Transitional 1.4 billion in 2012-2019, will gather, among other things, in a special fund for initiatives and bound " positive action for the family and women ", as requested by the Minister of Equal Opportunity, Mara Carfagna.

Sacconi then stimanto of the audience interested in the measure in about 25 thousand units between now and 2019 and noted that, currently, "the average retirement age is in fact 62.36 years for women in the public service that remain, therefore, more than 60 years. " The minister then specified that it would be impossible to achieve equality between men and women to lower the age of the men because they would not have allowed "the markets".

For its part, the Minister for Public Administration, Renato Brunetta confirmed that the amendment will serve to the body and, indeed, all the savings coming with this measure will be placed on the social functions: namely, 'nursery, political conciliation and self-sufficiency. "

Pensions, 72% does not exceed € 1000.
In 2008, pension spending by 3.5% over 2007
Almost a monthly allowance to two does not exceed € 550. Women earn on average 30% less. There are 70 pensioners for every 100 employees, a quarter of them aged between 40 and 64 years
June 11, 2010

ROME - The 71.9% of pensions in 2008 did not exceed € 1000 monthly. E 'findings of the report on' retirement benefits and beneficiaries' elaborated by Istat in collaboration with INPS. 45.9% of pensions has, in fact, the monthly amounts of less than 500 €, and 26% have monthly amounts ranging from 500 to a thousand euro. The total annual pension benefits provided social security in Italy (the base year is always 2008) is 241.109 billion, representing 15.38% of Gross Domestic Product. The total expenditure increased by 3.5% over 2007.

70 pensioners for every 100 occupied . In Italy were 70 retirees per 100 workers in 2008, notes the Istat, indicating that the relative load is greater in the south - where the ratio is 79 pensioners for every 100 employees - and has a value lower in the northern regions, where the dependency ratio is 65 to 100. Nationally, between 2001 and 2006, the dependency ratio has decreased from 74 to 70 pensioners for every 100 employed then remain constant over the next two years.

pensions of men are higher . Looking for pensioners, finds always Istat, in 2008 the number of holders of pension benefits is nearly 16.8 million, virtually unchanged since 2007 (+0.04%), with a number of pensions per capita equal to 1 4. Although the proportion of women is equal to 53%
, men receive 56% of pension income, but women go into retirement with a check for far less than their male colleagues: € 17,137 against 11,906, ie 30.5 % less.

Over a quarter of pensioners aged between 40 and 64 years . 69.9% of pensioners more than 64 years while 26.6% are aged between 40 and 64 years and 3.7% are under 40 years. If you analyze the data broken down by type of service, it is clear that the greater relative weight of pensioners below the age of 40 years is observed among recipients of disability support pension (15.3%), as well as among the recipients of war there is, in relative terms, the highest proportion of people 80 years and over (62.2%).

Almost one in two senior living on less than 550 € . 45.9% of pensioners live on less than € 550 per month, or nearly one in two. While another 26% does not reach the thousands of euro added to the first group that comes to 71.9%. A further 13.4 per cent of pensioners at 31 December 2008 shows amounts of between 1,000 and 1,500 Euros per month and the remaining 14.7% of the total monthly amounts, has over 1,500 €.

Corriere della sera
In Italy is a poor pensioner on two
In eight million receive a check for less than 1000 € a month, but 21% of the total is also under 500
June 11, 2010

ROME - More than 8 million retirees who receive a check for the poor, which allows a cost that is lower to 1,000 € per month. That is to say almost half of the total 16.8 million retirees who count in Italy. According to the Istat statistical fact, about 3.6 million workers at rest (21.4% of the total) receive one or more retirement benefits for a total of less than € 500 per month and 4.7 million other ( 27.7% of total) will receive grants ranging between 500 and 1,000 €. Considering that the relative poverty threshold below which the poor Istat considers the individual is to spend € 999.67 per capita per month (in a family of two components), we can deduce that if the board is the only entry, the poor pensioners are about 8.3 million.

RETIRED YOUNG - The age of those who are outside the production cycle and receive a check from the state, shows that more than 30% (30.3%) has less than 64 years. ISTAT further states that at the end of 2008, 69.9% of beneficiaries of pensions was to have more than 64 years, while 26.6% were aged between 40 and 64 years and 3.7% had less than 40 years.

" MOST ' poor man of Europe" - "The data released today by ISTAT clearly show that the Italian pensioners are the poorest in Europe - said the president of Codacons, Carlo Rienzi -. Not only the amounts received almost half of retirees represent a pittance, and do not allow a dignified life, but also a burden on Italian pensions tax burden much higher than that of other European countries. " But the Codacons recalls that in Italy, for the same tax, the amount of a pension after tax "is 15% lower than in France, Spain and Germany, countries where there is no tax on pensions, while in Britain tax burden is minimal and approximately 1, 6%. " "We can say without doubt that half of Italian pensioners living in poverty-continues Rienzi - a figure that is a disgrace to a civilized country like Italy."


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