On 4 March 1993 Enzo Carra, a former spokesman for Forlani, was photographed in handcuffs: the most ferocious were the two journalists who shot the photo on its front page on independence
I began my career in journalism as a police reporter avant! Milan in the early seventies. Each passing day I saw in the great halls of the courthouse in handcuffs but not just someone files of detainees held together by "schiavettoni and chains rattling as the deportees to the Cayenne. Every now and then when there was a crime is particularly important, usually robbery because then the ruling class was not yet so corrupt as it was in the eighties and nineties have shown in the "Clean Hands" investigation, coming, as well as photographers, even televisions. From beginner I was amazed. Not so much of handcuffs, especially in that most transfers of prisoners are needed, but public exposure of these people, no respect, no restraint, no protection (even when there are no TV should not be pleasant to be seen in handcuffs by Hundreds of people pass through every hour in a large courthouse which is in Milan) but then no one seemed to care, least of all politicians and opinion formers.
After that it was not about rags. On March 4, 1993, in full "Clean Hands", there was an episode of Enzo Carra, a former spokesman for Forlani, photographed in handcuffs. The fiercest and Bibi were Bibò, alias Victor Felts and Maurizio Belpietro, Director and Deputy Director of independence, which shot the photo in front of the first page, zooming in as much as possible and pointing to the mockery of Carra angry mob of those days.
The most pitiful was the "executioner" Antonio Di Pietro, at the time the prosecutor, who ordered the prison officers to immediately remove the handcuffs to Carra. Bibi and then the rest of Bibò were forcaioli Saving Silverman, would become of "guaranteed" to 24 carats when they passed into the stable of Silvio Berlusconi. Also took it with the children of the accused. For example, those of Craxi. It fell to me the independence to write an open letter to Victor ("Dear Editor, you're wrong about Stefania Craxi, 11/05/1993) reminding him that the children do not have merits, but even the sins of their fathers. As it fell to me at the time of the fall, while a legion of improvised harpooner rages on the wounded whale to death, writing, more independence, an article entitled "I'll tell you the good side of Bettina" (17/12/1992 ), where, although the first time I had defined Craxi, none other than the United States where he was Visiting, "a journalist who writes ignoble ignoble things," remember that over the man disfigured, foul we saw with horror in those dramatic days, there was another state that had raised hopes in many. After the season euphoric "Clean Hands", the image of Enzo Carra in handcuffs has passed into history as the emblem of the "media pillory" that would not happen again (like after the "case Valpreda" you swore that no one ever would be called "monster"). The data protection commissioner to issue certain rules of conduct for the media and seemed to assert a greater sensitivity to respect the dignity of detainees. But only for some. He says the recent episode that saw the main Fabio De Santis, the former superintendent of public works in Tuscany, a man trusted by Angelo Balducci, short of a "clique". De Santis with a mobile phone was brought in handcuffs, like the other four detainees who were with him (two drug dealers, a thief, a robber) from the Florentine prison Sollicciano the Court of Review. When dropped from cellular De Santis had to walk about twenty feet below the eye of the cameras. But only two newscasts have aired that scene. The most farcical and self-righteous justification was that of Orpheus Mauro, director of Tg2: "We wanted to expose a shame that recalls some pictures of the" Clean Hands ". He denounced the pillory while he was putting in the pillory.
the Privacy spoke, many politicians and commentators were outraged. Very fair. But no one guarantees of privacy has batted an eyelid and no politician was outraged, no pundit has lifted a finger when all the news, just to mention, among many, as pointed out yesterday by the Labor, showed, with evident satisfaction, the images of three Romanians in handcuffs accused of rape (and later acquitted). Many politicians, especially women, said: "For these individuals there has to be the jail now and then, a process or process, throw away the key."
What does this mean? What is strongly developed in Italy a double right, and worse than feudal overlord. That for "white collar", for VIPs, for "lorsignori", which not only have the trial pack code of criminal procedure laws of such "guarantees" that it becomes almost impossible to establish the crimes of their own (soon will not even be intercepted if not a thousand limitations - I am speaking of the limits to investigations by police and the judiciary, not the ones in my opinion sacrosanct, their disclosure), van always treated with kid gloves. For everyone else, for those who commit street crimes, which are those of the poor, not worth the presumption of innocence. There is "zero tolerance". But This is the old, expensive and infamous Justice class.
Massimo Fini (
Done by The Daily of June 17, 2010
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