Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Can You Make Donuts With Pancake Mix

What's New in Financial

June 1, 2010
Cultural - This is one of the main changes to the text of the final decree of the maneuver is blown, after the intervention of President Napolitano: List of cultural and historical institutions which had provided a reduction in funding. The funds are nevertheless "reduced by 50 percent compared to 2009." The rule involves the ministries: "In order to carry out the rationalization and reorganization of the ways in which the state contributes to the financing of such bodies - is written in the text - the relevant ministers with a decree to be issued within 60 days from the date of entry into force of this decree shall determine the allocation of available resources.

Province - Among the most discussed aspects of the budget is the amalgamation of the provinces. In the draft of the decree is provided for the amalgamation of provincial governments with less than 220 000 inhabitants. All the paragraphs dedicated to the provinces are skipped in the final decree, a sign that there will be no suppression of micro provinces. Increase continuously even micro common: in 1951 were 7810, we now have 8101. Only in Lombardy there are 1546 municipalities, 146 of which are below one thousand inhabitants. The increase in (expensive) municipal and provincial bodies is determined in contrast to the rest of Europe.

Tourists in Rome - In the final version of the maneuver That confirmed what transpired in recent days, that will require a contribution of stay for all tourists visiting the capital. In the decree, the "Roma Capitale", because it requires that you must pay "up to a maximum of 10 € per night. Even if it turns out, the full amount of € 10 will pay for only those who spend over € 300 per night. Exempt are guesthouses and bed & breakfast. In Rome you will pay this tax in 2011. It is also expected to "increase, up to 3 per thousand, than the ICI Housing first home, be available."

The European money - as regards the European funds for underdeveloped areas, it was initially assumed that they could be managed by Palazzo Chigi. Instead Fas funds remain the responsibility of the Ministry of Economic Development, while making a survey in which 60 days must be made by decree of the President of the Council in consultation with the Ministers of Economy and Development. "The fund for underdeveloped areas remain in the estimates of the Ministry of Economic Development. Remain firm for the control and monitoring functions of the General Accounting Office. Is then transferred to the Ministry of Development to oversee the "National Standing Committee for Microcredit."

Inail and INPS - the maneuver remains in the final text amendment social security funds already provided in the draft. The decree provides for the consolidation of entities in INAIL and INPS. They also erased the Italian ISAE Ente Mountain, ending in the respective ministries of competence. In particular - as it is written in Article 7 of the budget - will spend the Ipsema el'Ispesl functions Inail; Ipost the INPS. They also deleted the Institute on Social Affairs, whose functions ISFOL el'Enappsmasad pass, that the national agency for assistance and security for the painters and sculptors, musicians, writers and playwrights ENPALS passing.

From the daily June 1
source: http://antefatto.ilcannocchiale.it


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