Academy of Sciences of Moldova In partnership with the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (Switzerland) and with the support of Moldovan scientists working abroad in 2010 launched the joint research project between Moldova - Swiss aiming "Connecting Moldova's scientific diaspora to the development of the country of origin "(more details in Annex).
In order to implement successfully its tasks of the research project initiators come with a call to MEMBERS and highly qualified scientific diaspora (in annex) to participate in completing the questionnaire electronically accessible at V86JSJ2
counting heavily on your expertise and contribution to the sociological questionnaire, the results which will enable us to identify new opportunities for effective collaboration in diferite domenii de cercetare stiintifica si tehnologica dintre diaspora inalt calificata / stiintifica si Republica Moldova.
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Academy of Sciences of Moldova, in partnership with the Federal Technology Institute of Lausanne (Switzerland) with the support of Moldovan scientists working abroad, initiated in 2010 a joint Moldovan-Swiss Research project "Enabling scientific diaspora in the development of the country of origin - the Republic of Moldova (for details see Appendix).
In order to succeed implementation of the tasks of the research project, the authors request the The scientific and highly DIASPORA (see Annex) take part in completing the electronic questionnaire available at: http : / / www . surveymonkey . com / s / V 86 JSJ 2
count on your support and assistance in filling out a sociological survey, whose results will provide an opportunity to identify new opportunities for effective cooperation in various fields of scientific and technological research with the participation of highly skilled / scientific diaspora and the country of origin.
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The Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM) in close cooperation with the Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne Switzerland, (EPFL) and with the support of the Moldovan scientific diaspora, have launched in 2010 the project entitled “ Connecting the scientific diaspora from the Republic of Moldova to the scientific and economic development of the home country” (more details in the annex).
In order to successful implement project’s tasks, we the representative exponents of ASM, EPFL and the scientific diaspora , kindly ask all members of scientific and highly skilled diaspora (the Call in the annex) to participate in the on-line sociologic questionnaire at the following address: V86JSJ2
We count a lot on your expertise and contribution to our study, the results which will enable us to identify new opportunities for effective cooperation between the members of scientific/ high-skilled diaspora and the homeland in various fields of scientific research and technology development.
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