March 23, 2010
Vatican Pedophiles and Priests - Sex Crimes and the Vatican - one of five
The scandal is mounting at world these days and only the information arrives in Italy even if reduced and / or reduced and relegated to less important in the news. We know our country is home to the Vatican and is in a sense political and social control more closely.
Unfortunately, it is a serious issue that has gone on for many years and for over 30 years in many countries against children committed by pedophile priests and boys in schools and parishes. Since many of us will be impressed by this scandal because our media have always kept in the dark. Those who have lived abroad will be very surprised.
The scandal comes dangerously close to Ratzinger previously lapped indirectly (Prelates close to him, see his brother) and the Vatican seems to give the impression groped desperately to avert the scandal which is limited by the Pope to apologize and to "point the finger "only against the" pedophile priests "instead of taking responsibility have provided them with protection and coverage in all those years when he was prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. He did so only to defend the good name and image of the Church, say his accusers. This is always required with strong insistence by several countries where victims are not satisfied with the apology letter that even the Pope has sent to them.
These accusations, which do not stop, are of unprecedented gravity because they come from major sources, credible and numerous. Only the 'truth' as \u200b\u200bterrible and needed drastic consequences of such substitution of 'people without spot' (and there certainly are), can save the institution of the Church and recover the confidence of believers. Otherwise, we jump back to the Middle Ages the 'market of indulgences' that caused the schism of Protestantism in Europe. From
comment by Carlo Maroni Sole24ore 'Here is a question of taking the global Church, its presence in society, because pedophilia is a theme that embraces the presence of children, from schools to parishes'.
If doubt will creep in families nobody will trust more to send their children to the parish and / or their school as well as lose the faith!
Raffaele B.
UPDATE *** ***
I can not keep pace with new accusations that continue unabated now. In response to angry denials are just some examples of today 26/03/2010:
Nyt raised, "Ratzinger
knew that the pedophile priest was in business'
Pedophilia: NYT raises, Pope father knew about the transfer of
Corriere della sera
Pedophilia, new charges against Ratzinger
Schifani "unacceptable attacks"
cnn As New York Times allegations
also a case in Germany
Corriere della sera
Children and complaints: the diocese investigates
YESTERDAY *** 03.25.2010 ***
From a distance / Crossfire on Pope Ratzinger
of Elysa Fazzino
March 25, 2010 It is in the foreground on the websites of many foreign press the case brought to the fore by the New York Times, according to which the leaders of the Vatican, including the future Pope Ratzinger, protected a pedophile priest in Wisconsin. Father Lawrence Murphy, accused of molesting at least 200 deaf children, remained a priest until his death, despite the warning letters sent to Rome by several American bishops.
"The Pope has failed to act on complaints of sexual abuse in the U.S." headline on the Times Online homepage, stressing that the scandal is getting closer to Benedict XVI. The ecclesiastical trial - the Times of London - "stopped after the accused pleaded for clemency Cardinal Ratzinger." Milwaukee papers, obtained by The New York Times, "emerge as Pope Benedict faces other charges," notes the Times: Ratzinger, as head of the Vatican and as archbishop in Germany, "did not punish priests accused of sexual abuse, it shall inform the competent civil authorities."
The Pope, however, yesterday accepted the resignation of the Irish Bishop John Magee, under fire for how he handled allegations of sexual abuse in his diocese. Magee to the resignation of the Times devotes a large bathroom. Now that the pope accepted the resignation, "the pressure rises because he resigns Cardinal Sean Brady, Primate of Ireland." The website offers a discussion of "secrets of the Catholic Church in Ireland."
"Pedophilia, Pope Benedict XVI again accused" is the title, in large characters that appear on the first pages of the Nouvel Observateur. "The current pope and other leaders the Vatican would have covered the sexual abuse of an American priest who was raped about 200 members of a school for deaf children. "scandals multiply, says the Nouvel Obs. The revelations come as the various scandals of abuse of minors by Catholic clergy shake Ireland and other countries, including Holland, Switzerland, Spain, Austria and Germany.
Grosso also call on the website of Le Figaro, which publishes un'Afp under the title: "The Vatican accused to have covered up sexual abuse of an American priest. "Libération own spear, with the bold" tragic affair for the Vatican. "" In the face of the wave of sex scandals, Benedict XVI browsed denials and desire for transparency, " Eric Jozsef wrote recently in a revived on the site.
Hundreds of comments from readers are flooding the website of El Pais, which opens the homepage with this case. "The Vatican does not punish the priest accused the United States because he was ill" is the title updated in the last hour.
In the text of the reply sent to the New York Times by Federico Lombardi, director of the Vatican press - writes Miguel Mora - The Vatican says that Murphy was not punished because "very sick". The priest was expelled "because canon law provides for no automatic punishments." In fact, the reporter points out, for any crime and who provided the automatic excommunication. The correspondence gives news of the protests in front of the Vatican and cites Robert Mirabile, president of the Italian victims of pederasty Caramelo Bueno, neither the bishops nor the curiae, nor the ecclesiastical courts have never sent a priest to prison for a crime of pedophilia. The story prominently featured in El Mundo in Spain and other sites such as ABC.
sites include the U.S., the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times published an interview with Ireland's Sinead O'Connor, the Irish singer who became a sensation years ago when the American TV tore a picture of Pope John Paul II calls " the enemy "and urged the public to combat sexual abuse. "There should be a criminal investigation against the pope," says the singer, always at loggerheads with the Catholic Church. The pope, according to O 'Connor, should resign for "not acting in a Christian way to protect children."
The scandal of pedophilia is a rising tide
comment by Charles Brown
March 25, 2010 The scandal of pedophilia in the church is a rising tide that threatens to represent the true rock of the pontificate of Joseph Ratzinger, the Beyond the tragedy of the facts gradually revealed. Benedict XVI was touched by the case of Monaco, from Regensburg indirectly (via his brother Georg) and now again brought up for an event that focuses on American Cardinal Bertone also.
events that, reading the cards are hard to classify the transactions of "coverup" but that objective can not even join the line "zero tolerance" has become the slogan VATICAN Abuse. In
part is a bit 'paradoxical that Ratzinger is put on the global media scene - and the New York Times has some of this power - because of abuse, having had a steady hand from the beginning of his pontificate (the emblematic case the founder of the Legionaries of Christ), certainly more severe than that of his predecessor.
But anyhow, and now the scandal is becoming globalized, turning the spotlight on the possibility repercussions in the Curia. Yes, because a relatively weak governance - as well highlighted by Williamson case a year ago - should give a strong response to the ongoing emergencies footsteps when the quarrels are more related to Italy (even if severe, as the case Boffo) but here it is play in the global power of the Church, its presence in society, because pedophilia is a theme that embraces the presence of children, from schools to parishes. In short, in sensational facts (with a resonance within the Church is perceived increasingly as a sort of attack "secular") are very strong symbolic gestures and concrete.
USA: How much abuse
A reaction of the American bishops on costs related to the pedophilia scandal between 2004 and 2009.
Marco Tosatti
The abuse scandal has cost the diocese 104.439 million U.S. dollars in 2009, according to the annual report prepared by the U.S. bishops' conference. Only 59% of these funds were intended to agreements with the victims ($ 55.0 million) and treatments for victims of abuse ($ 6.5 million), the rest was for attorneys' fees ($ 28,700,000) and therapies for the leaders ($ 10.9 million ), and other costs ($ 3.3 million). The thing that brings the total of the clergy abuse scandal in American dioceses and religious institutes between 2004 and 2009 to U.S. $ 2,194,729,859, 1,897,599,482 dollars for the dioceses and eparchies, and 297,130,377 for religious institutes. In addition, American dioceses have spent more than 21 million in 2009 on plans for a "safe environment" and background checks.
The report found that 398 new credible allegations of child sexual abuse were made against 286 diocesan priests and deacons in 2009. Only six of the 398 allegations involving persons who are currently minors, the other allegations were made by adults who claim they were abused when they were minors. In all, 65 allegations of abuse since 2004 have involved those who were minors in the complaint.
Of 398 new credible allegations, 83% of male victims are involved, and only 15% of the victims were under the age of ten years. So says a report prepared by the American bishops on the subject. "For most of the new charges (71 percent), the abuse occurred or began between 1960 and 1984," the report says. "The most common time period for the allegations reported in 2009 was to 1975-1979.
This is approximately the same time model that has been reported in previous years, with most of the allegations reported to have occurred between the mid-1960 and mid 1980. "Among the 398 new allegations credible reports in 2009, 48 new charges (12 percent) were found unsubstantiated or patently false by December 31, 2009, "the report added." In addition, 23 complaints received prior to 2009 were found to be unfounded or clearly false in during 2009. "
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