Friday, March 26, 2010

Shopko Marshmallow Gun

pedophile priests

helped the Church to eliminate this terrible stain. We're not talking about isolated cases, the scandal of pedophile priests is not only the United States (5000 cases) whose costs are very high, read " USA: How much abuse . Thousands around the world, and many in Italy. A phenomenon and a disease and endured untold for years, in shame and sorrow. It covered the Vatican, ready to sympathize with people who have been condemned by the justice of their country. Or, if your forced to compensate the injured buy the silence. Read this in "Journey into Silence " on doublethink.
March 23, 2010
Vatican Pedophiles and Priests - Sex Crimes and the Vatican - one of five

The scandal is mounting at world these days and only the information arrives in Italy even if reduced and / or reduced and relegated to less important in the news. We know our country is home to the Vatican and is in a sense political and social control more closely.

Unfortunately, it is a serious issue that has gone on for many years and for over 30 years in many countries against children committed by pedophile priests and boys in schools and parishes. Since many of us will be impressed by this scandal because our media have always kept in the dark. Those who have lived abroad will be very surprised.

The scandal comes dangerously close to Ratzinger previously lapped indirectly (Prelates close to him, see his brother) and the Vatican seems to give the impression groped desperately to avert the scandal which is limited by the Pope to apologize and to "point the finger "only against the" pedophile priests "instead of taking responsibility have provided them with protection and coverage in all those years when he was prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. He did so only to defend the good name and image of the Church, say his accusers. This is always required with strong insistence by several countries where victims are not satisfied with the apology letter that even the Pope has sent to them.

These accusations, which do not stop, are of unprecedented gravity because they come from major sources, credible and numerous. Only the 'truth' as \u200b\u200bterrible and needed drastic consequences of such substitution of 'people without spot' (and there certainly are), can save the institution of the Church and recover the confidence of believers. Otherwise, we jump back to the Middle Ages the 'market of indulgences' that caused the schism of Protestantism in Europe. From

comment by Carlo Maroni Sole24ore 'Here is a question of taking the global Church, its presence in society, because pedophilia is a theme that embraces the presence of children, from schools to parishes'.

If doubt will creep in families nobody will trust more to send their children to the parish and / or their school as well as lose the faith!
Raffaele B.

UPDATE *** ***
I can not keep pace with new accusations that continue unabated now. In response to angry denials are just some examples of today 26/03/2010:

Nyt raised, "Ratzinger
knew that the pedophile priest was in business'

Pedophilia: NYT raises, Pope father knew about the transfer of

Corriere della sera
Pedophilia, new charges against Ratzinger
Schifani "unacceptable attacks"

cnn As New York Times allegations
also a case in Germany

Corriere della sera
Children and complaints: the diocese investigates

YESTERDAY *** 03.25.2010 ***

From a distance / Crossfire on Pope Ratzinger
of Elysa Fazzino

March 25, 2010 It is in the foreground on the websites of many foreign press the case brought to the fore by the New York Times, according to which the leaders of the Vatican, including the future Pope Ratzinger, protected a pedophile priest in Wisconsin. Father Lawrence Murphy, accused of molesting at least 200 deaf children, remained a priest until his death, despite the warning letters sent to Rome by several American bishops.

"The Pope has failed to act on complaints of sexual abuse in the U.S." headline on the Times Online homepage, stressing that the scandal is getting closer to Benedict XVI. The ecclesiastical trial - the Times of London - "stopped after the accused pleaded for clemency Cardinal Ratzinger." Milwaukee papers, obtained by The New York Times, "emerge as Pope Benedict faces other charges," notes the Times: Ratzinger, as head of the Vatican and as archbishop in Germany, "did not punish priests accused of sexual abuse, it shall inform the competent civil authorities."

The Pope, however, yesterday accepted the resignation of the Irish Bishop John Magee, under fire for how he handled allegations of sexual abuse in his diocese. Magee to the resignation of the Times devotes a large bathroom. Now that the pope accepted the resignation, "the pressure rises because he resigns Cardinal Sean Brady, Primate of Ireland." The website offers a discussion of "secrets of the Catholic Church in Ireland."

"Pedophilia, Pope Benedict XVI again accused" is the title, in large characters that appear on the first pages of the Nouvel Observateur. "The current pope and other leaders the Vatican would have covered the sexual abuse of an American priest who was raped about 200 members of a school for deaf children. "scandals multiply, says the Nouvel Obs. The revelations come as the various scandals of abuse of minors by Catholic clergy shake Ireland and other countries, including Holland, Switzerland, Spain, Austria and Germany.

Grosso also call on the website of Le Figaro, which publishes un'Afp under the title: "The Vatican accused to have covered up sexual abuse of an American priest. "Libération own spear, with the bold" tragic affair for the Vatican. "" In the face of the wave of sex scandals, Benedict XVI browsed denials and desire for transparency, " Eric Jozsef wrote recently in a revived on the site.

Hundreds of comments from readers are flooding the website of El Pais, which opens the homepage with this case. "The Vatican does not punish the priest accused the United States because he was ill" is the title updated in the last hour.

In the text of the reply sent to the New York Times by Federico Lombardi, director of the Vatican press - writes Miguel Mora - The Vatican says that Murphy was not punished because "very sick". The priest was expelled "because canon law provides for no automatic punishments." In fact, the reporter points out, for any crime and who provided the automatic excommunication. The correspondence gives news of the protests in front of the Vatican and cites Robert Mirabile, president of the Italian victims of pederasty Caramelo Bueno, neither the bishops nor the curiae, nor the ecclesiastical courts have never sent a priest to prison for a crime of pedophilia. The story prominently featured in El Mundo in Spain and other sites such as ABC.

sites include the U.S., the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times published an interview with Ireland's Sinead O'Connor, the Irish singer who became a sensation years ago when the American TV tore a picture of Pope John Paul II calls " the enemy "and urged the public to combat sexual abuse. "There should be a criminal investigation against the pope," says the singer, always at loggerheads with the Catholic Church. The pope, according to O 'Connor, should resign for "not acting in a Christian way to protect children."

The scandal of pedophilia is a rising tide

comment by Charles Brown

March 25, 2010 The scandal of pedophilia in the church is a rising tide that threatens to represent the true rock of the pontificate of Joseph Ratzinger, the Beyond the tragedy of the facts gradually revealed. Benedict XVI was touched by the case of Monaco, from Regensburg indirectly (via his brother Georg) and now again brought up for an event that focuses on American Cardinal Bertone also.

events that, reading the cards are hard to classify the transactions of "coverup" but that objective can not even join the line "zero tolerance" has become the slogan VATICAN Abuse. In

part is a bit 'paradoxical that Ratzinger is put on the global media scene - and the New York Times has some of this power - because of abuse, having had a steady hand from the beginning of his pontificate (the emblematic case the founder of the Legionaries of Christ), certainly more severe than that of his predecessor.

But anyhow, and now the scandal is becoming globalized, turning the spotlight on the possibility repercussions in the Curia. Yes, because a relatively weak governance - as well highlighted by Williamson case a year ago - should give a strong response to the ongoing emergencies footsteps when the quarrels are more related to Italy (even if severe, as the case Boffo) but here it is play in the global power of the Church, its presence in society, because pedophilia is a theme that embraces the presence of children, from schools to parishes. In short, in sensational facts (with a resonance within the Church is perceived increasingly as a sort of attack "secular") are very strong symbolic gestures and concrete.

USA: How much abuse

A reaction of the American bishops on costs related to the pedophilia scandal between 2004 and 2009.
Marco Tosatti
The abuse scandal has cost the diocese 104.439 million U.S. dollars in 2009, according to the annual report prepared by the U.S. bishops' conference. Only 59% of these funds were intended to agreements with the victims ($ 55.0 million) and treatments for victims of abuse ($ 6.5 million), the rest was for attorneys' fees ($ 28,700,000) and therapies for the leaders ($ 10.9 million ), and other costs ($ 3.3 million). The thing that brings the total of the clergy abuse scandal in American dioceses and religious institutes between 2004 and 2009 to U.S. $ 2,194,729,859, 1,897,599,482 dollars for the dioceses and eparchies, and 297,130,377 for religious institutes. In addition, American dioceses have spent more than 21 million in 2009 on plans for a "safe environment" and background checks.

The report found that 398 new credible allegations of child sexual abuse were made against 286 diocesan priests and deacons in 2009. Only six of the 398 allegations involving persons who are currently minors, the other allegations were made by adults who claim they were abused when they were minors. In all, 65 allegations of abuse since 2004 have involved those who were minors in the complaint.

Of 398 new credible allegations, 83% of male victims are involved, and only 15% of the victims were under the age of ten years. So says a report prepared by the American bishops on the subject. "For most of the new charges (71 percent), the abuse occurred or began between 1960 and 1984," the report says. "The most common time period for the allegations reported in 2009 was to 1975-1979.

This is approximately the same time model that has been reported in previous years, with most of the allegations reported to have occurred between the mid-1960 and mid 1980. "Among the 398 new allegations credible reports in 2009, 48 new charges (12 percent) were found unsubstantiated or patently false by December 31, 2009, "the report added." In addition, 23 complaints received prior to 2009 were found to be unfounded or clearly false in during 2009. "

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Brother Hl-4040cdn Toner Cartridge Refill


The refusal to Berlusconi (leader of the PDL) of face to face with Bersani (leader of the PD) is indicative of the type of 'democracy' by which we slipped. The rider also rejects those required by Casini (UDC) and Di Pietro (IDV). In a true democracy any justification that denigrates the opponent to the point where the waste is worth unacceptable. The Knight, "there is no possibility of comparison - he said - with a left that insults, offends, ridicules, delegitimize, slander.

are all just pathetic excuses that mask a great fear to confront those who think like him. Why is it with those who think differently to you face to face with people who obviously do not think the same. The rider who prefers to deal with or 'check' or, better yet, make continuous monologues in meetings (with no uncomfortable questions) to we have used for years.

March 22, 2010
Travaglio 'rai' Berlusconi is the Fruit afraid

In any other democratic country, the leader who refuses to face to face would 'buzz' and would decide by the end of the election to choose leaders that the citizens themselves. We even triple this refusal seems to make 'noise'. What can be inferred, except that our country is now perilously tilted from a banana republic (populist), at least in the newspapers and the media much of which was under the direct and indirect Knight.

citizens (after all we Europeans, I hope so), I believe that for most of their face 'Buzz' and directs the vote regardless of the rightness or otherwise of the positions of the leader who refuses. I also think that makes a stir for a good part of the same center-right electorate of disorientation, as a minimum! We'll see if it will be like this!
Raffaele B.

Berlusconi: I'm not a monarch.
Succession? Offensive talk

Last Updated: March 23, at 14:19
Rome - (Adnkronos / Ign) - The chairman of the Council: "My rating is 62 percent.''On the regional :''Country altered, the Public Prosecutor's heavily entered the pitch. "Ronchi:''No one questions his leadership, but the contribution of Fini is crucial.''Bersani:''There will be turnaround ''. The bishops in the driving seat for rating .

Rome, 23 March. (AKI) - The People of Freedom''is a very democratic party that does not take any decision by a monarch who would I, as mentioned by someone. And 'exactly the opposite.''said Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, interviewed by Unomattina.''inside the party - said the prime minister - we have a absolute form of democracy that we applied in this first year of work.''

''Some say that the party is to be improved. Everything can be improved, but I'm absolutely happy and satisfied with the bodies we have set ourselves and the way they worked this year,''Berlusconi added that now the columns of the 'Print' is back to say is'' offensive''raise the question of the future leadership of the PDL''with a leader who is in great shape and with an index of appreciation to 62 percent.''

On the issue of change at the summit also spoke for European Affairs Minister Andrea Ronchi, said: "Nobody questions the leadership Berlusconi, of course. I say that the PDL - added though - is the key contribution of Gianfranco Fini.

A One morning the Prime Minister also spoke of the region. The campaign "has been distorted because of the prosecution entered the party heavily in the field," he said. "With the assistance of their judiciary - said the prime minister - the left has prevented us from carrying out a campaign of information to citizens."

The "party of the prosecution," added the Prime Minister, invented''a month and a half ago a new tangentopoli and then tried to destroy the miracle that we did in L'Aquila after the earthquake, which threw mud at Bertolaso and Civil Protection. Then spoke with the rejection of our lists by blaming our delegates, and finally an investigation ridiculous interceptions with the Prime Minister.'' ''A campaign based on facts and projects - said Berlusconi - would have been detrimental to them. In comparison I would have gone destroyed.''

The President of the Council reiterated its 'no' to a face to face with the secretary of the Pd Pierluigi Bersani, "there is no possibility of comparison - he said - with a left that insults, offends, ridicules, delegitimize, slander. " The premier also reiterated how important it is to vote next Sunday and Monday: "We must go and vote because every vote not given benefits the left. I have faith in the common sense of the Italians who do not identify with this left handcuffed to Di Pietro ".

After the vote on 28 and 29 March, said among other things the prime minister," there we wait three years more of government, in which we will hand to institutional reform, the great modernization of the tax, the major reform of justice, and many other things provided by our programs. "

And speaking of evolution that the path of reform will have in terms of form of government Berlusconi said that "we must turn to the people and hear from them what is what they want, if the direct election of President of the Republic or the direct election of prime minister. "

As to the possibility of a dialogue with the opposition on reforms, the Prime Minister said" it would be best done with the opposition, if you would talk, if you proved credible. "The

Free Rgestry And Cods


Everywhere, as often happens, comes the Church with Cardinal Bagnasco to lend a hand to Berlusconi in difficulty entering heavily into the political arena and encouraging Catholics to vote for who is against abortion and those who defend life. This is clearly an intrusion of a political nature to say basically not to vote for in Bonino Bresso Lazio and Piedmont, the two key regions of the elections. What

centrate regional elections with ethical issues like abortion?! And as if in a debate condominium you wish to solve the problems of unemployment. At regional level, we must talk about infrastructure, health, employment etc.

But Cardinal Bagnasco, also calls not to vote for those that do not promote the value of family and the integration of immigrants, work etc.. In short, the award-divorced Berlusconi, the 'escort' and now curing the cancer just wrong and not even all of its majority, particularly on the issue of immigrants and work, etc..

Then the cardinal, in the rush to benefit the center, commits a glaring light entering deep contradiction, or puts the abortion issue first. But in the last article on the Corriere della sera bishops 'holding back' the concept stating that although it is not the first anti-abortion social issues! A last-gasp attempt to recover the Church's credibility in the eyes of those Catholics who speaks and who think with their head. Read the full text of the letter Bagnasco .

The question then of pedophilia and the responsibility of the Church (not only of pedophile priests) read "Journey into Silence " by doublethink, we will return to part with another appropriate service. Meanwhile, even here the smart Berlusconi (escort of age) took the ball to ingratiate himself with the Vatican! Read ' Pedophilia: premier, solidarity with the Pope ' from ' ANSA. What message would then receive

Catholics who wish to follow the directions of the church? A message 'contrary' to the extent that these would seem that the only solution may be, at best to abstain, then do not vote for an irresponsible and at worst vote for Berlusconi's associates, people that Christians have only a caricature and instrumental!

Also just to clarify, no one can be pro-abortion and against the defense of life. On this there can be no misunderstandings. The question instead concerns the Law No. 194 of May 22, 1978 abortion, which, remember, is the law of our state and Italian that is in force now for 32 years.

This law was made to stem the illegal abortion has always existed in secret for centuries and that 'reaped' many victims among mothers and unborn children (the poor). I resorted to so-called rich 'Golden spoon' or went abroad and had all the necessary assistance to the sound of millions. The poor or those who could not afford it resorted to the risky 'midwives' to the lack of health resources. This is the point. The mere existence of the law prohibiting abortion do not stop this plague (for centuries), indeed, created a disparity between the census.

After so many years you can take stock: the Law 194 abortions actually decreased by 80% and if you were more prevention and sex education would be reduced again.

In the third world, the situation is even worse because we did not like the 194 and because they lack adequate sanitation for all means. In more if you do everything to prevent the use of contraception is by law or by the prohibitive prices for their damage is even greater.

Why insist on this issue yet? Instead of making more operational the 194 to further reduce abortions instead you want to delete the law and will inevitably return to clandestine abortion in the past. What the concept of defense of life and abortion is not it?

Italian Catholics are against abortion illegal and have tried it with the approval of Law 194, the majority of whom are women, the main subjects of this suffering and therefore, the only owners the choice whether to abort or not (the RU486 ) is part of the same concept. Women (Catholic or not) who wish to observe the precepts of the Church simply does not require an abortion. The law does not oblige them to do so! The law only allows women to choose abortion does not oblige!

The state eventually be limited to providing assistance to save the women. There is also assisting the prevention and sex education. Not always, however, the law 194 is applied to 100% just because of many operators 'objectors' in many areas of the country are refusing to provide assistance.
Raffaele B.

Cei: Bonino, with less than 194 law abortions
The candidate, I expected 80% but the Italians have confirmed

ANSA) - ROMA, 23 MAR - Bonino expected criticism of the CEI, 'at each election and' case. But 'Law 194 abortions has decreased,' he says. '80% of Italians and' illegal abortion '. If you did more than' prevention 'would fall again', 'Italian women know how painful abortion ', nobody in Italy wants to' return to midwives and spoons of gold '. Ms. Bonino is not the problem if you move the CEI rating: '80% of Italians upheld the law I guess is a Catholic'.

Il Corriere della Sera
No to abortion, the explanation of the bishops

"It is not worth more than others"
"The Church does not consider the values \u200b\u200bof bioethics more important than social '

March 23, 2010 VATICAN CITY - The Church is against abortion, but does not consider values \u200b\u200bof bioethics more important than the social. This is the heart of a document drawn up by the eight bishops of Liguria in view of the region, which has as its first signatory Angelo Bagnasco, and that was circulated by the Italian Bishops' Conference. Observations on the "no abortion" in the document sound like a clarification with respect to the claims Monday by Bagnasco. The cardinal had in fact indicated the defense of life, also from the "unfathomable crime 'of abortion, as a value" not negotiable "on which to base their electoral choices. The document part of the Ligurian bishops but by an appeal to the reconciliation of souls, in view of the appointment of regional authorities to argue that respect for human life and marriage between man and woman, but also the right to work and home, the integration of immigrants are all "values \u200b\u200bwhich can not be selected according to personal preference, but must be taken in their entirety." "In this regard - the report said of the bishops of Liguria - the rule of thumb for a wise discernment between different representations is the commitment and planning clearly made, to ensure full respect for those values \u200b\u200bthat express the basic needs of the human person and his dignity, values \u200b\u200bwhich are the condition and foundation of a truly inclusive society "... CONTINUE

Il Corriere della Sera
Bishops: "The vote is anti-abortion" March 22, 2010

VATICAN CITY - The defense of human life, primarily from the "unfathomable crime 'of abortion in all its forms, is values \u200b\u200bof a 'non-negotiable "by which Catholics must vote in the upcoming regional. It is as stated, in summary, President of the CEI, card. Angelo Bagnasco, opening the work of the Permanent Council of Bishops, the "Parlamentino" of the Italian bishops (see it was given full ). The candidate of the center to the Lazio Regional, Emma Bonino, he replied that it is "an evergreen. I do not think there is nothing new, are the usual things. "

non-negotiable values \u200b\u200b- values \u200b\u200b'not negotiable', listed the archbishop of Genoa, are "the dignity of the human person, unbounded any conditioning, the sacredness of life from conception until natural death; freedom of religion and freedom education; the family based on marriage between a man and a woman. " On this basis, he explained, "are implanted and are guaranteed other essential values \u200b\u200bsuch as the right to work and home, freedom of enterprise for the common good, the reception of immigrants, in compliance with the law and to encourage ' integration, respect for creation, freedom from crime, particularly organized. "

ABORTION, "PROGRESSIVE catastrophe '- his harsh words against abortion, described as" a massacre progressive, "you want to make" invisible "through the use of pills to take home. "What will it take again - we have asked the president of the CEI - to acknowledge that without the foundational principle of the inviolable dignity of every human life while starting every slip becomes a hand? "In this context, inevitably full of meaning, it will be good - has been continued - that citizenship shooting with great care each verification election, whether national or local and then regional. " "The event of the vote - he said - an important qualitative fact that under no circumstances agree to neglect."

ON PATROL: A TRANSPARENT, BUT NO GOODWILL - Cardinal Bagnasco has also addressed the recent pedophilia scandals. The Church has learned from Benedict XVI to speak out or cover up the truth, "even when it is painful and ugly ',' that did not mean to suffer, if any, strategies generalized disrepute," said the president of the CEI, card. Angelo Bagnasco, in the opening speech of the Permanent Council of Bishops, the "Parlamentino 'of the Italian bishops. The cardinal also expressed to the Pope the "closeness" of the Italian Episcopate, "the more, somewhere, you try to touch her clear and lovely person, the more the people of God to see him moved and proud."

" NOT PUT IN DEBATE CELIBACY '-' no tragic case" can obscure "the Beauty of the priestly ministry, said the cardinal. "I question the celibacy that warms the heart and inspires my life," he added. "I never feel abandoned or regarded with suspicion, and - Bagnasco said turning to the men of the Church - do not be discouraged, be calm knowing that our communities have confidence in you and your side with the eyes of faith and the demands of evangelical '. The priest - has articulated - is not "an inconvenience, or an unbalanced, although today's cultural climate does not facilitate the harmonious growth of neither. The priest is a man who, not only in the seminary, cultivate their own humanity in the fire of the love of Jesus. "

Saturday, March 20, 2010

How To Make A Shirt Look 80s With Pins


Yesterday's demonstration, WATCH not more impressive as we thought, and said one million was more than 'false', 150,000 for the police, showed that beyond the celebration of the head and various gestures and nostalgic slogan, did not have any of the content of proposals to address the serious problems of the country.

the easy rhetoric of love that 'obviously' wins against hatred and envy of the man brought his escort Villa Certosa says a lot and plays mocking. Moreover, the conduct of the festival is by no means 'loving' and the slogan has been so much contradicted. The rhetorical questions to the crowd the manner of the leader. Then the defense of the right to vote is none other than 'postpone' the presentation of the electoral laws which they themselves violated. That of 'privacy' for the rider means of reducing interceptions. Then absurd reforms that have nothing to do but the real problems of the people. A meaningless ritual in the name of total emptiness of the proposal to take the country out of crisis.

It was in fact a demonstration of power against the opposition and against the judiciary. A phenomenon of the worst systems in line with populist and wholly unrelated to any liberal democracies. It was a showdown of who has political power against those who did not have it. Who claimed to silence all critics and those who do not think like the leader, hailed the limit of adoration by a mass of citizens who still dogmatically believes in him and his blatant lies. See this movie.
March 19, 2010
Berlusconi finally disgraced

In liberal democracies rather obvious who has the power to be heard and power to influence the same. At the same time in Rome, as manifested by the Prime Minister, there was another demonstration for the public water against its privatization. An essential commodity for life, such as air and therefore must stay away from the negative effects of business as it insists that government. So the two events of which only a concern for everyone, the other surely not! A Milan, 150,000 people marched against the Mafia , passed almost on the sly!

The other was part and was conducted by the President of the Council as such has made an incredible institutional misconduct. He then acted as head of the PDL against not only the opposition but against the judiciary, other state power, something not seen in the history of our republic, a true violation of the Constitution. In fact, Gianfranco Fini as Speaker of the House did not attend and therefore absent much less has been mentioned!

Among other things, during his speech, the knight has abandoned not only the usual promises, but also to those who do not own policies for example 'defeat the disease of cancer' without providing any funding for the research. Read 'Berlusconi Oncologist' .

is a delusion of omnipotence which unfortunately still many Italians believe but that are growing ever more beginning to tire and causing the inevitable descent of the consensus view of many commentators, for which the same event today bears the marks of a sunset near. Read the wrath of Verdini sull'Aquila.

I also suggest reading a letter from a reader with the title ITALIANISTAN the end of the service. The worst is yet to come, and meanwhile we wait for regional elections with confidence.
Raffaele B.

Il Messaggero
Berlusconi attacks opposition and judges
PDL: 1 million in the square. Police Station: 150 thousand

ROME (March 20) - In the square 'for a great celebration of freedom, to reaffirm the right to vote and not to be spied on. " Silvio Berlusconi hailed as his supporters to the streets in San Giovanni in Rome where they merged the two processions of the PDL. An event for which they announced that 500 thousand according to the organizers and participants has exceeded one million, but the large voids and the surrounding streets clear of evidence of much lower figures. In late evening the police station in Rome announced that the participants in the event of the PDL in Piazza San Giovanni were 150 thousand ... CONTINUE

The Messenger
Berlusconi: "Defeating even cancer '
ROME (March 20) - Three years after the end of term. Three years 'crucial' to complete the "liberal revolution" which includes institutional reforms, justice, taxation and even the victory over a disease like cancer. Silvio Berlusconi, the stage in Piazza San Giovanni, is back on the reforms. "We have three years of work - he said - three years in which, gradually emerging from the crisis, we will implement major reforms. Institutional reforms, to reduce the number of parliamentarians, the direct election of Prime Minister or the President of the Republic, the great, great, great reform justice, which the fundamental reform and modernization of the tax system, the question of federalism. We will continue with the same determination to fight against the Mafia and organized crime. We want to give more security for citizens, we want to end up with less taxes, less bureaucracy, more infrastructure and more green. We also want to win the cancer that strikes every year 250 thousand Italians and that affects almost two million of our citizens. We must address these three years of a strong full mandate by the Italians for three years will be crucial to the liberal revolution that we promised Italians. "

Berlusconi and questions to the crowd (

Il Messaggero
The Wrath of the PDL Verdini Abruzzo had to go with the unit in the homes of L'Aquila
Li. Mand.

PESCARA (March 20) - What are 50 coaches ever, at least one hundred were supposed to leave at dawn today by Bazzano, from any settlement Cese Preturo yellow, white or blue Homes plan to Rome, I say 100, 150, 5,000 people between mothers fathers grandmothers grandchildren cheering revelers in the heart berlusconi flags in hand, under the stage of St. John. And yet. Instead MPs Abruzzo Region President, councilors and councilors did not succeed. Neither nor fifty percent.

A disappointment for Denis Verdini, who yesterday wrote to all. The megaphone that they should take: everyone, from nails. Scrubbed the party after the introduction: "Dear friends," after "having made phone calls to organize the event," and having found the flop, "I find you have difficulty reaching the target of 50 coaches for Abruzzo. Here it is: "It seems impossible that so large a group of deputies, senators and councilors can not go in the rebuilt neighborhoods, where homes have been delivered to 40,000 people, with a simple megaphone advertising the event and urging those people to thank Berlusconi coming Piazza San Giovanni. "

Verdini can not believe that the population (which incidentally is about 13 thousand people), "benefited from the extraordinary action of Berlusconi, does not fill one hundred buses in addition to those already organized." And because the phone did not answer the coordinator Piccone, and Nails was justified by saying that there were no buses because they would all go by car, light green adds a little 'sound economic domestic-constitutional: "The house is a primary asset of all life and especially for those people a house rebuilt after a disastrous event that is worth at least twice. You have to try, a ruling class of a big party on this measure. If not responding is not worth the Abruzzo no grooming. " But in the case of Aquila yesterday even the shadow of megaphones. What a blow to the pride pidiellino.

from Spartacus 03/19/2010 20:46 if it was for those who lost @ 2012 hours 14:51

"Hello, I'm a citizen of ' ITALIANISTAN .
I live in Milano 2, in a neighborhood built by the Chairman of the Board .
job in Milan in a company whose main shareholder is the Chairman of the Board .
Even the car insurance which I go to work is the Prime , as Prime is the assurance that manages my retirement accounts.
I stop every morning to buy the newspaper he owns the Prime .
When I go to the bank, I go to the Chairman of the Board of .
the afternoon, when I leave from work, I go out shopping in a hypermarket of Prime , where I buy products made by companies owned by Prime .
the evening, if I decide to go to the movies, I go into a room of the circuit properties of Chairman of the Board, and watch a film produced and distributed by a company of Prime : these films also benefit from public funding lavished by the government headed by Prime Minister .
If you stay home at night, often I watch TV Chairman of the Board, with set-top box manufactured by companies Prime , where films made by companies Prime are constantly interrupted by commercials made advertising agency of Prime .
I follow football, and I'm rooting for the team in the Premier is proprietary.
When I watch TV Prime I look at the RAI, whose leaders were nominated by MPs that the Prime Minister did elect.
When I surf a bit fed up 'on the internet, with the provider Prime .
But if I did not really want TV or surf the internet I read a book, whose publisher is owned by the Chairman of the Board .
course, as in all democratic countries and liberal, even in ITALIANISTAN is the Chairman of the Board that predisposes the laws that are approved by a parliament where many of the deputies of the majority are employees and attorneys Prime that My rule in the exclusive interest, for goodness sake! "

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I Am Male And Still Have Wet Dream Is This Normal


that has never happened to be ousted election was none other than the main party (PDL) for 'failure' of the laws governing the presentation of lists. what happened was this time for the next regional Lombardy and Lazio. There are other minor lists in Piedmont who suffer the same fate.
It remains now that the TAR, which was made use of the candidates in the faint hope of being readmitted.

The reasons are mainly two. The number of signatures is insufficient or non-delivery the list within the period provided by law exhaustively. The list of civic Polverini was readmitted but that of the PDL with her leaders not. That was not delivered to out of time. For those of Formigoni in Lombardy, insufficient number of signatures.

the powder has tried to stir up the streets against the so-called 'red tape' that would prevent the 'democracy'. The importance of 'substance' than the 'form', words of Schifani, President of the Senate. The same La Russa, the Defence Minister, said to be 'willing to do anything' if you do not reopen the list, statement 'disturbing' to a minister government. They have come to acknowledge even the radicals have prevented Alfredo Million (PDL) to deliver the lists (of course out of time). He had gone to eat a sandwich, he says, then he denies and says he's 'confused'. In short, he has become the subject of fierce humor and satire in the network, see the YouTube video attached.
March 3, 2010
The sandwich of freedom '

So they with institutional leaders are saying that the 'law' in this case 'should not apply' in spite of everything. People who rule and who aspires to govern again 'against' their own laws. Absurd! And then, what happened to all the right law and order?

The shape, particularly those in the laws on elections, is important because it seeks to prevent 'manipulation' of the lists. Maybe it is or what was going on really, other than to eat the sandwich. Too little to be a valid justification.

Berlusconi himself is complaining about how his party at the local level PDL leads the campaign and accused them of ' sloppiness' .

From all this emerges a 'rivalry' between the two components of the PDL and this does is to 'disturb' the more the center-right electorate.
Raffaele B.

Formigoni for now excluded from voting
And in Rome, even the PDL is out
The Court of Appeal in Milan rejected the governor's list, in the capital court rejects the request of the party of Prime Minister. They leave the appeals to the TAR

ROME - Majority deeper into electoral chaos. The Court of Appeal rejected the appeal of Rome - the second - presented by the PDL, after excluding the province of Rome and its list because of a delay in the presentation. And another bad news comes from London, for the center: the Court of Appeal of Milan did not readmitted to the listings for the Lombardy Roberto Formigoni, dismissing the appeal against the earlier decision of rejection (due to the irregularity of some signatures). A double stop which triggered the use of Tar to try to recover the situation.
The two failures. The most serious, from a technical point of view, is that Lombard at the time, without "his" list, the candidate of the PDL is excluded from competition. Words can not be voted. A similar fate for the listings associated with him. But the promoters have announced a further appeal, this time to the TAR. From the political point of view, however, the case of Rome is just as serious: the exclusion of the majority party from the capital is a difficult wound to heal. Again, however, it was announced the appeal to the TAR. 'We trust Tar - said the Minister of Defense Ignazio La Russa - For what little I know I believe that the administrative law principle of conservation should prevail over purely formal irregularities. But it seems possible that millions of voters can be deprived of their right because the stamp is square rather than round? ". Formigoni and calls for" a check is made on all lists.
The Civic Party Polverini .
The judges of the Court of Appeal of Rome instead reinstated the use of civil list for the Lazio Regional Renata Polverini, ruled yesterday. In another case, that of 'list' rejected the government candidates (which lacked the signature of the vice PDL-coordinator) must instead wait for tomorrow, but there is great optimism among the promoters. "Ruling expected - Polverini says - we are awaiting confirmation. but now we confident that things will be different to the TAR.
Milan, the reasons of the judges . In its reasons for the rejection of the appeal of the list 'for the Lombardy' the judges of the Court of Appeal of Milan, remember that the 'authentication of signatures of signatures must be accomplished in the manner "prescribed by the regulations. These formalities were not observed." These arrangements - yet it is written in the decision of 5 pages - thus constitute the essential minimum required to ensure certainty of of the conclusion by the person who set it all on purpose and should coexist. "For the judges," the request of the legislature to authenticate signatures of the subscribers responding all'imprescindibile need to verify that the submission of the list will actually corresponds to the proportion of voters indicated in it. "
Piedmont . There are five provincial lists excluded from the upcoming regional elections by the Court of Appeal of Turin and always for want of sufficient signatures. In three cases in the provinces of Asti, Cuneo and Turin, to be put out of the race was the list Fiamma Tricolore Right Association. In the two remaining in the provinces of Asti and Alessandria, however, the list is touched League Valley Piemont. All lists not support the presidential candidate Renzo Rabellino. It remains on the run the list of Nadia Cota, always in support of Rabellino, which was initially excluded. The symbol, in fact, was removed the word "PDL".

Berlusconi: just sloppiness. And call the lawyers
Marco Conti
ROME (March 3) - A path of humility, the national headquarters of the PDL, the tsunami is expected, as the Japanese after the earthquake in Chile Silvio Berlusconi is a fury and the mayor of Rome sent her to say: "I will have delivered Rome, and look what I've combined."
irritation of the Knight invest and earthquakes all the Pdl ruling class, not just Roman and Lazio, which in recent months has failed 'to blur my leadership in a mess that offends my constituents, and could deliver the Lazio to Bonino. "
A Gianni Alemanno, the President of the Council has now denied the possibility of any legislative action Minister Maroni and yesterday was even more explicit, giving the feeling of a League strongly embarrassed by these "behavior at the limit relevant legal requirements "that the minister La Russa has rap in no uncertain terms. The 'appalling errors' that the Minister Zaia attaches to the top of the party Roman and Lazio likely to have devastating effects on the same majority. Especially critical leaguers who yesterday asked to vote because the bill will allocate 600 million to the coffers of the capital.
Anyway what happened last Saturday inside and outside the electoral office of the court, Knight has become clear (Samuele Piccolo included), but the earthquake that likely will invest the highest levels of the party Lazio (Balloon , Sammarco and Piso) is postponed until after the vote and could have effects not only on the town of Rome, but also on the group of the House as a way of Humility has accumulated a strong nervousness towards Fabrizio Cicchitto that the PDL has more than a few Roman influence. To the point of being able to bring into the list of Polverini his closest collaborator and take out that Minister Scajola.
passed the stage of despair to a ruling class "made up of bureaucrats and the candidate," Berlusconi yesterday - canceled his visit to Brazil - the past is to develop an exit strategy by asking Abbrignani Ignatius, head of the electoral PDL for three days on the front lines, an account of actions and calling on the phone several times a lawyer Grace Flight. Optimism and encouragement to Polverini ("you'll see we'll make it anyway and I'll campaign for you"), while the arrival in the evening Roman lawyer and former minister Cesare Previti, who in his time "launched" at the top of the PDL Gianni Sammarco , confirms the desire of the Prime Minister to put pen to paper a defense can convince the judges of the Tar.
" What has happened is a signal that requires a quick change in the party ', argued yesterday in Transatlantic Secretary Aldo Brancher. The plot does not believe anyone in the House yesterday and the blue Roman Lorenzin Beatrice was literally besieged by colleagues from the North - especially Northern League - who demanded to know if the pie is really originated from a delay for "adjustments" in the list. "No, the story of the sandwich I was not very convinced," says Mr Vivian Beccalossi An ex at the end of the explanation.
the nervousness of Berlusconi joins that of the founder of the PDL , but if they share the dissatisfaction, therapy and divides them into the PDL are now many to ask Berlusconi to dissolve back to the PDL Forza Italy.