Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Send The Invoice To My Attn.


The news is fresh and is reported at the time, only the newspaper Abruzzo washtimes . According to this newspaper there is a interception which has come into possession which proves beyond a reasonable doubt that "those who laughed earthquake Aquila " actually works in the city " denying "Gianni Letta blatantly that all ' ANSA says" outraged "that" none of those people, none of those companies has ever been to the Eagle nor did it have to work a € in the first round and neither will the second . And Bertolaso \u200b\u200b Is now even 'victim'.

So to Aquilani who have experienced these days in the name of "we do not laugh " adds a further insult because he who "laughed " already working and derive profit from the earthquake in L'Aquila, pace of Who in the government 'outraged' was quick to say the contrary perhaps to 'take' the good city. Now the Attorney

Aquila asks the procurement records of the investigation (see
REUTERS ) and wants to see clearly.

By tapping becomes difficult and arduous continue to 'lie' without ridicule. If there were, this would not have been possible. We do not just have to see the next developments in the investigation and whether newspapers and other media publish this news.
Raffaele B.

In this movie the director is interviewed REPUBLIC RADIOTV de washtimes which confirms and adds detail to this part of the story.
February 17, 2010
Who laughed earthquake works in L'Aquila
The daily revelations of the Centre which contradict the statements of Gianni Letta. The commentary by director Louis Close. Tiziana Testa leads

Gianni Letta: speculators have never set foot in L'Aquila
February 12, 15:48

L'AQUILA - "We all felt a thrill of horror" than "those nasty people who were to gain something on the misfortune of Aquila. None of those people, none of those companies has ever been to the ' Aquila has not had a euro in the first phase of work and neither will the second. " Said Secretary to the Prime Minister Gianni Letta, at the innovation prize of Finmeccanica in L'Aquila, adding that "thanks to careful management of Guido Bertolaso.

PERUGIA (Reuters) - The chief prosecutor of the Eagle , Alfred Ross, asked the Florentine magistrates to have access to records of the investigation on so-called "big events", including the G8, the Magdalene, in order to verify the existence of cases of mafia infiltration in the procurement ... CONTINUE

G8, the investigation of the earthquake earthquake
Who laughed works Aquila

Those who laughed, the night of the earthquake, central Italy there have been and we have worked. The investigation of the wiretapping G8 emerge that contradict the statements of Gianni Letta. Piscicelli entrepreneurs and other suspects involved in the reconstruction. The Tuscan Btp lands in the city by Frederick II of the consortium Barattelli, Marinelli and Vittorini
"Won the first contract, the others soon. Ferie Aquila"
( All ' next article or web )

Enrico Nardi (17 February 2010)

L'AQUILA . They laughed and they worked, realized their dream. "Here we can seize 'what we want." "Here there is to do for 10 years." The intercepts reveal that entrepreneurs not only have rice-jackals in the bed, the night of the earthquake, but they have also achieved the objective of taking money, public and private, from the big pie of the business of reconstruction in Abruzzo. The rally Gianni Letta ("None of those people and businesses has ever been in L'Aquila and have not had and will have a € ') is 5 days ago. But it seems far away.
WORK. Jackals at work in the crater, despite what Letta called "the prudent management of Bertolaso. Francesco Maria De Vito Piscicelli, a contractor who would have laughed the night talking to the brother of the earthquake Pierfrancesco Gagliardi thinking of that business would have been achieved, three days after the earthquake things worse when he says that's already been asked for "six excavators and twenty truck. " The interception is included in the investigation of Florence on large contracts where Piscicelli is investigated.
FEDERICO II. Named after the legendary founder of the city, the consortium through which the Tuscan BTP (Baldassini-Tognozzi-Pontello), whose leaders are under investigation for alleged relationships with the coordinator for the PDL Denis Verdini, for which we assume corruption has taken root in the city. The giant building, among the top 10 in Italy, married the Barattelli (Hector and Charles), Historic Aquila manufacturers, and enterprises Emidio Vittorini, Marinelli and Equizi. Names, these strangers in the investigation of Florence. Vittorini and Marinelli are known for their commitment nell'Aquila rugby. Baptism of the "Federico II" May 15. A month and 9 days after the disaster created a consortium that 'not for profit "even if it consists of corporations, and aims" to promote the integration and aggregation of those associates. " Beyond the purpose, the consortium will take public and duties of private persons. "As you can imagine," says the prosecutor, "the earthquake has temporarily moved to the interests of those involved, all well aware that an earthquake could result in orders for construction and, therefore, profits." The consortium would have pocketed, so far, about 12 million in the first phase of reconstruction. He worked on the construction of temporary school modules, the restoration of some of the barracks housing Pasquali be allocated to displaced persons to put in security (€ 700 thousand) and the recovery of works of art (578mila €) at the headquarters of the Directorate-General of the Cassa di savings of the Province of A eagle, in Corso Vittorio Emanuele Branconi-building and flour, property of the bank, and already home to represent the Region. Barattelli is also a member of the Board of Directors of Carispaq who confirmed that he had entrusted the work.
Casale Di Nardo EI. The other track, disturbing, is investigating the relationships between businesses, public officials and members of the Casalesi clan. In a survey of the official ministerial Ros Antonio Di Nardo, born in Giugliano (Napoli) but living in Mentone (Roma) is described as "in relations" with members of the Camorra. Di Nardo, Public Works from the superintendency with expertise in Lazio and Abruzzo, would be activated with Piscicelli to "participate in the bidding."
SCHOOL OF 7 MILLION . Middle School Carducci, temporary headquarters at Tower. Contract to be 7.3 million, the highest figure among those targeted at Musp. The contract was awarded by a joint venture of CMP-BTP-Vittorini Emidio buildings. Lot 12, awarded July 22. That same evening, the director of technical adviser to the consortium Federico II, Liborio Fracassi, Marsicano Avezzano, 62, writes a text message to Richard Wayne of the BTP. "Won the first contract. It is the first, the others soon. Holidays in L'Aquila. "

After the jackals, vultures?
Justin's comment Parisse de washtimes
These people have betrayed the young volunteers

*** *** The intercept
" Won the first contract, the others soon. Holiday Eagle "
(February 17, 2010)
calls between local contacts and companies involved:" A lot of stuff "
L'AQUILA . "Prime contract ok, leave L'Aquila." The laughs continue via SMS, where the farmer Abruzzo announced its corresponding Tuscan, yes, the first flag was placed. And now the others will follow. So much so that the holidays will touch pass to L'Aquila. These are the contents of some wiretaps included in the proceedings of the prosecutor of Florence in the investigation on corruption and procurement. Entrepreneurs and public officials speak constantly of the Abruzzo earthquake and its opportunities. "SEI EXCAVATORS. The entrepreneur Francesco De Vito Piscicelli talks with his cousin Pierre Gagliardi. The call is on April 9.
Gagliardi: "Look here ... 'but ... you want to do ... a nice ... a bell 'contract on Lake Garda ... 7 million ... or is it too far ... is a pain in the a. .. "
Piscicelli "... No. .. never mind ... mò there is the earthquake to follow ... "
G.: " ... Yeah, right, the focus is there ... "

P.: " ... Got it? "
G.: "... Because there start at two thousand per hour now ..."
P.: "... But I have already called to me ..."
G.: "... but really?
P.: " ... Yes, next week I have to give six excavators ... twenty trucks ... "
G.: " Li ... you have to give ...?»
P.: "Yes ... .."
G.: "... so ..."
P.: " Yes ... it works well in emergencies ... everything in the economy ... "
G.: " ... Ah ... from them to him and then after you in economy ... ie tot hours a day ... tot '
P.: "Yes ... .. yes, yes ..."
G.: "... Ah ... "
P.: " ... This is for emergencies ... "
G.: " ... Um, um ... some there now there are pig meat from there ... "
P.: " Eh ... there's to be rebuilt ten years ...».
Di Nardo. On 16 April, the ministry official Antonio Di Nardo Piscicelli inform the contractor that a meeting with Denis Verdini coordinator PDL can be organized at the club hunting in Piazza Fontanella Borghese in Rome to stay safe from prying eyes.
Di Nardo: "Look ... I think Tuesday we encounter ... one with Denis ... But with this go to the club or not ... you say that? ... does not want people who see ...».
Piscicelli: "Then we go to the club ... three of us. "
SMS: LEAVE eagle. This intercept sms that Liborio Fracassi, Avezzano, technical director of the consortium, "Federico II", July 22, 2009 to send 'suspect Riccardo Fusi Btp President of Tuscany, "We won the first contract: a school for 7.3 million to be delivered turnkey September 10. It is the first, the others soon. Holidays in L'Aquila. "" THERE YOU KNOW. "

Among politicians, there is also in contact with Wayne Riccardo Nencini, President of the Regional Council of Tuscany, who after a visit to L'Aquila, July 16, in which delivery € 500 thousand of its region to Gianni Chiodi, phone calls to the contractor.
Nencini: "Play nice ... I'm coming out now from L' I talked to you ... but there you are known ...».
Fusi "I know those others, however, Murano, you know ... yes. yes ... but if you put your hands you is better. "
Nencini suggests that strive to promote a meeting. "Lot of stuff." Here are the contents of a conversation between Liborio Fracassi (Consortium Federico II) and the ego mprenditore Tuscan Richard Fusi considered, along with Piscicelli and Vincenzo Di Nardo , among the "favorites" of the National Coordinator PDL Denis Verdini. They discuss the work and in particular in L'Aquila Carispaq properties.
Fusi "Excuse me, we have seen with that person in Vasto?.
Fracassi: "Yes, I went, I met him, I felt, but was busy with the elections and I called."
Fusi "Okay, but there how are you?".
Fracassi: "Well, well I say no well, very well. "
Fusi "Oh."
Fracassi: "Yeah, I told you. The engineer Marchetti has signed the authorization. " Fusi "Eh." Fracassi, "We are already preparing all budgets now with the bank. So we have prepared a little 'more ... Next Friday the board gives us the way to do both the work inside the palace Branconio that is put into preservation of the monuments inside that building all the frescoes, all decorations ... then all the scaffolding is the building of the bank is Branconio the palace. "
Fusi "The loss, the voice goes away."
Fracassi: "However, there is so much stuff. We are doing a lot of stuff. "
Fusi "Bravo."


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