begin to come to a head the 'Unresolved' and indeed even addressed the problems of the city and its reconstruction. The shortness of the media propaganda of the government shows that the 'rope' which even the news that so far have been silent on this aspect, they are able to rest more. cioccolatoevaniglia
February 21, 2010 challenged troupe of Tg1:''Scodinzolini!''
the mainstream media news (with the exception of TG3 ) And Mediaset, and some newspapers have given a greater spread completely different image of the Eagle. The Civil Defence was responsible only to the houses in 'new town' ( still not all) of these contracts ed'altronde millionaires ( out of control) to the usual builders and businessmen of 'court' that 'laugh' in the motto of the misfortunes of others: mors mea your life. As for ongoing investigations are revealing!
on rebuilding the city has not yet begun! Has been silent on this issue and unfortunately is very serious because in order to reconstruct the historical center What is much more difficult and requires high quality and professionalism, in my opinion, these unknown builders and businessmen, as well as substantial resources 'unavailable' for this government. .
Finally, if the city 'dies' cease many activities including the university is the major source. As a result many will be forced to move elsewhere to seek an income and leave the " new houses" built in record time as ' trumpeted ' with a great noise of propaganda by the media under government control and the same.
21 February 2010 L'Aquila, a thousand keys to reopen the city
The emergence of the houses was fine but had to start in parallel with the reconstruction of the city, but it was decided not to do so due to political and media and has lost a lot of time.
Now people are tired and they begin to open their eyes and act. They understand that if they do not address neither the government nor the Civil Defence will do so in a way that serves to revive the city, but just to make propaganda to win support and to enable them to 'court' lucre millionaires on their skin.
In "Presadiretta" RaiTre tonight's 21-Feb-2010 21:30 airs " reconstruction " I invite to see. Raffaele B.
RAINEWS24 Protest Eagle Ten months after the earthquake, the historic center of the Eagle is a forgotten city, for which the word reconstruction is simply unpronounceable. The people marched to demand concrete action and challenged the mayor Cialente TG1 and why - they say portrays a truth-unreal. Enzo Cappucci, Rainews24 journalist, says in his book because the center of the eagle is likely to remain a dead city and why the choices are unchallenged by the Government. We offer a preview ... CONTINUE Click also Take Back the City
distributes Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne compensation millionaires, the President Luca Cordero di Montezemolo and John Elkann as vice-chair of the workers and employees only cuts bonuses salaries and / or redundancy with no clear prospects for the future.
But if things do not go well for the group that still remains indebted to several million euro, for some reason the account is 'downloaded' only on the workers and managers will 'reward' so outrageous and so shameless!
course is fully justified, according to our Italian capitalism and financial system, so much so that newspapers such as ANSA and IlSole24Ore to name a few, do not bat an eyelid. These papers do not realize how the slightest proof to the blatant injustice that is consumed to the detriment of those employees FIAT and the entire country who are facing the crisis with great difficulty.
The group and its leaders should at least show a minimum of moral sensitivity to the drama of their employees and their families, but no! Proceed undeterred and cynically absurd to distribute prizes millionaires in addition to salaries already millionaires even if the group remains heavily indebted. is simply absurd! On
REPUBLIC FIOM Cremaschi the union: "The manager highest bonus for employees premiums down by 30-40% "Gives full details and numbers.
Where is the logic here, talking about a capitalist? So the market law applies only to employees, not leaders but the same law applies! Is an unprecedented scandal that we should rebel ! Raffaele B.
REPUBLIC unions' reactions to increases in executive compensation FiatIl Fiom secretary: "For them there is no market, but the best possible social " Cremaschi," the manager bonus higher employee premiums down by 30-40% " Rosario Amato February 20, 2010
ROME - "I'm not shocked by the high fees per se, but the fact that this year bonuses for top executives of Fiat will grow by at least one third, while at the same time the premiums for employees will be reduced by 30-40 percent, and we are talking about already low figures: last year had averaged between 800 and 900 million. " A Giorgio Cremaschi, the national secretariat of the Fiom, just does not go down the news that this year, despite the recession and layoffs, top managers earning fees in excess of one-third the previous year. In particular, the CEO Sergio Marchionne the fact that it has reached an operating profit of 1.1 billion and has taken the debt to 4.4 billion, was awarded a bonus of 1.343 million, which is added to 3.347 million received for the post held in the Group . Luca di Montezemolo will collect 5.2 million, € 550,000 of these are the remuneration for the presidency, while 4.6 million fee for the presidency include the Ferrari and the achievement of the bonus linked to the budgetary targets in Maranello. While the Vice-President John Elkann are 'only' € 631,000. In all, the top managers of the first mountain range salaries rose from 11 million in 2008 to 19 in 2009. This increase will be proposed to the shareholders in the Fiat calendar March 26.
"For some there is no market, there is the best possible social - Cremaschi bitter comments - there are no employee layoffs and cuts, and more this summer will have a reduced premium. It 's a identical situation to that of bank managers, on which were spilled but far more critical. " The union does not accept the claim that it is hit 'result': the same Marchionne two years ago at the Festival of Economics in Trento called "the most precarious of Fiat " , arguing that was being paid much, but just based on what to get, and still likely to put all day. "For four and a half million a year is precarious happy ... let's say that you can pay the mortgage," said smiling Cremaschi.Ancora toughest course of the reaction Secretary Fiom Termini Imerese, Roberto Mastrosimone: "In two, Marchionne and Montezemolo, pocketing 10 million euro in a year, here's where it ends the sweat of the workers. Marchionne collects even a bonus of 1.3 million, the prize awarded him the Lingotto to close the factory in Termini Imerese. A metalworker has a salary of 1,200 €, but when it is redundancy, as unfortunately avviane and often did in Termini Imerese own in 2009, earns € 700.
IlSole24Ore Marchionne Fiat increases in bonuses and approve the dividend February 16, 2010 Increase rights (stock grants) for the CEO of Fiat, Sergio Marchionne, following changes to incentive plan for 2009-2010 approved by the shareholders at the March 27, 2009. How to make a statement of the group, the number of rights increases the total to 12 million ... CONTINUE ANSA Fiat in 2009 collects Montezemolo 5.2 mln, Marchionne 4,800,000 The Elkann to 631,000 € February 19, 15:37 MILAN - In 2009, the remuneration received by the managing director of Fiat, Sergio Marchionne, was 4.78 million euro, of which 1.35 million as a bonus. The chairman of Fiat, Luca Cordero di Montezemolo has perceived, even by virtue of the office covered in Ferrari, € 5.17 million. We read in the draft budget of the Fiat. Vice President John Elkann went to 631 000 €.
The news is fresh and is reported at the time, only the newspaper Abruzzo washtimes . According to this newspaper there is a interception which has come into possession which proves beyond a reasonable doubt that "those who laughed earthquake Aquila " actually works in the city " denying "Gianni Letta blatantly that all ' ANSA says" outraged "that" none of those people, none of those companies has ever been to the Eagle nor did it have to work a € in the first round and neither will the second . And Bertolaso \u200b\u200b Is now even 'victim'.
So to Aquilani who have experienced these days in the name of "we do not laugh " adds a further insult because he who "laughed " already working and derive profit from the earthquake in L'Aquila, pace of Who in the government 'outraged' was quick to say the contrary perhaps to 'take' the good city. Now the Attorney
Aquila asks the procurement records of the investigation (see REUTERS ) and wants to see clearly.
By tapping becomes difficult and arduous continue to 'lie' without ridicule. If there were, this would not have been possible. We do not just have to see the next developments in the investigation and whether newspapers and other media publish this news. Raffaele B.
In this movie the director is interviewed REPUBLIC RADIOTV de washtimes which confirms and adds detail to this part of the story. kobrakhan74 February 17, 2010 Who laughed earthquake works in L'Aquila The daily revelations of the Centre which contradict the statements of Gianni Letta. The commentary by director Louis Close. Tiziana Testa leads
ANSA Gianni Letta: speculators have never set foot in L'Aquila February 12, 15:48
L'AQUILA - "We all felt a thrill of horror" than "those nasty people who were to gain something on the misfortune of Aquila. None of those people, none of those companies has ever been to the ' Aquila has not had a euro in the first phase of work and neither will the second. " Said Secretary to the Prime Minister Gianni Letta, at the innovation prize of Finmeccanica in L'Aquila, adding that "thanks to careful management of Guido Bertolaso.
REUTERS PERUGIA (Reuters) - The chief prosecutor of the Eagle , Alfred Ross, asked the Florentine magistrates to have access to records of the investigation on so-called "big events", including the G8, the Magdalene, in order to verify the existence of cases of mafia infiltration in the procurement ... CONTINUE
washtimes G8, the investigation of the earthquake earthquake Who laughed works Aquila
Those who laughed, the night of the earthquake, central Italy there have been and we have worked. The investigation of the wiretapping G8 emerge that contradict the statements of Gianni Letta. Piscicelli entrepreneurs and other suspects involved in the reconstruction. The Tuscan Btp lands in the city by Frederick II of the consortium Barattelli, Marinelli and Vittorini interception "Won the first contract, the others soon. Ferie Aquila" ( All ' next article or web )
Enrico Nardi (17 February 2010)
L'AQUILA . They laughed and they worked, realized their dream. "Here we can seize 'what we want." "Here there is to do for 10 years." The intercepts reveal that entrepreneurs not only have rice-jackals in the bed, the night of the earthquake, but they have also achieved the objective of taking money, public and private, from the big pie of the business of reconstruction in Abruzzo. The rally Gianni Letta ("None of those people and businesses has ever been in L'Aquila and have not had and will have a € ') is 5 days ago. But it seems far away. WORK. Jackals at work in the crater, despite what Letta called "the prudent management of Bertolaso. Francesco Maria De Vito Piscicelli, a contractor who would have laughed the night talking to the brother of the earthquake Pierfrancesco Gagliardi thinking of that business would have been achieved, three days after the earthquake things worse when he says that's already been asked for "six excavators and twenty truck. " The interception is included in the investigation of Florence on large contracts where Piscicelli is investigated. FEDERICO II. Named after the legendary founder of the city, the consortium through which the Tuscan BTP (Baldassini-Tognozzi-Pontello), whose leaders are under investigation for alleged relationships with the coordinator for the PDL Denis Verdini, for which we assume corruption has taken root in the city. The giant building, among the top 10 in Italy, married the Barattelli (Hector and Charles), Historic Aquila manufacturers, and enterprises Emidio Vittorini, Marinelli and Equizi. Names, these strangers in the investigation of Florence. Vittorini and Marinelli are known for their commitment nell'Aquila rugby. Baptism of the "Federico II" May 15. A month and 9 days after the disaster created a consortium that 'not for profit "even if it consists of corporations, and aims" to promote the integration and aggregation of those associates. " Beyond the purpose, the consortium will take public and duties of private persons. "As you can imagine," says the prosecutor, "the earthquake has temporarily moved to the interests of those involved, all well aware that an earthquake could result in orders for construction and, therefore, profits." The consortium would have pocketed, so far, about 12 million in the first phase of reconstruction. He worked on the construction of temporary school modules, the restoration of some of the barracks housing Pasquali be allocated to displaced persons to put in security (€ 700 thousand) and the recovery of works of art (578mila €) at the headquarters of the Directorate-General of the Cassa di savings of the Province of A eagle, in Corso Vittorio Emanuele Branconi-building and flour, property of the bank, and already home to represent the Region. Barattelli is also a member of the Board of Directors of Carispaq who confirmed that he had entrusted the work. Casale Di Nardo EI. The other track, disturbing, is investigating the relationships between businesses, public officials and members of the Casalesi clan. In a survey of the official ministerial Ros Antonio Di Nardo, born in Giugliano (Napoli) but living in Mentone (Roma) is described as "in relations" with members of the Camorra. Di Nardo, Public Works from the superintendency with expertise in Lazio and Abruzzo, would be activated with Piscicelli to "participate in the bidding." SCHOOL OF 7 MILLION . Middle School Carducci, temporary headquarters at Tower. Contract to be 7.3 million, the highest figure among those targeted at Musp. The contract was awarded by a joint venture of CMP-BTP-Vittorini Emidio buildings. Lot 12, awarded July 22. That same evening, the director of technical adviser to the consortium Federico II, Liborio Fracassi, Marsicano Avezzano, 62, writes a text message to Richard Wayne of the BTP. "Won the first contract. It is the first, the others soon. Holidays in L'Aquila. "
*** *** The intercept washtimes " Won the first contract, the others soon. Holiday Eagle " (February 17, 2010) calls between local contacts and companies involved:" A lot of stuff " L'AQUILA . "Prime contract ok, leave L'Aquila." The laughs continue via SMS, where the farmer Abruzzo announced its corresponding Tuscan, yes, the first flag was placed. And now the others will follow. So much so that the holidays will touch pass to L'Aquila. These are the contents of some wiretaps included in the proceedings of the prosecutor of Florence in the investigation on corruption and procurement. Entrepreneurs and public officials speak constantly of the Abruzzo earthquake and its opportunities. "SEI EXCAVATORS. The entrepreneur Francesco De Vito Piscicelli talks with his cousin Pierre Gagliardi. The call is on April 9. Gagliardi: "Look here ... 'but ... you want to do ... a nice ... a bell 'contract on Lake Garda ... 7 million ... or is it too far ... is a pain in the a. .. " Piscicelli "... No. .. never mind ... mò there is the earthquake to follow ... " G.: " ... Yeah, right, the focus is there ... " P.: " ... Got it? " G.: "... Because there start at two thousand per hour now ..." P.: "... But I have already called to me ..." G.: "... but really? P.: " ... Yes, next week I have to give six excavators ... twenty trucks ... " G.: " Li ... you have to give ...?» P.: "Yes ... .." G.: "... so ..." P.: " Yes ... it works well in emergencies ... everything in the economy ... " G.: " ... Ah ... from them to him and then after you in economy ... ie tot hours a day ... tot ' P.: "Yes ... .. yes, yes ..." G.: "... Ah ... " P.: " ... This is for emergencies ... " G.: " ... Um, um ... some there now there are pig meat from there ... " P.: " Eh ... there's to be rebuilt ten years ...». Di Nardo. On 16 April, the ministry official Antonio Di Nardo Piscicelli inform the contractor that a meeting with Denis Verdini coordinator PDL can be organized at the club hunting in Piazza Fontanella Borghese in Rome to stay safe from prying eyes. Di Nardo: "Look ... I think Tuesday we encounter ... one with Denis ... But with this go to the club or not ... you say that? ... does not want people who see ...». Piscicelli: "Then we go to the club ... three of us. " SMS: LEAVE eagle. This intercept sms that Liborio Fracassi, Avezzano, technical director of the consortium, "Federico II", July 22, 2009 to send 'suspect Riccardo Fusi Btp President of Tuscany, "We won the first contract: a school for 7.3 million to be delivered turnkey September 10. It is the first, the others soon. Holidays in L'Aquila. "" THERE YOU KNOW. " Among politicians, there is also in contact with Wayne Riccardo Nencini, President of the Regional Council of Tuscany, who after a visit to L'Aquila, July 16, in which delivery € 500 thousand of its region to Gianni Chiodi, phone calls to the contractor. Nencini: "Play nice ... I'm coming out now from L' I talked to you ... but there you are known ...». Fusi "I know those others, however, Murano, you know ... yes. yes ... but if you put your hands you is better. " Nencini suggests that strive to promote a meeting. "Lot of stuff." Here are the contents of a conversation between Liborio Fracassi (Consortium Federico II) and the ego mprenditore Tuscan Richard Fusi considered, along with Piscicelli and Vincenzo Di Nardo , among the "favorites" of the National Coordinator PDL Denis Verdini. They discuss the work and in particular in L'Aquila Carispaq properties. Fusi "Excuse me, we have seen with that person in Vasto?. Fracassi: "Yes, I went, I met him, I felt, but was busy with the elections and I called." Fusi "Okay, but there how are you?". Fracassi: "Well, well I say no well, very well. " Fusi "Oh." Fracassi: "Yeah, I told you. The engineer Marchetti has signed the authorization. " Fusi "Eh." Fracassi, "We are already preparing all budgets now with the bank. So we have prepared a little 'more ... Next Friday the board gives us the way to do both the work inside the palace Branconio that is put into preservation of the monuments inside that building all the frescoes, all decorations ... then all the scaffolding is the building of the bank is Branconio the palace. " Fusi "The loss, the voice goes away." Fracassi: "However, there is so much stuff. We are doing a lot of stuff. " Fusi "Bravo."
Invitation to follow TG3 video below on the "Choc Interception" to provide a complete picture, in my opinion, the whole affair so far on the scandal concerning the Civil Defence . The service from space to all voices including those of the investigated.
So far, no one can know whether he is guilty Bertolaso, indeed I hope for him that is not. But we can not accept the system of corruption, procurement, benefits that revolves around him. Then there are two or knew it and then conniving or did not know and then it is an inability who did not realize what was happening under his nose. The total subjugation of a public institution to private interests of a few! But we see the video. TG3 *** *** Video Giustizia168
February 13, 2010 INTERCEPTIONS CHOC - INVESTIGATION CIVIL PROTECTION - BERTOLASO work for the G8 summit in La Maddalena total cost € 600,000,000 in the face of the crisis .. See by 4:02
Bertolaso \u200b\u200bsaid: "I have not betrayed Italians, die to prove it." Then what awaits Bertolaso \u200b\u200bto "prove "defending in process and not by process as Berlusconi is attacking the judges saying" who should be ashamed. "Why should they? Judges do their "work". Then this magistrate Robert Wolf the prosecution of Florence is the same one that had "acquitted" on Mediaset Lodo Mondadori, and the Knight can not say that this is another red gown politicized that the "discrimination".
The only way to do that is Bertolaso \u200b\u200bhas meanwhile 'resign' and then 'defend' in the process as an ordinary citizen. With the irrevocable resignation he would return to the institution of Civil Defence represented by its high reputation from the many tasks and good people and volunteers who work with great seriousness and sense of responsibility. If
Bertolaso \u200b\u200bthe contrary it does not, and following the suggestions of the Knight of the majority, from compact to defend justice as if it were above the law (see Berlusconi) 'defending' on TV and in newspapers, then not good worthless and the 'solemn phrases' and 'new promise' to repair certain errors, to cast doubts over him and the entire institution operates, remember, outside of all the rules and controls, then with a enormous power!
accusations, wiretapping, the whole framework of evidence and clues and the first admissions of Bertolaso \u200b\u200b" not directly involved in the contracts "and that" has put trust in people who did not deserve "puts him in a very difficult position because then what you have to look after? Especially now that the government is preparing to transform the Civil Defense in a spa What serious that even the majority begins to take its distance.
Finally, a rarity: affects the 'denial farce' on laughter Piscicelli appeared on ' ANSA . A denial that does not disprove anything, rather confirms! Raffaele B.
ANSA Piscicelli apologizes: I did not laugh on the earthquake (LA FARCE THAT DENIAL IS NOT refuted) February 13, 11:11 ROME - "Do not laugh, I vabbuo just said. " He defends well Piscicelli Francesco Maria De Vito, an entrepreneur trapped on the phone while talking business right after the earthquake Aquila. In some interviews with the newspaper says the entrepreneur who was the brother in law to pronounce the sentence "I laughed at half past three in the bed", referring to the earthquake and that he was "horrified". "That man - he says - is the metastasis of my life. The police must have messed up. "" My conscience is fine, "meanwhile, reiterated the Civil Protection chief Guido Bertolaso, suspect in the investigation that led to jail the prime minister of Public Works Angelo Balducci, Mauro Della Giovampaola, l ' Anemone Diego businessman and Fabio De Santis. Bertolaso \u200b\u200bFor if there was a mistake is to "over-confidence" and not "being able to control everything."
COMMENTS TV - REPUBLIC Case Bertolaso, Ezio Mauro's commentary of 12 February 2010 The Director of the Republic on the scandal that hit the Protection Civil: "We can not settle with the promise"
Corriere della sera contracts, money, parties and massages. The case Bertolaso \u200b\u200bbetween certainty and doubt Di Lorenzo Salvia 13 February 2010
THE REPUBLIC fragile defense of the Boss who knew all of Giuseppe d'Avanzo of February 13, 2010
found the media to call this bill 'quick process' is in itself significant of the understanding 'Misleading' of their proponents. To believe that we should make a law to shorten the process because their duration is too long and too obvious for its rhetoric-media cause and effect which could only 'trick' the most naive and uninformed. These unfortunately in Italy are many and mostly only inform each with its own TV RAI-Mediaset controlled by the party that wants more and suggests this law.
Who would not want to speed up the process and make it faster? It is clear that here you are playing with the rhetoric just to 'steal' a consensus against the judges and the judiciary as a whole. In reality there is no law that would reduce the length of proceedings if there is not on factors that increase the times. In fact, the bill on the so-called 'process quick' fixes only the maximum time defined, beyond which the process is 'deleted' in total 'damage' of the 'victims'. Available 'unknown' in other legal systems.
If we were to do another apt analogy of the Ferrari engine in the 500, it could be absurd to say that a train would 'deleted' if it were to arrive late at its destination (for the benefit of rail) instead of 'compensation 'passengers 'Victims' of the late .
staffing of the judiciary, media information, financing and finally an extensive simplification of laws and procedures to equip our judicial system a level of European quality, a single item, a single euro. The same
Knight and other best-defendants of all colors, with their lawyers, have often resorted to delays and rejections of all laws and procedures that allow you guarantee too, extending the duration of some of their processes.
would be like if you asked the judges to act quickly and the Bar Association of dragging their feet hoping to get to the prescription of crime. What, then, if not the usual law ad personam? It is not over! It is also another train leaving-law of the notorious ' legitimate impediment ' if does not get through this for constitutional reasons. In short, the usual old story!
No wonder we are 156 th place in the ranking of countries after 181 Angola, Gabon , Guinea and Sao Tome as stated by the first president of the Supreme Court , Vincenzo Carbone . Raffaele B. cioccolatoevaniglia January 28, 2010 L'Aquila, relatives of victims against the process No quick the process short, not to those who want to put at risk the collapse of the proceedings on April 6, 2009, that the concept expressed by the families of victims of the student's home who demonstrated outside the theater where he held the Eagle opening ceremony of the criminal justice Union rooms. The lawyers, arrived in the capital of Abruzzo, have expressed solidarity with the demonstrators and joined in the criticism of the process shortly. criminal lawyers, asking for an urgent reform of the judiciary, have also branded the mouth of the president of the Criminal Chambers Oreste Dominioni as political protest that the ANM has decided to stage the opening of the judicial year at the presentation of Minister Alfano.
NOTIZIE.VIRGILIO Justice / Court Bologna process short, Ferrari engine in a 500 "This flaunting both the electronic process and lack the computer " 30/01/2010
All "would be delighted" if one could reduce the time of Italian justice, but "between saying and doing ... we are half of obstacles insurmountable." To the President of the Court of Appeal of Bologna, Giuliano Lucentini, insist the idea of \u200b\u200b"short trial" is like "putting a Ferrari engine in a sixteenth century: no need to make travel faster."
During the opening ceremony of the judicial year in Bologna, President of the Court of Appeal has listed the "inconvenience" for the judges and forced to work, causing delays of justice. Increase the "civil affairs" and still remain vacant posts of judges, provided to other territories. But what hurts more the system is the "lack of material means:" To give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe situation - says Lucentini - I am led to seek a banking foundation for the computer because the existing ones, however old and ill working, not enough for everyone.
I became an expert on best practices, or the art of getting by. It is flaunting both the electronic process, no more cards, all with the web. It lacks the computer. " "Alfano few weeks ago on a visit to the Court - said the president - said he knew of the situation: 'I could not believe that if you are happy, because it would reduce the means of protest, but budgetary resources do not permit '. Too bad the public policy in this debate is not the face. "
In another passage Lucentini focused on the bill of 'quick process.'" Such an institution - he explained - which was not known by any other law or European Low Common, would, if dropped in the current judicial system, the forfeiture of a large number of processes, the effect for preventing the pursuit of what is the primary purpose of any criminal trial, ie assessing the merits of ' cases of impeachment. "
In essence, the President of the Court of Bologna," putting a Ferrari engine in a sixteenth century does not do it travel faster. This enthusiasm seems largely misplaced. "Aside from certain provisions while good, does not seem that the rule" can make the whole decisive benefits: the numerous provisions that reduce the time required for completion of process, would benefit very little - just appearance - given the long delays that the courts, burdened with heavy workloads, are usually forced to do. "
Getting Started" should be a reconsideration of organic plants for judges and administrative staff of almost all judicial offices. "Del" collapse "of the offices was also the new attorney general Bologna , Emilio Ledonne: "In these conditions, discuss in the abstract standard of productivity is unrealistic," and you can not "hide" the real situation "with the fable of the lazy judges." "We can not always live emergency and can not wait for the attacks on courthouses for the increase in organic plant of the judiciary. Consider now a special plan for justice."