Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Free Rgestry And Cods


Everywhere, as often happens, comes the Church with Cardinal Bagnasco to lend a hand to Berlusconi in difficulty entering heavily into the political arena and encouraging Catholics to vote for who is against abortion and those who defend life. This is clearly an intrusion of a political nature to say basically not to vote for in Bonino Bresso Lazio and Piedmont, the two key regions of the elections. What

centrate regional elections with ethical issues like abortion?! And as if in a debate condominium you wish to solve the problems of unemployment. At regional level, we must talk about infrastructure, health, employment etc.

But Cardinal Bagnasco, also calls not to vote for those that do not promote the value of family and the integration of immigrants, work etc.. In short, the award-divorced Berlusconi, the 'escort' and now curing the cancer just wrong and not even all of its majority, particularly on the issue of immigrants and work, etc..

Then the cardinal, in the rush to benefit the center, commits a glaring light entering deep contradiction, or puts the abortion issue first. But in the last article on the Corriere della sera bishops 'holding back' the concept stating that although it is not the first anti-abortion social issues! A last-gasp attempt to recover the Church's credibility in the eyes of those Catholics who speaks and who think with their head. Read the full text of the letter Bagnasco .

The question then of pedophilia and the responsibility of the Church (not only of pedophile priests) read "Journey into Silence " by doublethink, we will return to part with another appropriate service. Meanwhile, even here the smart Berlusconi (escort of age) took the ball to ingratiate himself with the Vatican! Read ' Pedophilia: premier, solidarity with the Pope ' from ' ANSA. What message would then receive

Catholics who wish to follow the directions of the church? A message 'contrary' to the extent that these would seem that the only solution may be, at best to abstain, then do not vote for an irresponsible and at worst vote for Berlusconi's associates, people that Christians have only a caricature and instrumental!

Also just to clarify, no one can be pro-abortion and against the defense of life. On this there can be no misunderstandings. The question instead concerns the Law No. 194 of May 22, 1978 abortion, which, remember, is the law of our state and Italian that is in force now for 32 years.

This law was made to stem the illegal abortion has always existed in secret for centuries and that 'reaped' many victims among mothers and unborn children (the poor). I resorted to so-called rich 'Golden spoon' or went abroad and had all the necessary assistance to the sound of millions. The poor or those who could not afford it resorted to the risky 'midwives' to the lack of health resources. This is the point. The mere existence of the law prohibiting abortion do not stop this plague (for centuries), indeed, created a disparity between the census.

After so many years you can take stock: the Law 194 abortions actually decreased by 80% and if you were more prevention and sex education would be reduced again.

In the third world, the situation is even worse because we did not like the 194 and because they lack adequate sanitation for all means. In more if you do everything to prevent the use of contraception is by law or by the prohibitive prices for their damage is even greater.

Why insist on this issue yet? Instead of making more operational the 194 to further reduce abortions instead you want to delete the law and will inevitably return to clandestine abortion in the past. What the concept of defense of life and abortion is not it?

Italian Catholics are against abortion illegal and have tried it with the approval of Law 194, the majority of whom are women, the main subjects of this suffering and therefore, the only owners the choice whether to abort or not (the RU486 ) is part of the same concept. Women (Catholic or not) who wish to observe the precepts of the Church simply does not require an abortion. The law does not oblige them to do so! The law only allows women to choose abortion does not oblige!

The state eventually be limited to providing assistance to save the women. There is also assisting the prevention and sex education. Not always, however, the law 194 is applied to 100% just because of many operators 'objectors' in many areas of the country are refusing to provide assistance.
Raffaele B.

Cei: Bonino, with less than 194 law abortions
The candidate, I expected 80% but the Italians have confirmed

ANSA) - ROMA, 23 MAR - Bonino expected criticism of the CEI, 'at each election and' case. But 'Law 194 abortions has decreased,' he says. '80% of Italians and' illegal abortion '. If you did more than' prevention 'would fall again', 'Italian women know how painful abortion ', nobody in Italy wants to' return to midwives and spoons of gold '. Ms. Bonino is not the problem if you move the CEI rating: '80% of Italians upheld the law I guess is a Catholic'.

Il Corriere della Sera
No to abortion, the explanation of the bishops

"It is not worth more than others"
"The Church does not consider the values \u200b\u200bof bioethics more important than social '

March 23, 2010 VATICAN CITY - The Church is against abortion, but does not consider values \u200b\u200bof bioethics more important than the social. This is the heart of a document drawn up by the eight bishops of Liguria in view of the region, which has as its first signatory Angelo Bagnasco, and that was circulated by the Italian Bishops' Conference. Observations on the "no abortion" in the document sound like a clarification with respect to the claims Monday by Bagnasco. The cardinal had in fact indicated the defense of life, also from the "unfathomable crime 'of abortion, as a value" not negotiable "on which to base their electoral choices. The document part of the Ligurian bishops but by an appeal to the reconciliation of souls, in view of the appointment of regional authorities to argue that respect for human life and marriage between man and woman, but also the right to work and home, the integration of immigrants are all "values \u200b\u200bwhich can not be selected according to personal preference, but must be taken in their entirety." "In this regard - the report said of the bishops of Liguria - the rule of thumb for a wise discernment between different representations is the commitment and planning clearly made, to ensure full respect for those values \u200b\u200bthat express the basic needs of the human person and his dignity, values \u200b\u200bwhich are the condition and foundation of a truly inclusive society "... CONTINUE

Il Corriere della Sera
Bishops: "The vote is anti-abortion" March 22, 2010

VATICAN CITY - The defense of human life, primarily from the "unfathomable crime 'of abortion in all its forms, is values \u200b\u200bof a 'non-negotiable "by which Catholics must vote in the upcoming regional. It is as stated, in summary, President of the CEI, card. Angelo Bagnasco, opening the work of the Permanent Council of Bishops, the "Parlamentino" of the Italian bishops (see it was given full ). The candidate of the center to the Lazio Regional, Emma Bonino, he replied that it is "an evergreen. I do not think there is nothing new, are the usual things. "

non-negotiable values \u200b\u200b- values \u200b\u200b'not negotiable', listed the archbishop of Genoa, are "the dignity of the human person, unbounded any conditioning, the sacredness of life from conception until natural death; freedom of religion and freedom education; the family based on marriage between a man and a woman. " On this basis, he explained, "are implanted and are guaranteed other essential values \u200b\u200bsuch as the right to work and home, freedom of enterprise for the common good, the reception of immigrants, in compliance with the law and to encourage ' integration, respect for creation, freedom from crime, particularly organized. "

ABORTION, "PROGRESSIVE catastrophe '- his harsh words against abortion, described as" a massacre progressive, "you want to make" invisible "through the use of pills to take home. "What will it take again - we have asked the president of the CEI - to acknowledge that without the foundational principle of the inviolable dignity of every human life while starting every slip becomes a hand? "In this context, inevitably full of meaning, it will be good - has been continued - that citizenship shooting with great care each verification election, whether national or local and then regional. " "The event of the vote - he said - an important qualitative fact that under no circumstances agree to neglect."

ON PATROL: A TRANSPARENT, BUT NO GOODWILL - Cardinal Bagnasco has also addressed the recent pedophilia scandals. The Church has learned from Benedict XVI to speak out or cover up the truth, "even when it is painful and ugly ',' that did not mean to suffer, if any, strategies generalized disrepute," said the president of the CEI, card. Angelo Bagnasco, in the opening speech of the Permanent Council of Bishops, the "Parlamentino 'of the Italian bishops. The cardinal also expressed to the Pope the "closeness" of the Italian Episcopate, "the more, somewhere, you try to touch her clear and lovely person, the more the people of God to see him moved and proud."

" NOT PUT IN DEBATE CELIBACY '-' no tragic case" can obscure "the Beauty of the priestly ministry, said the cardinal. "I question the celibacy that warms the heart and inspires my life," he added. "I never feel abandoned or regarded with suspicion, and - Bagnasco said turning to the men of the Church - do not be discouraged, be calm knowing that our communities have confidence in you and your side with the eyes of faith and the demands of evangelical '. The priest - has articulated - is not "an inconvenience, or an unbalanced, although today's cultural climate does not facilitate the harmonious growth of neither. The priest is a man who, not only in the seminary, cultivate their own humanity in the fire of the love of Jesus. "


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