Monday, December 7, 2009

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To 'Refute' the accusations of Spatuzza regretted his involvement and that of Dell'Utri with the Mafia, the Knights 'is attributed to' the substance of the great waves of arrests of Mafia fugitives so far suggests that, as it 'should' know all, shall be made exclusively by the judiciary and police.
December 6, 2009

The latter even 'penalized' by severe cuts in funding from its own government. For pm instead of magistrates is not a mystery that is very 'hated' by Berlusconi especially when sending alerts to guarantee that invited him to appear in court to stand trial. Incredibly, instead

Berlusconi as prime minister 'steal' them on the results achieved to date despite the 'problems' they face every day often without overtime pay or reimbursement for gasoline.

The chutzpah knows no bounds because of the President while trying to clear you shocked by allegations of mafia with the theft of merit 'mafia', the same Dell'Utri and Piero Longo (PDL) propose the revision of the offense introduced by John Falcone on 'collusion with the Mafia and Renato Farina (neo deputy PDL) of' imprisonment the 41a 'reserved for Mafia, considered by him as a form of torture! ITS THE THINGS YOU WANT THE MAFIA!
Read '
Cosa Nostra and their things, a letter from Palermo ' Blog of the daily show .

With this 'play' media Berlusconi 'trying' to escape once more to the Justice, this time in a 'shameless' relying on his usual means of communication and the lack of' memory 'and' knowledge 'citizens' but' revelation 'HIS BAD FAITH, against his will.
Raffaele B.

Arrests bandied about, and caricatures of the godfathers of criminals
Saverio Lodato
December 7, 2009
try to make a play. What was the government when in office, January 15, 1993, Toto Riina was arrested? The Amato government. What was the government in power when, on April 11, 2006, Bernardo Provenzano was arrested? It is difficult to answer: 8 and April 10 general elections had taken place, and the arrest of The Godfather, government speaking, was considered an "orphan", as the ballot boxes had been opened that day.

What was the government when in office, May 20, 1996, was arrested Giovanni Brusca? For two days, the Prodi government, and Giorgio Napolitano was interior minister. What 'the government was in office when he was arrested, February 20, 1986, Michele Greek? Craxi's government. What was the government, 14 May 1974, when he was arrested Luciano Liggio? The government Rumor. What was the government in power when he was arrested on 8 April 1984, Gaetano Badalamenti? Another government Craxi.Quali Italian governments who were arrested Vito Cascio Ferro was arrested, if the accounts are accurate, 69 times? Many. And, at least once, the government arrested him Mussolini.
should be enough. Maroni and Berlusconi's statements, following the arrests of Raccuglia, niches and engaged, the last boss, in order of time, end up in handcuffs, are proof of that: the politicians of the PDL are amazed at themselves and not believe their eyes. Wave the flag stops. Li contrast to the people protesting in Piazza San Giovanni. We emphasize the limit of ridicule, as a criminal caliber of the characters in question. So consider the state something of their own, personal, family, let it imply that if only they had wanted, the arrests were never there. It is difficult to give you calm down. So much so that we have not heard to say a word of praise for judges, police officers and police that those arrests really make them, and - fortunately for the Italian-survivors of all governments, including that of Berlusconi and Maroni. As, indeed, the political mafia, who never have got away with as this government.

Excellent arrests, the day after the robes "enemy" As Antonio Ingroia
December 6, 2009

The deputy prosecutor of Palermo, Antonio Ingroia said the arrests of the two super-fugitive Cosa Nostra and Gaetano Gianni Nicchi Boyfriends. "Despite the operational difficulties encountered due to the shortage of means and funds," he said, "These arrests are an important result for the substance of police and prosecutors in Palermo and Milan."

Ingroia is not well received in government circles. It occupies the top of the blacklist, because the charge a suspect diligence in legal matters involving Silvio Berlusconi. One consideration that has been borne out by investigations into the massacres of '92 and '93, the so-called treaty-mafia state, and the revelations of Massimo Ciancimino Gaspare Spatuzza.

E 'Ingroia working on the investigations he and his colleagues in Palermo, Caltanissetta, Milan and Florence. Used to being held up as an enemy, and enlisted in the red robes and subversives, must have lived with varying moods the day after the capture of niches and engaged.

go is very suspicious and handling day to day and at the conclusion of a survey completed successfully, in some way be "robbed" - as the magistrate - The success achieved with the police and colleagues. Ingroia is clear evidence of schizophrenia government, what he describes as a coup when the robes "disturb" the handle and allows you to give unprecedented successes in the fight against mafia executive.

According to the considerations of policy - the leaders of the governing majority in the front row - the arrest of the two bosses in Palermo and Milan would be the best response to the ravings of Gaspare Spatuzza. If so, however, as magistrates Ingroia - directly or indirectly - would have given themselves the denial to the "ravings" collected and considered reliable (from Prosecutor Florence).

The stalking, interception, investigation that led Nicchi and boyfriend in the nation's prisons do not have all the ministers involved and the equipment of politics, but officers, detectives, judges. All people who had no interest to deny and disprove because of the collaboration of Spatuzza has used to try to reconstruct the terrible season stragista the Sicilian Mafia. It 'hard to give credit to those who investigates when it was under investigation, but this is required, at least, to those who represent the institutions, if you have confidence in justice. A trust that can not be disposed of, and rekindled as the button electricity.

The arrests of niches and girlfriends are the answer to Spatuzza, according to the government. But is not the case, why
December 6, 2009

The Berlusconi government will be remembered as the executive who headed the Mafia. "The last spot spokesman PDL Capezzone deserves to be carved on the marble for future reference.

"Presto-Capezzone-ensures you will arrive at the final defeat of this and other criminal organizations. Anyone who has intellectual honesty should recognize the government's strong political impetus to this struggle. The rest is infamy, slander, with the sole purpose of hurting the international image of the country. And whoever is appended to these poisons should know that will dramatically isolated than the vast majority of citizens and of public opinion "

The history of the mafia Capezzone do not know, the art of communication stumbles el'imbonimento ignorance. Not it's time. Those who work to clean up the country by organized crime knows what stuff is made like the octopus and its tentacles reappear with astonishing speed. The story should advise caution and restraint, but overrides the need to "bury" the rest, Spatuzza, Ciancimino and company.

The government inflates the chest on the front the fight against organized crime, following the arrest of Mafia boss Giovanni Gaetano Nicchi and boyfriends. And he has good reason, as long as its cure schizophrenia against judges - subversives weekdays and transparencies certain enemies of the mafia at the weekend. The judges do their job better or less well, but should not be judged by the rulers according to convenience. If the head of government has accused the robes are enemies to defeat, the subversives to be destroyed, if they are successful with their investigations into the head of the government "has", it attaches the results of their work.

Ignazio La Russa, Minister of Defence, said the capture of niches and boyfriends, apologizing for not having permit these gentlemen to participate in the "No B Day, sponsored by Internet users. He joked, but to a certain point. If the square of the Roman boys do not like the minister, does not mean that it is made of "picciotti" mafia. And he, who is from Sicily, should know what they are made of the "men of honor."

education in respect of opponents, however, does not learn well into old age. Or has it or there's nothing to do, unfortunately. The interior minister, Maroni, justifiably pleased with the two arrests excellent, could not help but allude to the "ravings" of Spatuzza that with the arrest of Nicci Boyfriends and has nothing to do. Spatuzza may have lied or said something true, the court will decide, and above all will be decided by evidence that the police and magistrates have been able to find. The "answer" to the "ravings" of Spatuzza is the absence of evidence, verification, evidence, evidence and testimony, not the handcuffs to the two bosses. Dell'Utri claims that the mob wants to topple the government because the government is wrong. If so it means that expectations had been created.


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