Tuesday, November 24, 2009

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With the "short trial", after the annulment of the award Alfano, we are the nth attempt to 'save' the President of the Council by the 'process' that concern him. Berlusconi to count only their economic interests and impunity (or immunity that is the same) from justice. He has not done so far 17 more to stand trial and to have economic benefits for its companies. The 18th Law 'quick process' still in progress, has the same purpose. Read Here are the laws that have helped Berlusconi below.

The rest, that the country does not respect much. To do this, all bending to his will, his own government, parliament and is willing to 'sacrifice' many processes in order to save himself. Read
Anm, the reform process requires 50% . Here he is with this short movie:
November 22, 2009
Prescription short, here are the processes risk
Parmalat, Cirio, Santa Rita, Antonveneta, Thyssen and others: in particular, the cases against white collar workers are likely to jump if the proposed rules from the PDL process were quick to ... Parmalat, Cirio, Santa Rita, Antonveneta, Thyssen and others: in particular, the cases against white collar workers are likely to jump if the proposed rules from the PDL on the process were to become law soon.

Instead of removing the obstacles to rapid processes you want to 'impose' a shorter deadline for overturning. It is now clear even to his 'supporters' that the prime minister has definitely accelerated the course of action imposed on his government and his most purely 'personal'.

not pursue any political line of right or center, but a simple action 'devastating' laws decrees of shots to get only 'economic benefits' and 'impunity' a 'detriment' of the whole country. In short, he acts as head of a company that 'orders' to his employees (his majority) to approve 'its laws' without wasting time on 'useless threads' through the 'blackmail' of the 'vote of confidence' place now continuously . In turn, however, he is under 'blackmail' by the League to hold on to power. A situation 'unsustainable' for Democratic Institutions and no government can resist so long.

Without a coherent policy line that encompasses and reconciles the interests of the government in power is set to 'explode' in-house for 'push' all personal and particular that they will never 'convergence' between them. It has long been hard to hide the 'conflict' and what is required to 'minimize' they are becoming more frequent and for reasons not to be underestimated.

Even the 'threat' of government crisis to go for early elections would be for the Knight toothless because in that case, the 'decision' goes to the President of the Republic may appoint another in his place. The Knight in fact counting solely on the 'consent of the Voters' to 'get rid' of his allies' uncomfortable 'and' recalcitrant '.

In France, many decades ago, General De Gaulle was able to do it but despite the charisma and popularity was 'defeated' and also left the scene forever. I wonder if we have the same luck!
Raffaele B.

Anm, the reform process requires 50%
Alfano: a mistake, give the numbers. Berlusconi, Italians speak

November 23, 2009 (ANSA) - ROMA, 23 NOV - For the ANM with Bill short trial, 50% of the cases should be prescribed in Rome, Bologna, Turin. But Alfano, 'clear, so' da'numeri '. The minister criticized the estimate (for the ANM should be prescribed instead of 20-30% of jobs in Florence, Naples and Palermo), but the association maintained that the data'' belies the rosy forecasts of the minister who had spoken by 1%.''These retorts:''Anm is clear, do not play with words and numbers. He has been mistaken.''

Here are the laws that have helped Berlusconi
November 23, 2009

Here all the laws passed since 2001 by the governments of the center- that have produced beneficial effects for Berlusconi and his companies.

Law No. 1 367/2001. letters rogatory. Limits the usefulness of evidence obtained through letters rogatory. The new framework is intended to cover the movements on illegal Swiss bank accounts operated by Cesare Previti and Renato Squillante, at the heart of the "SME-Ariosto 1" (corruption in judicial acts).

Law No. 2 383/2001 (so-called "Tremonti bis") . Abolition of the tax on inheritances and gifts for large assets. (The Olive Tree government had abolished for estates up to 350 million pounds).

3 n.61/2001 Law (Corporate Law Reform) . Decriminalization of false accounting. The new discipline of false balance sheets allow Berlusconi to be acquitted because "the fact is no longer required by law as a crime" processes "All Iberian 2" and the "SME-Ariosto2.

4 Law 248/2002 ("Law Cirami on reasonable suspicion") . Introduced by the "legitimate suspicion" the impartiality of the judge, as the cause of rejection and transfer process ("In every stage and process of merit serious when local situations likely to affect the conduct of the trial and not otherwise disposed of prejudge the free determination of the people involved in the process or the safety or the safety public, or certain grounds for reasonable suspicion, the Court of Cassation, on a reasoned request of the Attorney General at the Court of Appeal or prosecutor who proceeds with the court or the accused, puts the process to another court "). The rule is systematically used by the lawyers of Berlusconi and Previti processes in which they are accused.

5 Decree-Law No. 282/2002 (so called "football-saving decree") . establishes a rule that allows clubs (including the Milan) to dilute the devaluation of the players on the budgets in a period of ten years, with important economic benefits in terms of taxation.

6 Law No. 289/2002 (2003 Budget) . Tax amnesty. A benefit of the amnesty "Tombstone" also companies of the group Mediaset.

7 Law n.140/2003 (so-called "Lodo Schifani) . It 's the first attempt to make Silvio Berlusconi immune. Introduces the prohibition of submission to process more of the five other offices of the state (presidents, the Constitutional Court, the Senate, the Chamber of the Council). The law is declared unconstitutional by the Court of See No 13 of 2004.

8 Decree-Law n.352/2003 (so-called "Decree-save Rete 4) . Introduces a rule to allow ad hoc network 4 to continue broadcasting in analog.

9 Law n.350/2003 (Budget 2004). Law 311/2004 (Finanziaria 2005) . In the rules on digital terrestrial television is introduced as an incentive to purchase state of the decoder. A prevalent form of the incentive benefit is the company Solari.com, the leading provider of digital decoders in Italy Amstrad such as "MHP". The company controlled 51 percent by Paolo Berlusconi and Alessia.

10 Law 112/2004 (so-called "Gasparri Law") . Reorganisation of the broadcasting and communications. Introduces the Integrated Communications. Write the head of state, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, "The integrated communications system (Sic) - hired by the law under review as the baseline to calculate the revenues of individual communications operators - could allow, because of its size, to those holding 20% \u200b\u200bof available communication tools to an extent to lead to the formation of dominant positions ".

11 Law n.308/2004. Extension of the building amnesty protected areas. In the wake of the building amnesty introduced by Decree Law No 269/2003, the new framework allows the protected zones between areas remitted. And then also to parts of the Villa Certosa owned by the Berlusconi family.

12 Law No. 251/2005 (so-called "ex Cirielli) . introduces a reduction of the limitation period. The rule allows the extinction by prescription of corruption in judicial acts and false accounting processes "Lodo Mondadori", "Lentini", "Mediaset TV rights."

Legislative Decree No 13 252, 2005 (Consolidated Supplementary Welfare) . In the wake of the pension reform, are part of the pension tax rules that encourage individual integrity, for the benefit of insurance companies also owned by the Berlusconi family.

14 Law 46/2006 ("Law Shee") . Introduces irrevocably by the public prosecutor for the only acquittals. The Constitutional Court declares it unconstitutional in part with the sentence no 26 2007.

15 Law n.124/2008 (so-called "Lodo Alfano") . Repeats the contents of 2lodo Schifani. Suspends the criminal trial for the highest offices of state. The new law is enacted just before the last hearing of the corruption trial lawyer British Davis Mills (witness corrupt), in which Berlusconi (corruptor) is co-defendant. Mills will be sentenced at first instance and on appeal to four years and six months in prison. The Look, Case No. 262 of 2009, hereby declares that Article. 1 of the Act for violation of Articles 3 and 138 of the Constitution.

16 Decree Law 185/2008 . Increased from 10 to 20 percent VAT on pay tv "Sky Italy, the main competitor of the private group Mediaset.

17 Increase from 10 to 20 percent of its share of action that any company can buy and hold portfolio . The provision was immediately used by Fininvest to increase control over Mediaset.

18 bill on the "short trial" . Clean record for the defendant, the process can not last more than six years (two years for degree and two years for the assessment of legitimacy). A transitional rule applies the new rules also the first-instance trials in progress. Berlusconi would benefit in trials for corruption in judicial and criminal lawyer David Mills company Mediaset in the sale of TV rights.